Blissful Wizard & Wedding Cake , lets see what they are about

Probably makes your life easier with him keeping everyone in line. Lol


So much so . I just tell Finn what I want expect , he makes the pack do it .

The other day paddle the pup ran off about 600 yards to go play with another dog I yelled and screamed he heard me but decided not to come back. I took the rest of them and went to the house we were outback in the woods by the park. When we got to the back gate here comes Paddles out from the park. I yelled at him bad boy bad boy as I did fin ran out to him pinned him on the ground and held him down for two or three minutes growling at him I think he got the point


Holy shit! That’s awesome!



The Grape Pie is looking awesome . Thanks for the seeds man !

Smoking 2 month cured Space Monkey 3 . Cured into delish bud , very very close now to taste of SM2 which is my favorite


So…really not sure wtf the issue was…but whatever it was, i have resolved it.

WC drinking from rez BIG TIME…turning GREEN too!!! :sunglasses:

Blissful Wizard is NOT going to dissapoint me. She is doing EXACTLY as i thought she would, stacking heavy . All 4 are dead ass even at canopy, all look exactly the same (what i aimed for) . She is packing on the Goo already, but only 80% of what Mac is doing. Mac cannot be touched at day 23 and is going white. She is HAPPY HAPPY now, and gonna actually produce this run .

The 4 in Tent 2 are 100 % in the Rez, drinking well from it, looking stellar. Gonna let them go BIG 'fore the flip, i didnt veg tent 1 long nuff for my liking. Didnt know their stretch. Mac goes 2x , BW goes 2.25X and WC goes 3.5 -4 X …if anyone (@Papalag @schmarmpit ) .wants to know.

Blissful gonna put on a show, think WC will too, MAC gonna be all that! Love the bud, NOW i got a handle on her and KNOW what she wants…like Bruce Buffer says…" IT’s TIME" , she gonna shine!

Blissful sucking 2 gallons a day…WC 1.5 a day now (GOOD GIRLS!!! BOUT DAMN TIME!!!) and the 4 in Tent 2 vegging are looking to be drink hog’s too. :sunglasses:

Gonna be a banner harvest 7 weeks from now. Thinking BW gonna go heavy!


Glad to hear hopefully more people get some growing . I’ve got 4/5 going but there still small and vegging away.

Hope the frost builds on them like the mom did.

Which pic is the grape pie? Kinda curious what there looking like.

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These 2 in Mother tent


Sure nice and healthy looking.


Super healthy and happy plants in training now with some LST


That’s a boomer tent. “kaboom” :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :100: :fire: :peace_symbol:


Went Into mom tent to get a pic

Dropped a heavy temp meter off the light onto , of course my only Lost Cake . Smashed it flat to pot and broke its neck in 2 spots

I swear


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tent 2 like day 25 or so

Hope everyonevis having a good evening !!!


…and people ask “what is a name”: Sorry to read that you have lost your lost cake, Jet, I can only hope your lost lost somehow becomes a gain. Those Grape Pie’s look nice and squat, though, very nice! And the second flower tent there looks GREAT! I hope you have a great day, bud.

Looks amazing bro great job as usual

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Didn’t lose it just broke its neck twice

Will be fine in a week


Oh, thank goodness! So, the double negative WAS a positive! You topped it AND got a clone :sweat_smile: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::v:


way to go jetdro 2 for the price of one… that is efficiency right there.:slightly_smiling_face:


More Lost Cake going in the gang

A solo Lost Cap making an appearance

WC now roots just fine

Shit rolln now :sunglasses:


Morning @ColeLennon