Blue Star OG pheno hunt, PPK style

so, i get a grand total of $162.82 except for the zipties to make a killer 504 watt veg light.

also you get a light that is user serviceable when a bulb finally goes out you can just replace it yourself.

for seedlings, it depends on how big of an area you want to cover. here is a pic of my clone/seedling light i’m using temporarily while i build a permanent setup at my new house.

i hope this helps answer your questions.


i was just now thinking that maybe 504 watts is more than what you might want in a 2x4 tent so you could just omit every other one in the pattern for a 252 watt fixture.

this would also knock $68.55 off the previous total for a new total cost of $94.27.

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Hey @Josh_Blue, sorry I never got the thread up. My home internet is down and I’m getting by on hotspot from my phone atm. I’ve been taking photos and just harvested the ISS/BS and about to cut the DS bx. Those two plants are special. I’ll get pics up asap. I should have the internet back on within a week or sooner. :v:


Heya amigo, no problem. This is my friend gf’s thread though. So maybe post em on one of my threads or if you get one rolling. Both those lines put put consistent winners though. Im really stoked about both.


i don’t mind


The DS bx is something. I’ll be cutting those two tomorrow maybe. I have lots of pics. As soon as I get the landline internet back on I’ll open a thread and dump pics. Right now, trying to build a thread with lots of pics will crush my small phone hotspot. It should only be a day or two. :v:

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You’re doing a great job @greyfader! You seem to have your space dialed in just fine! I’m trying to keep up, lol. I’m looking forward to seeing your finish. :man_farmer: :v:


that was well detailed and informative thank you @greyfader i would love to make a 242 watt light but dont trust myself to wire anything like that and the insurance would prob find me at fault if something were to ever happen lmao.
also in canada out amazon prices are no where near as cheap and prob cost double if i went that route but thanks for all the help i love watching guys like you who are amazing diy’ers

as far as the spectrum issue you were talking about yes i seen some new tech lights where you can control every aspect of the color but there like 2500 usd per more for the wall street wanna bes who find ways to right it off some how lol.

enjoying your show and knowledge


really, it is the most simple parallel wiring you can do. polarity doesn’t matter and there are no grounds. at 242 watts with 120 volts, you are using only 2 amps.

thank you for the kind words!


it’s time for the weekend update. not much going on. the ppk device has been operating itself.

as far as the pheno hunt is concerned i look for not only potency and terpene profile but plants that are morphologically better suited for production. tight to medium node spacing, interiors that are not real “busy” so that i don’t have to spend a lot of time and effort cleaning them out.

in this particular grow, because of the overgrowth and subsequent butchery, i have given up on the morphologic part of the hunt and am just trying to finish to choose for potency and terps.

this is the end of week four of flower and i took 6 copies of each of the 8 i decided to clone. they are now stretched out too but have many nice shoots to choose from so sometime this coming week i will take another set that should be about ready to go for the next phase of the hunt.

i plan to run all 8 of the cloned plants next time not the 12 you see here. unless i find one or two that just don’t have the terps. but, i think this is highly unlikely since they all reek right now.

so the next run with 8 will include the morphological search as well as a more refined potency and terp search. hopefully i will be able to do everything on time. i’m feeling much better now.

just a few canopy shots to show progress. still no solution has been removed from the pool reservoirs under the plants. input only and today it read 1180 ppm at the .5 conversion or close to ec 2.4 and the ph is holding steady at about 6.0. 68 days of input only.

some are showing larger terminal flowers but it doesn’t mean anything because about 2/3 of the shoots have been topped. next time i’ find out which ones throw the most weight.


we are at 5 weeks and one day of flowering. i have eliminated one more from the hunt so we are down to the final 7. i eliminated this one because of the stretch. it was by far the most extreme stretcher maybe 3-3.5x.

long internodes at 5-6" and this was under intense 5000k light.

