Bodhi Dread Bread and Imperial Majesty; Lucky Dog Diesel Therapy; Doc D Purple Corinto Budder x A5Thai, Outer Limits and Sour Diesel x DE

I’ve grown quite a few from Mephisto Genetics in the past and I think they are considered one of the top breeders of autos, however, they are all feminized and I know how much you love those… They were fun to grow for awhile but i grew kind of bored with them and prefer to grow photos much more.

I know you like to veg for awhile but if you want to grow smaller plants, why not just try a shorter veg, like 21-28 days or something like that?


Haha, I was kidding, dude. I’m not gonna grow any fucking autoflowers…

One: because I want the plants to have enough time to develop a decent root system. And two: because flipping at day 28 wouldn’t give me enough time to sex the plants. I’d have to put all of them in seven-gallon pots, squeeze as many as I could into the 5x5 (I could probably fit twelve in there) and then hope that I don’t end up with my usual gawd-awful M:F ratios. I’d only be able to start twelve plants and then hope for the best.

Another reason is that I just don’t think that plants that’re vegged for a short period of time are gonna perform the same way they would if given an extended veg period. As much as it doesn’t seem like it, I actually AM trying to learn a thing or two from these plants every time I grow haha.

If I was growing from clones, like if I had a mother plant and was taking cuts and flowering those out, yeah, I might do a short veg/shitload of plants crammed together/SOG-type thing. But I’m growing from seed every round, like you, so…


Dude, you’re gonna have bumper crop this round. All your buds look big to me, but those Imperial Majesty’s, Dread Bread’s, and DT’s look really huge.

Interesting observation on your smaller plants and the lighting schedule. I do like the looks of those smaller manageable plants… they still look like they’ll yield a couple ounces and I’m sure they’re easier to move around in the tents without the staking.

Cool that the BBxSL is getting some stank to her… hopefully coming from the BB side, she has a great nose to her. Getting pretty fat too, shape reminds me of the BB buds!

Best get your trimming hand in shape… looks like you’ve got some work coming up.


I hear you there

Haha, we need a sarcasm font on OG so nothing is lost in translation, you were going to surprise me there for a second.


Yeah, after I transplanted a round of 2 gallon pots into 7 galloners after sexing, I said “Fuck this, I’m getting a 4x4 raised bed”. Thankfully I have been able to tell the sex on most plants by 35-40 days indoors and the 2 gallon pot is totally filled out with a very solid root ball by that time. What size pots do you usually veg in?


Really like the look to those dread breads I got some mango biche beans I’m going to give a try outdoor and see how they do haven’t tried any longer flowering sati as but I think my climate might do pretty decent with them and that bb x silver lotus looks killer makes me stoked to get around to some of the silver lotus f2s that imperial majesty sounds killer sweet marshmallow sounds great hoping to find something like that in my lucky charms f2 always love reading through your threads always so much good info good vibes and happy growing @minitiger


I was kidding about,”It must be my amazing photographic skills making them look “big,” but now I’m not so sure… haha. The IM’s really are just tiny little nuggets everywhere, not too sure why they might look big in those pics. But they’re not. If I get two ounces off each of them, I’ll be happy. I mean, I’ll be happy with whatever I get off of them, but they definitely don’t look “fat” in real life haha. I’m not expecting huge yields from them.

I think it is. It’s for sure a sorta “fragrant floral/fruity” smell, reminds me much more of Blueberry weed than it does any kind of SSH anything. She smells really good, I’m stoked.

I thought the three question marks after I asked about if anybody knew any good autoflower breeders made it pretty obvious I was joking haha, but that’s just me. I get it. It’s Friday. Long week. End of the week. Whatever haha.

I start the seeds in those little 3-inch starter pot things, then move them into half-gallons around day 30 and wait for them to show. I’ve kinda been thinking lately about just starting them in the half-gallons, but I dunno. Maybe I will. One day haha. You get set in your ways sometimes, you know? Plus, I can throw 18 of the starter pots in one tray, whereas I can only fit eight half-gallons in one tray. The little pots are just easier, especially if you’re worried about germ rates and whatever all else. I can throw 36 of those starter pots into two trays and only turn on one light, ya know? It’s just easier.


I thought you were just really emphatic about what you were talking about, but the extra question marks means something other than a question I guess. Kind of like in that Always Sunny episode where Frank tells everyone sliding your foot underneath a stall next to you means something more than just an errant foot?

I think that’s a good way to do it, I use 4 inch pots and 12 of them fit in 1020 nursery trays but I am surprised yours can last 30 days before going into a half gallon pot. Seems like two weeks and they are ready for new shoes.


Haha, no way, dude. Anytime I end a sentence with “???” I’m just being a sarcastic asshole. I would never end a legit question with three question marks.

I mean, it’s not like they “thrive” for the first thirty days in those little pots, but they survive haha. Some do better than others. They all mostly do fine. Those small pots are just a means to see what actually sprouts, roots etc, makes it easier to plant a bunch at once, I only have to use one light blah blah blah and then let’s get them in the half-gallons; they take off when they get transplanted into the half-gallons, though. And then the seven-gallons later, too, obviously. Most of them take off in the starter pots, even.

I dunno haha. Like I’ve said many times, I dunno what the fuck I’m doing, but that’s the way I veg and I like it.


Hahaha that should be a standard unit of measurement. I can already hear it “Have you been drinking today sir? Only a quarter cake officer.”

Whatever the reason, its a really nice run. Even with the same clone, sometimes I’ll get nicer runs than others, for no obvious reason.

Haha can you blur them up a bit in future, I like the mystery.

Yeah man straight SL, I really should pop them at this stage, or at least try too. I do have some crosses too.

I came really close to grabbing a few of those crosses from Shoes place, but like yourself, Im trying not buy more seeds…unless Im going to pop them imminently or I cant live without them haha.

Im really interested to see how this experimenting goes.


this looks right, everything looks really good and you’re going to have tons of weed your plants are always giants, you must have 8ft tall tents? the imperial majesties look so amazing too

the rehearsal episode 5 was lit, it’s like you keep realizing oh shit yeah all of this is pretend, every detail, even the snow :joy:


Oh, cool! Yeah, you should pop them. It always sounded like an interesting cross, with the Blockhead and the Afgooey. You don’t see that kind of stuff around too much anymore. Or I don’t, anyway haha.

Yeah, I bought a shitload after Doc announced he was shutting it down and only gonna be doing occasional releases through seed banks. I really didn’t wanna buy so many seeds, but the A5Thai crosses (and some of the other sort of “exotic” stuff, like the Malawi x DE etc) were things I wanted to have and not have to look around for later. I figured I’d grab them now, while they were still cheap and easily available. I refuse to get in line and repeatedly hit refresh on my computer at 4am PST haha and hope that some asshole doesn’t buy every pack all at once.

I haven’t committed to changing the way I usually grow just yet haha. I’ll probably decide, like, the day before I have to make that decision.

One thing I noticed today when I was watering (I skipped watering yesterday) was that those little “14/10 plants” still haven’t started getting any “crispy” yellow leaves or anything. They’re all still very green, which never happens. Usually by day 35 or 40 or so, an occasional leaf will get all gnarly-looking, pulling dead shit off etc, but they all still look very healthy on day 44. I have no idea why that is, but I like it haha.

They’re really not that big. I mean, those are five-foot stakes; I think the seven-gallon pots are ten-inches deep. So subtract ten inches from the stakes and only a couple of the plants are taller than the remaining 50 inches of stake. And it’s not like the stakes are totally upright or anything. I don’t think the tallest plant even reaches my chin.

Actually, those might even be four-foot stakes, I’m not sure haha. But the plants really aren’t that huge, regardless. I’ll try to remember to measure them next time I water. Now I’m all curious haha.

