Blissful Wizard & Wedding Cake , lets see what they are about

Yeah that’s pretty perfect , I need a separate room to achieve that here . Humidity here is usually 90 percent and hot. Or cold n dry , never anywhere near good drying numbers . Why I have a separate room .

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Man life is good these days


Happy Dogs Happy Life :100: :100: :100: :100:


I’m living their life now and it’s pretty damn good



Glad to see you are living it up jet, about time you started enjoying life… very nice


Shit just doing it’s thing here, feel like a bystander, doing nothing to them other than fill ups.

LITFA :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

End of week 6

Mac is the most covered plant i have personally grown. Did grow a Lung Candy by Mota i believe was close, but NOT more. Pics do no justice to her, in person she is WHITE/PINK and REEKS . Too bad her reek, combined with WC reek , and BW reek…all togehter it smells like CAT PISS!!! My whole house smells like a friggin litter box! Smells just awefull. I KNOW this smell will change real soon, but not soon enough for me, lol

Wedding Cake starting a color show

Blissful Wizard

Took A WHILE, lol…but Mac is NOW under my control :sunglasses:

My Lost Cake, @ShiskaberrySavior Grape Pie, and Cereal Milk Tent 3, just got the flip 2 days ago

Wedding Cake is also starting to like her home here too…not got her 100% just yet, but will :sunglasses:

Nothing to do here today…with the plants i mean. Beautiful day out finally, gonna roll a fattie and sit out by pool jackn with the pups…color me HAPPY


Hey @Papalag

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What a plan! Pool and dogs and relaxing. :heart_eyes:

That volcano is working great man! My wife even likes it.

Shoot me your PayPal info and I’ll get you some $$.

As for those Mac clones I think they’ll pull through, but they’re looking sad still. We’ll see what they’re doing when I get home later.

Have a great day @Jetdro !
Glad that sickness has passed.


Only used 2 times, PERIOD, it is NEW . You got a GREAT DEAL :sunglasses:

I just changed banks, gotta link my new one, but not today…its fun day…ill do it tonight hit you up tomorrow

GLAD you like it…

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Can resend if need be…look above, she is under my control now



I’ll let you know. You got some other beauties there too.


Dude everything looks great bro

I like the looks of the lost cake :+1:


I do as well . Have 4 cuts of her rooting now :sunglasses:


Great Pics Man!!! Flowers look amazing!!! :100: :fire: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:



Pistils all still white, got a ways to go .

Still pulling real heavy from the rez. Last fill i messed up, fed VEG FEED :woozy_face:, this time i shall not :sunglasses:

Transpiring A LOT , humidity is going too high, need to put a dehumidifier in room for last few weeks it appears, was hoping not to. Today its 78 F and 100% humidity.

Opened all 3 tents, have big standing fan pulling from room and blowing out into hallway. Humidity was 81 percent in tent 1!!! Hope fan brings it down, if not ill have to plumb in a dehumidifer. Guess i could pull rainbird down from dry room and use it in that room till i need the dry rom. HHHHMMMMM

Our weather here is just stupid! Winter is about gone, will be in the 90’s and 90 % humididty in just 4 or 5 weeks time.

Dont think i want to run tents this SUMMMER. 100 plus F, avg 90 % humididty, cost a small fortune to cool the house , with the tents full on its too much.

Gonna finish these 3 tents out, then close 2 of them down. Will run my big tent, with one light, and only 2 plants in it for the next run .

A/c system tells me Humidity in flower room is 92 % . In livingroom , 59…rest of house same 59 % .

Fan and open tents already pulled % down to 70. Turned on A/c see if i can pull some moisture from that room


Great looking nugs Jet. Love how they look like they’re sitting on the fan leaves almost like ya placed em there. Gorgeous ladies



Those are just cell phone pics, ill get real nice ones with my cam in a few weeks when they are near finished.
In preson they are very pretty and colorful.

Thank you sir!


Everything is looking legit :100: :100: :fire: Way to grow brother. :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol: