Blueberry +Blueberry mixes 2024 grow thread

No it s a BB quest plant …I probly stressed it out or something. I ll give it a try ,I ll keep it going ,I mean it can t hurt while everythings in veg… I do have the BB fems going u sent and they look good, I m growing out couple atm and I took the best looking one and will keep her for clones. I got lucky and came across 4 DJ Short bb regs and 3 out ove the 4 poppedn . Im praying I get a decent male so I can breed some beans and use it to breed my insane Blueberry Muffin plant .She s a beast and stinks of bb …


I will give it a go… I hope thats the case… I was excited to grow this particular strain

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Yeah , I must ve stressed it out .

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Like I said in the other thread, I don’t think that’s a hermie, it’s just a boy, unless you have some pics of the intersex traits it’s displaying? At 4 months old it would be normal for it to show its sexual maturity though pre flowers. And if that’s the case plucking them off won’t help anything.



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Do you have supplemental lights out there to keep it in veg? Just curious.

no, I have no electricy where I grow so its tough. Do u think I can take some clones off it and save it? Not sure if tht would matter or not.

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I’d like to see some clearer pics of that flower cluster, and it’s a little early to have plants outside without supplemental lighting to keep them vegging isn’t it? How long has it been out there?


Idk, i thought it was perfect time to get plants outdoors , I usual wait till May 20th but its been warm , I like getting a jump out here in Mass. I ll get some better pics


I would appreciate that, I have ran those for a few seasons and never seen ANY intersex traits, so that’s pretty concerning to me, thanks.:pray:


It’s not a temp thing it’s an hours of day light thing. That plant looks like a dude, I’m not seeing pistols in that picture but it’s not the clearest. It’s probably just flowering and is a male.


Agree with you, calling it a hermie is not something I would personally throw around unless I was sure, I’ll be waiting for better pics…

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Yea that doesn’t look hermie at all to me, but better pics are Def needed. It’s too early from a light perspective imo.


Im not trying to knock anyone at all, I even said its probly my fault .Im assuming I stressed the shit out of this plant but its def got pistiland balls. Im gonna drive back up to my spot to get better pictures.

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The plants been outside for about a week so Im not sure the light is the issue, Idk. Gonna head out to get more pictures. I m gonna check the 907 Blue genes too.

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It’s getting a little over 10 hours of darkness and probably longer a week ago, I bet it’s going to flower and reveg, same thing happened with some friends last year. We put them out at the end of May the very earliest here without supplimental lighting


I get it man… I just want to see it too, it’s cool.


Yeah could be , I d be happy if thts the case, I d love to get some pollen from it. Will def lyk.


I stand corrected and totally apologize for tossing out the herm bs… I did stress these plants and thought maybe I screwed them up. So with that being said I m 98% sure its a male the best news of the day is my 907 Blue Genes is in fact a female . @JustANobody was right. I ve never had plants show sex this fast this early but it works for me