Blueberry +Blueberry mixes 2024 grow thread

Nice! I probably already told you this… Cherry from dole fruit cocktail and fruity hard candy notes is the dominant char I’ve come across in the fruit forward ones. They have been delicious so far. It just dawned on me, when vaped and some whiffs of the flower remind me of the strawberry kiwi Snapple.

I was just smoking some scraps from progeny of the version you have after shucking beans last night, and two of them are just like mom and gorgeous red/purple buds early with leaves that go purple late harvest. I hope yours is that chemovar, because it’s the one I just attempted to isolate. Some of them are crazy skunky later in flower, as two of the boys, and the bigger full of flower one was a skunky stem rub starting in the first week of flower. I’ve tried to select two types of boys, and usually pollinate with two or three boys to keep diversity. I left the mom of your beans out of the tent one time by mistake for like 30 minutes, went outside to smoke, came back in and the whole building, smelled like a skunk. I was jamming my nose air outputs and filter exhausts, all of them, looking for open vents and leaks in tents, nothing.

Then I saw this three foot harmless looking lovely smelling seeded up blueberry sitting on my trim table and was stunned. I realized I’d go nose blind to it so fast that I’d smell all the knitter stuff and not pick up on the skunk for long.

The other one has to be a fast photo, so that’s BBA x Peanut Butter Breath, unless it goes into flower REALLY soon. I have had some plants have really long veg times and/or not flip to flower until a certain size, the auto traits in these blueberry is different from most autos I’ve gone across. That’s a whole other long story, so I’ll stop there :joy:

Anyway, shoot me an addy again if you’d like some of the latest f gens :v:


Yeah this is crazy I actually did another stem rub and messed with a bud. It does have a jfruit uice smell and a candy scent . It actually smells so fucking good. I could probly chop it but I m gonna let it fill out some more and let the trichs go amber on me. I m excited to try this bud. I m gonna dry it super slow and cure the shit out of it .Should be a great smoke when its done. I ll get some better pictures soon.

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Heres a lgstk and my big BB 3 from @Andrane




Hell yeah, looking great brother.

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Everything looks fantastic…officially “watching” this thread yall


Thank brother , glad to have u …I love this thread. Never thought it would turn into this awesome BB Thread where everyone comes to show there kick ass plants… I FCKING LOVE IT…LMAO


as a Blueberry lover like you…it is a primo thread , im lovin it. Looking forward to growing the Blue Cookies you sent me and other Blueberry strains


Yeah , I almost ready to start dusting these females in my tent … I m excited to have an endless supply of old school BB beans and my own 2 strains I m working on ,lots of good seeds coming in the near future. I ll def get some out to u


Thank you so much…and I love what your doing…looking forward to seeing your progress


If I get a female from the CBB, I think I’ll dust a couple of buds with Doug’s Blue Kush pollen.


Sounds great…fantastic plan, looking forward to seeing your progress


Thats a hell of an idea… I think u could find something pretty damn good out of tht combo… I m gonna do a GDP X BBM and a BB X BBM … I imagine the gdp x bbm would be some pretty great medicine.


yes… you should totally do that :wink:


You’re ok with it? I was going to ask you when the time came. @SHSC-1

Both of those sound FANTASTIC!!! Right on…im drooling already just thinking about it


I think there is lots of potential in the coastal blueberry expressions when it comes to outcrossing. I’m not hung up on what people do with the beans they aquire and in fact I am happy to see growers excited about making thier own crosses with any of the lines I release.
Like other breeders with similar thoughts on what people do once we let a line out into the public’s hands, making and sharing Fgens for profit or for mass seed runs is frowned upon but making your own crosses, whether you are a breeder or just a hobbyist seed maker… have at it. I also think if people grow and really like a line and they decide to F2 thier pack for themselves and thier close friends, I also don’t have any issue with that. Preserving lines we love is at the heart of every breeder’s mission (i like to think anyways) .
so those are my thoughts on all that.


Awesome words to live by


Thank you! And yes, they would just be for me to grow out. Definitely not looking to make any profit from them.


Beautiful plants

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