Bodhi Dread Bread and Imperial Majesty; Lucky Dog Diesel Therapy; Doc D Purple Corinto Budder x A5Thai, Outer Limits and Sour Diesel x DE

Those Imperial Majesty’s definitely aren’t leaning towards the 88g13 side the way they need that support, so that’s pretty cool imo. Having a PK type in my garden again would be nice. The Landos Stash F2 I lost was very nice and leaned towards the PK as well, assuming they are the same moms that is :wink: lol
I’m not seeing any signs of bugs, are you?
Looking good as usual.


Yeah I have 1 pack and I was so close to giving them away locally to a few different people over the past year or 2 because I assumed I’d never run them. The speculation on RIU that the mom was pure-kush suge dampened my excitement for them. Even if it is the suge cut I’m definitely on board with trying them now.

Didn’t see the dog part again because reading on mobile sucks, glad to hear you got it resolved as well!


Cool to see that she’s still throwing some pistils. Maybe she’s just a sensitive girl that doesn’t like her hairs touched. I don’t see any signs of seeds from the pics. Pics are looking good this round!

Fuckin’ chonkers man! I can see the 88g13hp influence in the bud shape for sure. I can see why they need staking. Probably look like they are the earliest finishing out of the bunch too?

Looking badass for sure, I love the way the buds are stacking on her. Looks like how the Blueberry normally stacks up for me.

I took a close up of the Blueberry leaf, to compare to yours. Maybe to see where those deep serrations are coming from.

The leaves on your’s definitely look a little skinnier. But I love the way the fans have those long petioles, making them jut way out from the buds. I think that may come from the SL side too.

this thing is a monster! and smells like mango ice cream?? sign me up!

Awesome! Glad y’all decided to keep her. I’m sure she’ll feel right at home in no time.

This show is fuckin hilarious! I need to catch up on the other episodes. I love the lengths he goes to on this show to replicate the environments and shit. It’s over the top. The whole concept is original and awesome. If you haven’t seen any of the “Nathan for You” shows, you should definitely go back and binge all of those, they’re all cringe-worthy hilariousness.


Yeah, I hope yours do, too haha. They smell really good. I’m not sure I’ve ever grown anything that smells quite like them before. I’ve read about, like, Mother’s Milk having that sorta “milky” thing going on (duh! It’s in the name!), but this seems different to me. Of course, never having grown the MM, I have no idea. They do smell really “creamy fruit,” though. Which actually sounds gross to me haha, but it isn’t. It’s kind of like a mango Creamscicle, actually.

I am, too. The whole vibe in our house changed once my girl decided she was cool with keeping her. It’s summertime again! Haha…

If you’re at all familiar with Andy Kaufman and you appreciate that kind of humor, you’ll love it. I wouldn’t say it’s “Kaufman-esque,” exactly, but it’s the closest thing I can think of. It’s fucking awesome.

And if you’re not familiar with Andy Kaufman, I recommend “I’m From Hollywood!” It’s hilarious. “Man on the Moon,” is good, too, although that’s really just Jim Carey doing “Andy’s Greatest Hits.” Still funny, though.

I did turn to my girl halfway through the second episode of “The Rehearsal” yesterday and said,”I’m pretty sure this is one the greatest things I’ve ever seen…” haha.

I agree. They’re definitely not like any GHash cross that I’ve grown before.

Shut yo’ mouth! Don’t jinx me, don’t jinx me! Haha.

I’m not sure. Some of the leaves on the bigger Diesel Therapy have kind of had a “look” to them in the last few days, the way they start looking about a week or two before I inspect the bottoms of the leaves and discover a shitload of aphids. It looks like senescence but it’s not, is the best way I can describe it. I’ve been checking, haven’t seen anything yet, though.

After reading those posts from schmarm earlier about the russets, I decided to water with OG Biowar today, both the Roots and the Foliar packs. I just got a little paranoid, I guess haha. Never inoculated this late, we’ll see what happens…

Do you have a link to any of that? I’ll look around later if you don’t. Actually, don’t worry about it, I’ll find it myself later, gotta go to the grocery store right now, but I’m very curious to know where this “Suge Kush” thing is coming from. Everything I’ve ever read about the Suge is that it’s not a “real” OG at all. It’s been a whiiiiile since I’ve read anything about it, admittedly, but I do remember the conclusion I came to, after spending days reading as much as I could find about it, was,”Suge is not an OG.”

Anyway, yeah, fuck RIU haha.


Found it in post history. Was just a guess(?) response to my question by @Vagabond_Windy as he included “I think” in the post. Didn’t come across as misinformation, authoritative or anything like that, just speculation attempting to be helpful is how I took it.

Yeah the little that I’ve read about it suggests it’s hard to distinguish from bubba. I have enough bubba and bubba-like stuff to sort through that it didn’t really excite me when I read that.