Yeah, the snow bit was funny. I haven’t watched the final episode yet, just because I don’t want it to be over haha, but we’ll probably watch it in the next few days.


i’d love to know! i have a tight 4ft between my soil and my lights, lots of bending branches and bending over, my back is killing me lol


Yeah, if you only have four feet of space, maybe you don’t wanna be planting any Purple Corinto Budder x A5Thai any time soon haha! I think the Dread Breads might actually be the tallest, I dunno. The tent’s seven feet tall, so I really don’t ever give the height of plants much thought. Although I do believe that the less you worry about shit, the less you have to worry about. I feel like the people who are all like,”Ohhh, ummm, I dunno, mannnnn, maybe these plants are gonna get too tall…” are always the people who end up with plants that are too tall haha. I always figure everything’ll be fine and it usually is.

Except when I get aphids… haha!

I’ll put the tape measure in the grow room today so I don’t forget to measure them tomorrow.


Just measured the tallest plants. One of the Dread Breads is about 44-inches tall; the other Dread Bread and the Purple Corinto Budder are about 42-inches tall. That’s not including the pots, but if you wanted to include them, then they’d be 54-inches and 52-inches high. Obviously.

So nothin’ crazy. A couple of the Bandaid Hazes and that one huge C. Gold x Dragon Energy from last grow got taller than that. And I only know that for sure because I had to raise the lights pretty much as high as they would go last run; this time the lights are only about chin-high. I should probably raise the big Apache another half-foot or so, since that’s the light the older plants are under, but then the Imperial Majesties and the Diesel Therapy wouldn’t be getting sufficient light, so… What can you do? Haha.

I’ll probably raise it once I chop the IM’s, which is gonna be in the next 2-4 days. Honestly, the Dread Breads are looking pretty fucking done right now, too, the nugs on them are rock-solid, but I think I’m gonna let them go another 7-10 days. The Diesel Therapy looks like it has another two weeks and the Purple Corinto… I dunno haha. Three weeks at least. But maybe not.

I’ve been decreasing lights-on by five minutes every week, from 11:15/12:45 on July 20 (day 31 of flower) down to 10:50/13:10 starting today (day 65 of flower), so maybe that’s why the Dread Breads seem to be finishing up faster than I was anticipating. I don’t really know haha. I kinda like the “five minutes every week” thing, though. Usually I’ll decrease in 15-minute increments every 30 days or so, but five minutes every week after the first six weeks seems more “natural” to me.


i need to try that, the light timers i have are digital, battery back up (good thing because i’m having a power outage right now) but they are a pain to set up, the buttons are confusing, i’ve been doing 24/0 then 11/13 just to avoid having to touch the things, i set it wrong and had 'em stay off or stay on a few times

but yeah hey looked to me way bigger than 44inches tall

you have a seperate drying tent that’s climate controled? baller.


Yeah, I’m not sure what kind of timers I have, had them for years, but they’re pretty easy.

Where’d you get that idea from? Haha. I mean, I used to use the veg tent for drying, before I started, uh, vegging in it haha, I guess I could use that after I chop those IM’s in a few days, but they’d have to be moved on September 1, when I start the fall grow. And it definitely wouldn’t be “climate controlled”; it’d be as hot and humid/dry as it is in the rest of the room.

I’ve just been using the bathroom in the grow room to dry in for the last couple years. I can control the humidity via a humidity controller, but I can’t control the temps. It stays relatively cool in there, but as hot as it’s been lately, I’m sure it’ll get into the upper 70’s while the plants are drying.

None of that “60 degrees at 60% humidity” shit for me! Haha. I wish I could do that, but I can’t, so… I make do. Doesn’t seem to affect anything; everything’s still sticky and stinky and tasty and stony.


yeah i feel like killer weed is just killer no matter the drying but 70 is good no doubt, i dried nugs in the sun in a few hours that were fire


Currently fighting em in week 2F. Any suggestions?


You can still spray that diy recipe I posted up until about 2 weeks flip. Are there pom-poms?