Blueberry +Blueberry mixes 2024 grow thread

I was lucky enough to get one of those MOB snips from @Rhino_buddy and exploded . I actually cloned this cloned and set this outdoors . You nailed it with pheno hunting. I appreciate the info and if anything I have jumps out at me I ll also lyk. I pretty high on 2 of these BB plants I have going. Either way Im gonna stock pile these and just grow my ass of till I find the best ones. GL on ur search .


These mother of berries sure do sound appealing.

I’ve got a few coastal bb going right now.

I grew out some later gens of dj shorts bb (maybe f5ish?) and found them very finicky. These above look great.


My Blueberry girl is nice and full.

She’s been in 12/12 for 3 weeks today and isn’t showing any pistils yet, are they typically late to the show?


I m excited about having the MOB in my garden ,I have 2 Coastal BB and 1 Vintage BB from AKABB . I finally have all my reg BB plants cloned and they are all almost rooted. I m gonna give them a week or 2 veg and then turn the lights 12 /12 to figure out what I have for males and then choose the best one to breed with. These are so far dialed in and thriving. I did also hear the F 5 s are a pain and very picky … I ve been chasing the 90s Dj Short BB forever . I can t wait to start breeding and hunting … This is gonna be fun.


Beautiful @luxton …Thats a hell of a nice job there…


Thanks @Originalweedman, she’s come a long way since my post on April 26th, lol.

Are they typically late to start flowering?


I threw a few MOB’s into the flower room a couple days back along with some SC Blue Dream.
It’s been many a moon since blueberry terps have been in my garden.


You’ll have Blueberry smell very soon. It was filling my tent by day 21. I have a small one I put to flower in coco last week. I’m curious how it compares to the dirt/organic grow.


I think the cut I got came from u . I kinda think Rhino told me but not positive. I ve heard nothing but good things about it . How did u do yield wise from growing in the ground ? The clone I have going outside loves the full sun and is growing noticeably fast . I m not sure if I ll just let it go or try topping it. If u got any tips or advice they are welcomed.


Yes thats the same cut. I sent @Rhino_buddy a few that I have been given or found.
It yields pretty well, I’m putting my mom outside today I hope. @Electric-Stoner told me she does very well outside here.


Sweet, gl with ur outdoors grow. Man , Im hoping for a lot less rain this year. I tossed my BBM mom outside . I kept the best clone to grow indoors . I must ve got rid of nearly 100 clones this year. I ll be sending out snips when this plants bushes out.


So my big beefy BB3 plant I was praying is a male looks like it almost revealed . I m guessing female .


I guess male


me too @Hashpants


Dude you don t know how excited I d be… This plant is a beast , Indica leaning 90s BB .


I’m kinda leaning male too… Definitely curious to see how s/he turns out

Edit: hmm, maybe not, it looks like it might be tiny preflower leaves coming out…:face_with_monocle:


I d be happy with a male . I have a female that is very similar except she carrys the purple stem and maroon leaves, this males all green . They d be a perfect match as far as the kind ve plants I like… This paticular plant is my BB3 and its probly the biggest and best looking plant going. I like the indica leaning part too… Fingers crossed.


Hey bud, yes it smells nice and fruity, it’s also fruity tasting with hint of cat piss in there.

It’s not Dutch passion good but it’s one of the better blueberry I’ve grown.

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How does this compare to the Dutch Passion Blueberry? I can still remember reading the catalog saying that it would “chase your funk away” and many months later growing and smoking it and being blown away.


Took another picture of my BB3 tht was showing alittle bit. Theres a tiny change, I m 80% sure its a female.
I have my 3 BB regs cloned , rooted and now in veg . Waiting on some other clones then I ll flip the lights to figure out whats what. Plants are all looking great . Taking a drive to get pictures tomorrow .