The whole thing that kinda confuses me because I’m not from Cali or any rec scene to know the difference, is the whole Pure Kush vs OG Kush. It is my understanding that they are different.

Bodhi throws a wrench by labeling the Imperial Majesty’s as Pure OG x 88g13 but it’s really Pure Kush x 88g13.

Everyone who knows the Suge PK says it’s a Bubba -esque plant but Bubba is a Pk not an OG ?

Basically Please help me understand the difference between Kush and OG


I was going to say the same, resembles her pic in your thread :nerd_face:


Yeah, for sure. I’m thinking I may chop them as soon as a week from today. They’ve definitely gotten their swell on since the last time I took pics, ten days ago, but I wanna see if they get even chunkier haha. I mean, I don’t think they’re gonna get all “fat” or anything, but I wanna see what they do… haha.

It could maybe possibly be haha. I’ve never seen anything like it, anyway. But I love it. I’m really stoked about that plant.

Dude. Yes. Haha! So you’ve seen the first episode or two? They’re all great, but the first half of the fourth episode really is one of the best and funniest things I’ve ever seen. I canNOT wait for the last two episodes. And I’ll just say this: “Thomas.”

Yeah, I never saw that show. I was aware of who he was, just because he did that “Dumb Starbucks” episode at a strip mall two blocks away from my last apartment, and that episode got, like, an insane amount of national press. I read the press, but I never actually watched that episode haha. Plus, there’s a dive bar in that same strip mall that I used to drink at pretty frequently. But I never watched “Nathan For You.” I’ve been looking to see if it’s streaming anywhere, just because Nathan Fielder is now on my, like, top-ten “Heroes List” haha, but it doesn’t look like it’s streaming anywhere.

Maybe I’ll just watch them on fucking YouTube…

Yeah, that’s my understanding, too, that they’re different. The Pure Kushes I used to get from that place I mentioned a while back, the one that specialized in those “City” Pure Kushes definitely did not look like any OG I’ve ever gotten. And Bubba is it’s whole other thing entirely, as far as the dried-and-cured flowers I’ve smoked are concerned. Nothing about Bubba ever reminded me of OG (any OG) or any of the Hollywood/Malibu/Topanga etc etc Pure Kushes, either. Maybe the way the Pures and Bubba smoked was similar, but looks-wise, no way.

Again, though, those were just the dried-and-cured flowers. Never seen a live plant of any of those, so I can’t speak to the way they grow.

I’m trying, dude! Haha. All’s I can say is every legit OG I’ve come across has those little “golf ball nugs” (and honestly, golf ball-sized would be amazing; they’re usually much smaller than that). They’re also very “calyx-y,” teardrop-shaped, kind of “falls apart” off of the stem. And the high is completely functional and… Just a great high haha!

Whereas the Pures that I’ve smoked, the flowers are more “traditional-looking,” as far as the way they form on the stem. They’re not as “calyx-y.” They kind of run up and down the stem, rather than looking all “nug-y.” I dunno if that makes any sense, but it’s the best way I can describe it. And the high is for sure more lethargic than any OG I’ve ever smoked. I wouldn’t call it “sleepy time weed” or anything, but it doesn’t smoke like pretty much every OG I’ve ever blazed.

I’m no expert, though haha… I still haven’t gone to that place that has all of those “‘91 Kushes,” but maybe I will soon. I’d actually be pretty interested in checking them out again, it’s been years.


Thank you for that clarification. What about this.
What flavors and smells to you would distinguish an OG from a PK?


Every one of the Pure Kushes I got from that place was so very obviously hydro-grown (didn’t seem like the grower even bothered with a flush) that there was never any discernible flavor that I could pick out. They all just burned black and tasted, uh… Not good haha. They didn’t taste bad, either, necessarily; they just didn’t taste like much at all. Didn’t smell like much, either, actually, that I can remember. But they looked fucking phenomenal haha, very crystal-y nugs, tight flowers etc etc. It was fairly obvious that the grower was going for looks and weight.

They all smoked good, though, as long as you’re fine with joints that go out every three seconds haha. The highs were good on all of them, too, but definitely not my favorite. It was more “change of pace”-type weed for me, when I’d get sick of the stuff they had at my preferred dispensary in Echo Park. I’m sure a proper flush and cure would’ve improved the smoke, but they were all pretty good as is.

I’ll swing by that place and grab what they have at some point soon and post pics and observations here when I do.


Yeh boy, Nathan is one weird guy. Really enjoyed his last show, he was also in Jon Benjamin Has a Van…another great show.


I don’t think he’s weird. I think he’s a Comic Genius. And I’m not one of those people who tosses the word “genius” around willy-nilly.