the rest are much more moderate maybe 2-2.5x. i can live with that indoors and have always gotten my best yields with hybrids showing some stretch. internodal length 3-4" is common but tightens up at the terminals.

some noticeable differences in flower shape but not a whole lot yet. josh@bluestarseedco says that, depending on pheno, this plant finishes between 60-70 days so we still have 4-5 weeks to go.

the nugs are hard and dense on most but some are a little more loose and airy, again not by a huge margin yet.

i’m getting some distinct smells and i am taking notes. i’m not great at pinning down flavors but i can pick out the strongest smells ok.

i’m not real proud of the canopy but considering that the ec was over 3 for several weeks and the ph was around 5.0 and the growth was very uneven with 12 different phenos it’s not as bad as it could have been.

the PPK system functioned even when i couldn’t.

they are all sticky and stanky!


Nice even full canopy. Not too long now before they ripen and start stinking up the whole place!


Yesterday was the end of week 7 of flowering. I cut a top flower from each of the 7 phenos I’ve still got copies of. Mostly just to do a fast dry and get a preliminary idea of taste, terps, and high.

None look close to being done yet 2-3 more weeks maybe a little more on one or two of them.

I took a few pics to have a close-up look at trich development.

Some buds are dense and compact while others are more airy at this point but it’s too early to tell how they will finish.

I’m looking for one that is capable of producing some weight and it’s looking like numbers 3,6, and 11 are the most promising.


today is 8 weeks 2 days of flowering.

just a few pics of the canopy today. it’s a mess but i’m getting close to the end and will harvest all 12.

of the 7 i took samples from last week two of them, #6 and #12 are extremely potent and have the best taste and smell so far. the potency of these two is remarkable because they were taken at week 7 of a 9-10 week plant.

it’s still to early to judge so i’m keeping copies of all of them for now.

i will take another sample set soon. it’s been 9 days since the first samples were taken.

i still have not removed any solution from the system.

i am feeding water only right now.

the third pic is interesting because it shows where i topped the branches.


going to be a nice yeild coming up. cant wait to see the end product.


I came in here wondering “what’s PPK style?”

Couple messages down "Oh it’s subirrigation for like multiple pots and top watering on a timer. Cool. . . . Is he using kiddie pools?

Couple more messages. Yup kiddie pools. This is effin’ brilliant.


Early testing has commenced! Good sign they are that potent this early. Your gonna have some mind erasers in there!


today marks 72 days of flowering. at 9 weeks i took another set of test flowers, dried and smoked them with my wife. we decided that #6 is the winner. it has a nice citrus fuel taste up front with a floral perfume back. very pleasant and smooth taste and smoke.

but the real story of this one is the potency. #6 and #4 both have great potency with #6 being the most potent. all the other phenos had good potency. but these 2 are about as potent as it gets.

i use a pipe with a small bowl to test with. it is about the same size as a thimble. 2 small hits and i got an invigorating, stimulating, focused high that lasted for several hours. it has a great pain-relieving effect as well.

#6 also produces well-shaped, dense flowers and produced well.

i am going to do a run with it immediately as soon as i get these plants down and change the pool configuration to one plant each. i want to see how big they can get.

some are almost done and a few will be done by the end of the week. i’m seeing a lot of opaque trichs now.

please remember, when looking at these pics, that few of them are terminal flowers. because of medical issues i had to veg them longer than i wanted and had to trim the entire canopy back like a hedge to keep them out of the lights.

these plants went into the system on april 9 and today is july 30 so this is 15 weeks these plants have been in the system. during this period absolutely no solution was removed and no changeouts occurred. this growth was accomplished using solution input only.

this is a closed-loop, recirculating system.

also, this grow was done using an 8 hour flowering period with 16 hours of darkness.

i delivered an average of 1200 umols of light for 8 hours which produced an average daily light integral of about 35 moles per day.

just a few pics of flowers at random and then the winner, #6. i will start taking them down one at a time now.




nice job cant wait to see you run the 6 into some donky dick oceans. pretty good test run