Blueberry +Blueberry mixes 2024 grow thread

Thanks for the clarification, those damn plants have been rock solid thus far, thanks for the input @JustANobody , it’s very much appreciated! :pray:


It s a nice plant ,pretty happy to get a decent male, the 907 is just loving the sun she s beautiful …

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Plants that begin to flower early will start with some curly growth afterwards and one to 3 bladed leaves. They will completely stop growing for up to 2 months as they reveg. So it’s really not optimal. Some strains recover better than others, some never turn out right. Some start back with 100 tiny thin stems.


Yeah , I m still shocked tht moving them outside created this problem. I m not worried as much now cause I ll clone the male ,when he gets bigger then collect pollen,the female is just showing pitils so I m hoping she reverts back to veg and if she has problems I ll also just clone her and breed for seeds…Shes actually growing great so fingers crossed…I swear it s always something …lol


Clone her now if you can and keep it under sufficient light . That clone will outgrow the mother plant ,I bet. I set a clone out in March last year , it went to flower and revegged. It didn’t grow over 12 in tall until late July. It ended up about 3 ft.


It’s the plants natural response to the hours of darkness it’s getting. Just to early this time of year. Autos would have been a better choice.


I have no electricity at my grow, I use these solar path lights to hold clones until June 1.


I didn t even think of the time ,I was so excited to get shit outside,lol Rookie mistake, Hoping they both bounce back fine. If not lesson learned…


did you ever see any lanky, viney phenos in the Family Blues v3?


Great idea,

Are those the good ones . I have that x Lifesaver

Not sure, still need to flower my couple phenos out

What percentage lanky ones are you seeing

1 in 3, I was told the line was fairly uniform so I’m assuming the lanky one isn’t the typical pheno.

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Nice Blueberry thread! As most know I’m kinda a BB fanatic myself!! :crazy_face:

The AKBB 907 Blue Genes I’m thinking will be one of if not your top pic for what you are looking for! Dave sent me an unreleased “90’s Blueberry” that I’m hoping will have the sweet non earthy blueberry but will see! :wink:

Fingers crossed with that Coastal BB as well…I’ve heard good things and also have those too in my collection. :slight_smile:

Pulling up a chair and :popcorn:


P.S. You might look into Dave’s Vintage Blueberry…it pre-dates DJS BB


I m the same way, I love everything BB …I ve been chasing that old school bb high with that bb taste on the exhale, the euphoric blissful high that last for hours… I have a really good older BBM strain I ve kept around for awhile now hopingto breed her with the star studded BB . I was lucky to come across some of the 90 s BB beans I m not sure if its from the same member ,I did score some of the Vintage BB from AKBB and have a couple going…Im growing these in two groups so I can keep track of everything and then pick threw the stable and good plants for my seed run…I will say the older DJ BB plants I have going right now look insane and they are cruising . I appreciate u watching the thread ,I m hoping to create some awesome seeds with great genetics and hunt for tht unicorn… I m also interested in seeing your BB run ,I imagine its gonna be epic… Have u grew any of Dutch Passions BB ? I ll say they are some of the best looking plants I ve seen . I was trying to add some of them to my grow better never came across them.


The structure was pretty uniform for me, all shorter indicas. Difference was mostly in coloration / aromatics of flower. I only grew out 4 to full flower though.


OMFG ,those look amazing and mouth watering everytime I see them man . You had some impressive pictures of them in veg …The bushes I saw look like a big yielders

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Yes I’ve grown the old Dutch Passion and Sagarmatha BB from early 2000’s…both were good with that BB smell and an earthy BB taste…good! But unfortunately that’s not what I’ve been searching for the last 30 years.

What I’m looking for and used to get here in Alaska mid to late 90’s was a pure sweet blueberry with absolutely no earthyness. Just an amazing sweet blueberry all the way down to the ash…simply amazing taste and equally amazing high to boot.



Seems similar to what I like, I love the BB taste . I was lucky enough to have a friend who was a Umass student and he said he had some BB bud ,I ll never forget that first pull .You could taste the bb and after smoking the taste hung around in my taste bud…I ve smoked a few other strains that have a sandal wood taste and it kind ve takes away from it.I can t totally relate… This would ve been in the late 90s out here in Massachusetts…