You know, I dunno how I got sucked into this whole thing again yesterday (drunk, probably haha), but I was re-reading my posts from yesterday (as I always obsessively do haha) and just wanted to reiterate that the Pure OG and the Pure Kush are not the same thing. Every cross that Bodhi’s ever made with the Suge Kush, he’s labeled it as such (Lando’s Stash, Lion’s Milk etc etc); he listed the parent plants of the Imperial Majesty as “Pure OG x ‘88G13HP.” They’re two different plants. Just so everybody knows.

I’m not directing this post at you, syzygy haha, just quoting you. What I am saying… for the hundredth time… is that Pure Kush and Pure OG are two different things.


I just watched the forth episode… hahaha. How deep can the rabbit hole go with this guy?? You start questioning who is an actor and who isn’t. The whole thing with the guy finding the gold had me rolling too.

I never smoked Pure OG or Pure Kush, but you guys are making me want to seek some out.


Yeah, I kind of got freaked out watching the trailer when I saw an adult, dressed up and acting like a kid :rofl:


It’s literally the funniest TV show ever. :rofl: I’ve been loving it too.

Everything’s looking really nice in here as usual :smile_cat:


Dude… I know. I fucking love it. I’ve watched the the first half of the fourth episode like ten times in the last couple days. The first time I saw that episode, I was like,”Is Nathan going to hire another actor to play himself playing Thomas? Will Nathan eventually play the actor playing himself playing Thomas??? How many apartments and fake band members can they pay for???” haha.

I mean, he pretty readily admits, like,”I hired a bunch of actors to recreate this scenario.” Or even,”I hired a bunch of actors to create this scenario before the scenario actually even happened.” It’s fucking awesome.

And just so everybody knows: I am not an actor. I’ve never been or wanted to be an actor. I did not move to LA to be an actor. I live in LA because I love living in LA. I know that everybody who doesn’t live in LA thinks that all of us are involved with “Hollywood” somehow, but 98% of the people who live here don’t want to be actors or want to work in the film industry at all. We’re normal people haha. I honestly don’t know a single person who’s trying to be an actor (although that’s just because I haven’t worked in a restaurant in six years haha).

Having said that, Iamyou, the series kind of seems to me to be a “commentary” on “Acting.” I read an article that said,”The Rehearsal is moving into Brecht-ian territory,” and also mentioned some other acting teacher that kind of subscribed to the same idea, which is basically: we’re all “acting,” all the time, even if we’re not actors. We act every day in our daily lives.

I wasn’t familiar with Brecht, so I read about him a little bit. I kind of agree with that philosophy. If nothing else, motherfuckers these days are very conscious of how they’ll be perceived, if for no other reason than they post their entire lives on social media.

Anyway… yeah haha. “The Rehearsal” kicks ass.


Man you have those ladies looking real happy.
That IM looks tasty as, the flowers & flimsy structure actually remind of Long Bottom Leaf.
Delighted to hear there are no signs of seeds, like I am you_you are me mentioned, you’d kinda expect to see at least some seeds busting out by now.

Man, those little plants all look extra frosty too, espcially the Outer Limits, thats insane.

Theres something about those Dread Bread, I really like the look of them.

Sounds amazing.

Yesss delighted to hear that.

Going to see if I can find it now.


hell yeah!!

I saw the trailer, gotta get on it, the last best show i watched was nathan for you so it should be right up my alley

bro, critics thought The Beatles had talent (it’s from a rap song, j-zone)

wow, that’s it right there

does the smell resemble the chem fuegos? thats the BX3 male in this one too huh?

i don’t have too much time to be on here lately, but i’m watching!


Yeah, I’ve been looking pretty closely and haven’t noticed anything, but that doesn’t really mean shit since I’m basically blind haha. I’ve also kinda been feeling around, squeezing nugs, and thought I might’ve felt a seed a couple days ago on one of the Dread Breads. I tried to kind of “scrape” it out with my fingernail, but it wouldn’t come out, so maybe it was just a ripening calyx or something. I dunno.

Find it. I’m obsessed with it. Obviously haha.

Yeah, I never saw the trailer, but I’m not sure how a trailer could convey what’s actually going on in this show. Even if it was a five-minute trailer, there’s no way somebody could get any idea at all of what’s happening in it. I mean, I’ve watched the actual episodes multiple times since Sunday afternoon and I’m not even sure I have an idea of what’s going on haha!

It’s an enigma… A mystery wrapped inside a riddle… haha!

Yeah, I know what that’s from. It’s a stupid lyric. I love the Beatles.

And I thought you “hated all music.” Now you’re quoting lyrics? Haha!

Not at all. The Chem Fuegos actually smelled pretty Sour Diesel-ish while they were growing, but they lost that once they were dried and cured (I probably fucked it up haha).

Yeah, same bx3 male.