Blissful Wizard & Wedding Cake , lets see what they are about

Just curious. What’s a Z worth there.

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All over the map

Not legal you know

Friend sells this stuff he pays 450 a pound for. 60 a Z . Big hard buds machine trimmed pgr infused dry ass shit weed .

When I bought from my connect until I grew again the top shelf was 240 to 280 z . 2 years ago it was decent , now it’s just dry shit Cali can’t turn .

I priced my bud to glass guy at 200 a z for PRIMO on trade if he did me cost and labor

Was fair for both of us

Doggie door was a bit over 2k installed at his best price before we became friends .


EVERYONE here buys black market shit or order it over the net . Unless you know a grower your not smoking what we here smoke


Im sure it was.

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While hanging yo-yos last week I pulled a few lower buds of Blissful Wizard for an early test .

Just been laying on a rack in my laundry room for about 5 days or so . Feels smokeable and smells AMAZING .Beautiful sweet and bright .

Here goes 8am wake n bake :sunglasses:


Well , turns out I didn’t waste my time growing this lady . Good to know, lol , as I have half my big tent filled with her .

Super loud already , big taste , big time body hit . Fast creeper, lol . Took minute or two to hit them comes on all at once …… I’m friggin lit big time :sunglasses: was in a good mood to begin with, but appears to be happy bud. As I type this my head is getting lit too . Really good 60/40 mix I’d say .

Doesn’t feel Cookie to me . Feels much deeper buzz. Gonna light it again .

First hit off lit joint is huge flavor . I know this flavor, taste it now in my mouth . Coats the mouth . Wish I could describe it , 3 hits, I’m 100 :100: baked now and feel fuzzy warm , lol .

What a relief knowing I didn’t grow 2 pounds of Schwagg :+1:. This was bottom bud very early . 10 week BW is gonna be outstanding .

Yeah , high is outstanding and strong. Bud must be high Thc and it’s chemistry jives. Yeah I’m friggin high as hell , feel red eyed and so high that you feel others would know your high, lol . If you know what I mean . This is NOT a good wake n bake bud……lmao I’m off work today :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses: so all is good . Only 9am here , already soaked mom room in the good doctor stuff ( yeah I’m not getting mites again ) only have to turn lights back on in an hour , then my whole day is done . :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

So cool, gonna have new bud I like soon .


Paddle asking if he is still in the dog house for disobeying me yesterday . He should be but I’m loaded and gonna let him out of his punishment early. His punishment is reminding him he was a bad boy , and ignoring him and not allowing him near me .


Looks scrum-diddly-licious :yum: Glad to hear it smokes well and gets ya lit :sunglasses: Good job! I can’t wait to see how the dried nuggage turns out

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Awe look at that face how can you ignore that baby lol



It’s very hard to


After finishing that joint it came to me. It has a kush taste to it. Not straight kush , something else too , but certainly like a silver kush I grew once . But sweeter . Took lil WC sample nuggs too , gonna try one


Wedding Cake early lil sample

Smells excellent , type of dank you smell the nugg 5 times . Unmistakeable WC dankness already


That looks fire even for being early. I love wedding cake terps. :100: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :100: :fire: :peace_symbol:


And it is :fire:, maybe best weed I have grown


The ordered stuff just showed up . Cool now I have something to do .

Set up humidifier and placed in room running wide open . Room is 72F and 48 percent humidity . In at 1:12 pm . See what thing can get room to . Imagine will take hours before it even raises it . Interesting to see anyways . When I checked my Wi-Fi sensor it said 72F and steady 48 humidity and falling . So I know where it started.

Gonna get the inkbird setup now



On 18 minutes raised humidity 6 percent already , temp went down 2 .


I now have a fully automated giant Cannatrol unit that actually works ! Holds a touch over 12 ounces too , lol. 12x 12 room , for 200 bucks.

Placed the new big humidifier , wick type , dehumidifier already been there and vented out of room . Inkbird setup and placed , controlling both of the devices . Room already has new A/c window unit with thermostat .

Spent a few hours with 12 humidity meters and the new sensor and the inkbird. Inkbird out of the box is dead nuts on to the average of the 12 meters. Set humidifier at high fan wide open on moist . Dehumidifier set at high and 40 percent humidity , both plugged into and controlled by the inkbird .

How the F did this tech escape me all these years?? Damn it’s cool as hell . No more dry hassle at all .

Once i had it where I wanted it I turned it all off and let room stabilize itself .

This is where it is at

This dry will be VPD based and want .84 to .91 as my target VPD , 10 to 12 day hang .

Plugged in Inkbird , set room to 67 F and 60 humidity , closed door . Less than an hour I have this

Realize I don’t have 8 big wet plants hanging in there , but see it won’t matter . I can keep room 67 no issue , and looks like the the new humidifier has no issue getting to 60 , if I have to raise it to 62 or so I could . I know the dehumidifier will just keep room at 60 with full plants hanging , just did that , so good on dehumid side of things, think I’m golden in humid side too . Ac is good, room is ready to use .

Color me happy as shit , control it all from my phone . Water empties into 8 gallon bucket , will go all day , humidifier holds 4 gallons will easlily go a full day or more . Gonna be a Octo Dry , and can’t wait to do it instead of dreading it as usual :sunglasses:


Dudes that’s awesome. Really nice! You’re going to knock it outta the park for drying and curing brother. Congratulations
I kinda have the same setup in my tent once I cut down and hang. Been eight days in there and it’s been a solid 63 degrees and 58% humidity. I’ll take it!
Can’t wait to see how it works out for ya.



Nice work! I wish I could grow in a 12x12 room, let alone just have the empty space for drying a metric ton!

I didn’t know Inkbird made a wireless model. I’ll have to check it out. You always have the coolest toys.


It was 59 bucks , works a treat too

My local weather is bad for drying . This is Gina take the pain out of doing it manually 20 times a day .