Blissful Wizard & Wedding Cake , lets see what they are about

All good here !!

No rain , all plant chores done , just messing around trying to get my dry room setup BEFORE HARVEST .

What u doing ??!


Muscle on Finn will show we do run daily
He is sound asleep and still jacked !!


It is all good, I did respond because I could feel the fluctuation in the force coming through your post, but no worries. I have friends who post their times and distances daily… sometimes more than once, so I am a believer


Comes off my tracker or just from ebike

We did 411 miles in December !!

Now I’m retired gonna get off the ebike and start running again myself . Not looking forward to it :see_no_evil:


How much does Finn weigh Jet. He looks jacked.


I wish I was in as good of shape as you. Last time I rode my bike, I made it about a half a mile and got really dizzy and had to lie down on a strangers grass for like 45 minutes to recover :sweat_smile: I am a potatoe


Finn weighs 102 , Carries no fat


I’m riding my ebike so not much workout for me to be honest


Wow he is big for a GSD. Being muscular probably makes him heavier too.


Yeah is is real big , reason is he is an F1 hybrid , lol , hybrid vigor .

Finn’s Dad was my last GSD, Tuck , amazing GSD , his mom is a Husky .

He has one blue and one brown eye .

That’s his dad as a pupster


Kind of some truth there. Crossing breeds tends to help eliminate some of the purebred parents common health problems.
Great looking dogs!


Note to self : set timers, tomorrow, the 11th , TENTS 2 and 3 set to flower :sunglasses:

2nd note to self>………DONT SMOKE WEDDING CAKE BEFORE making up the nute cans, your dumb ass put veg in the flower ladies and flower in the veg ladies….doh……dont do it again Ace !

Just finished ordering all the stuff I need to make my upstairs room a 10 x 10‘ cannatrol.
Cannnatrol is cool and all but will not suit my volume needs . Tent 1 will bring down 4-5 lbs, NOT staggering the harvest 5 times, just not .

Been playing with room all morning . Have a wifi sender for temp humidity vpd and dew point . Adjusted the sensor readings to match the mean average of 12 meters in that room . All read within 1 percent now on temp and humidity. Gave me a starting point .

Room is an upstairs bedroom, 10 x 10 or 12 x 12 , maybe 13 x 13, didnt measure . I already have an good quality window A/C unit in the room. It is digital, and will not play with an Inkbird controller , BUT, it has a thermostat and i spent an hour or two calibrating it to the wifi and meter readings. My wifi sensor tells me it works, and can keep room with 3 degrees of where it is set at , close enough .

Ill use the ac unit to control room temp, and can check it with my wifi sensor or with inkbird .

Already have a killer big dehumidifier that works great. It is also digital, but has a feature that allows it to restart after power failure . Tested it, pulled plug while on, then re plugged in……came right back up with proper settings​:sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses: so Inkbird CAN CONTROL IT .

Have a little pos humidifier i used last harvest. It would not keep humidity high enough after day 5 or so of the dry, so i had to hang wet towels in a bucket of water with fan blowing on it to achieve 60 percent in the room. Had to CONSTANTLY FUCK WITH IT to keep in parameters, was a royal pain in the ass.


Just ordered a whole room humidifier with a 4 gallon tank. Not a mist but evap. It will work with an Inkbird controller and will keep room moist enough , rated for 2300 sqft.

Ordered a wifi Inkbird for humidity control, controls 2 units. 1 humidifier 1 dehumidifier

All will be here by tomorrow evening, give me a few weeks to dial it in.

I think it will work perfectly.

Cannatrol is about 1900 to my door, will dry 12 ounces at a time.

My room:

Inkbird ……60
Humidifier 129
Wifi sensor i can use anywhere after dry done. 60

Under 250 bucks all in, will dry POUNDS at a time :sunglasses::sunglasses:

If i didnt have the ac unit and dehumidifer already

Ac was about 300
Humidifier was like 250

So less than 800 bucks total i have a large auto controlled dry room

This is gonna be sweet i think



Should be excellent set it and forget it till there ready . So nice when a guy has a proper space to dry makes it easy .

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Yeah i have plenty of room to work in . Think this will do exactly what cannatrol does but on my scale .

I will run by vpd not temp or humidity


I’m lucky the tin box works well for drying once the lights get shut off stays right around 55/60% and 60 degrees .

Think this time I’ll trim wet and dry on racks did some like that last round and turned out nice . That way I can continue flowering the next round rather than waiting 2 weeks for them to dry.

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You might need help harvesting and smoking in future. Lol

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i use excess to trade for stuff…my glass for coffee table was 1 Z, the doggie door was 7 Z’s ,

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YOU can help me smoke anything i have anytime ya want to :sunglasses:

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That’s awesome! Wish I could do that. Everybody who doesn’t grow their own here knows somebody who does. Have so much bud sitting in jars. Going to make a bunch of hash soon. Just have to much going on right now.
The Octos producing so well just increases my terrible bud problem.