Blissful Wizard & Wedding Cake , lets see what they are about

Feed about 500 plus ppms

May need to dry out a bit

Light was weak moved her into a different light for now


I’ll take pics in a bit

What i have learned about Octopot’s:

25 % perlite mix works bets, 25-30 percent acceptable.
Pack first 2 handfuls of media mix tight into bottom of net pot, also tight pack on top of net pot
Looser pack rest of sleeve
Use all of the sleeve, 1-3 inch’s from top of sleeve works best to set “wet zones”
Transplant from well rooted Dixie Cups
Set water level a tiny bit above 1st notch when setting plants
Use “turbo” method with a touch less than 1/2 gallon down the shute.
Light level 400-500 par. Light wind movement
Do not refil Rez until sucked completely dry with guage on bottom 7-15 days , usually 10
2nd fill to mid level, 2nd notch do not fill to 3rd notch until flower
let pots go “dry” between fills. keeps soil from saturating, keeps roots going to the rez
very light feed as it is constant…think Chinese water torture, lol
Veg food all way through stretch then a flip to flower nutes
Keep caps on holes
use “rocket sleeves”
3 gallon rez’s suck unless for Mother, then cool
do not use stones to airate rez no airation is needed
rez will hold a good steady ph if nutes and water are close i do not ph at all
GOOD airflow needed if used in tents. Rez’s or multiple rez’s will increase humidity levels.
Sleeves will hold a weeks worth of water in veg, 2-3 days in heavy flower
Liquid nutes hold in suspension better than powdered ones do for me
Clean sleeves between runs


both like light power, 500 or so in veg, both HATE wet feet…let them go dry n light (before wilt) before watering. DO NOT cut Mac or top her until she is large and healthy. WC needs NO topping. Little LST she will bush out on her own. Mac wants to “pole” so she needs LST, just dont top her until maybe 2 foot tall or she will stunt.


Mac is growing nicely

WC I believe it’s wet feet she was fine till last night

Watered too soon should have let her dry out longer

Newer growth looks good

Her home


Shit…naw…on me…i topped her to fit in the container, should of just bent her.
She is in shock, she will be fine, let her be and dry out…LITFA . Little prima donna!


She never looked as if she was coming around like the Mac

responding very slowly

She’ll be fine


Blissful Wizard Tent 1 looking good


Wedding Cake



Looking Real Good!!! :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :100: :fire: :peace_symbol:


Tents look happy happy : )


Looking great my man! Great job


Thanks for the overview on octopus growing , Jetdro…your Blissful wizard is looking so good, those Octo’s are really pumping out the growth…gonna be good harvest


Everything here going pretty smoothly. Only one plant not so happy, others real happy.

Mom tent 100% automatic now, once per 10 days or so they will need me, other than that, they got it.

Frankenstein grows WELL!!! VERY happy plant, very vigirous, she will eventually get a run not too far out

Wedding Cake and Cereal Milk finally happy too!

Spitting Cobra needing an up pot

Grape Pie looking for the Rez

My creation, Lost Cake…i KNOW this look in the octo…if it is a female, gonna be something special , the one and only 1 day seed that made it. Taken from bud of plant when harvested, planted the same day . Threw done maybe 12, 5 came up. Couple damp’d off, couple were mutants, this one was “The One”…lol

Tent 2 rolling…all 4 have found the rez, all four happy and about to go vertical any day now. WILL be a good clean run on Mac & WC finally!

Mac 1 Cap’s Cut finally made her happy :sunglasses:

Wedding Cake finally happy too…gonna see what she can do this run for sure :sunglasses:

Blissful Wizard near done with her stretch , lets see if she will stack, looks like she will to me big time

Mac getting happy…lol

Wedding Cake…what can i say, she wont drink from rez, my hand watering working so so

The five outside appear to like the cool fresh air and the wind is doing them good , not gonna put in /Greenhouse, just let sit out on my patio. 400 lbs of German Shepherd’s will keep ANY strangers out , have no worries with them out there


The outside plants will be put in the full sun tomorrow, thye are all doing fine

The solo "Lost Cake " (Wedding Cake x OGAH) is looking terrific . Got into the octopot early, should thrive. Sure hope its a lady. Betting it is .

Put the carts i made up in fridge for a week or a bit more. Pulled one out yesterday, hit it ALL DAY LONG…lol…taste is really nice, buzz is great too. Does not hit as easy as the store onbe that i got, but it hits realy good with a 3-4 second pre heat before hitting it. Tastes of bubblegum and Dank.

Everything here is now in line. Im 100% caught up, Mom tent is now self sufficent, Tent 2 are all in the Rez, the plants for Tent 3 are looking for the rez now, wont be long, they will come out of Mother tent and into their own .

Space Monkey on the window sill is doing what Space Monkey 3 does…plant would grow on a concrete driveway i believe. Need to do a full tent of her, fill some big jars…

Anyone want a cut of her just let me know. She goes huge, yields out the ass , and is GG4 on steriods with better taste/smells.

Cool…100% caught up now…nothing is behind, nothing is lacking. IF i could convince WC to drink from their Rez’s, id be a very happy camper. NOT gonna water over top this week unless the DROOP…fuckers need to drink from below .


Everything is looking great!!! I sure miss my dogs. I love seeing yours in posts.


Plants are doing so good, I think they like you being able to spend more time with them, I was wondering if you tried using the BPP yet?


Bud buster pro ? No have not

Yeah they love me being home full time now and follow me everywhere which I don’t mind they never cause issues and don’t mess with the plants at all.


They have to see what I’m doing all the time .
I am never alone always have company no matter what I’m doing


Here is the link to it
@BudBusterPro rep visits frequently here, there are quite a few members here getting good results with it, from what I seen it is worth looking into


I have seen the thread

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