Bodhi Dread Bread and Imperial Majesty; Lucky Dog Diesel Therapy; Doc D Purple Corinto Budder x A5Thai, Outer Limits and Sour Diesel x DE

Sorry 4 the Hijack @minitiger

I sprayed the 6 TBS Dr Bronners. Today is day 10F pom poms beginning


I’ve only gotten them around day 60-70 of flower (or didn’t notice them until day 60-70 of flower, anyway), so I just chopped the plants.


So I chopped the two Imperial Majesties today, flower day 69. Took them out of the grow room this morning to snap pics before I chopped and for once some of the “no flash” pics actually turned out better than the “flash” pics. Natural lighting is key… haha. I got some decent “flash” pics, too, though.

Imperial Majesty #1:

No, the above pic isn’t loaded sideways haha. Those snapped branches were, unfortunately, a pretty common occurrence with both of the IM’s, although the #1 was actually the sturdier of the two.

More Imperial Majesty #1 (flash) pics:

So the IM#1 looks pretty good, but I’m much more impressed with the #2, the more (I’m assuming) Pure OG-leaner, as far as looks are concerned. Structure-wise, not so much haha.

Here’s the Imperial Majesty #2, pre-stake removal:

And here she is post-stake removal:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I despise emojis, but, uh, I don’t think anything else could convey my feelings about the above two pics better haha!

Having said that, I can’t fucking wait to blaze her. I took a shitload of pics of the #2, so bear with me here:

She’s just fucking CAKED; I’m not even sure those pics are doing her justice. And I keep getting whiffs of both of them, too. Not from the drying area or anything, but just, like, on me. Like, I chopped and hung them probably twelve hours ago, but every now and then, I notice their scent, like it’s just “with me” or something, even though I’ve been sitting outside and kicking it pretty much since I chopped them. I’m stoked about these two plants.

I took pics of the other still-growing plants, as well, but I wanted to make the “chopping of the Imperial Majesties” its own post haha. I’ll post the other pics tomorrow.


They look delicious! Dense as they appear?


Flowers look amazing and you can definitely see how laden they are with trichomes! Looks like they will be a quick trim for you as well. But yeah, the structure on that #2, that’s just funny.


Yeah, they’re pretty rock-hard. How that’ll translate to, like, actual density is unknown at this point. I’ve grown some plants where the flowers felt super-dense (I’m thinking of the two Wookie crosses that I’ve grown) but ended up being mysteriously light haha. So we’ll see.

Dude, for real. And that really only happened in the last week, so if anybody’s planning on growing these, I’d say let them go 70 days at least. I kinda wanted to let them go a few days longer, but I was also just kind of over them (and everything else haha) so I chopped them yesterday.

They are for sure super-frosty, though. I finally ended up ordering a pack from GLG yesterday after seeing just how crystal-y they got. They only had one pack left, so I’m glad I did.

And NOW I’m done buying seeds haha.


That some serious spaghetti stems!
Some fine looking buds though!

Did you actually only buy one pack? No way I could grab 1 for $45 and not grab a second to get a freebie haha.
Maybe you have better self control than me haha. I am, after all, a seed whore. :man_shrugging: :+1:



Because I know how much you love emoji’s!!


Pssshhhh… yeah… haha. I was just laser-focused, scrolled down to the Imperial listing and didn’t even look around. I mean, I’m not kidding every time I say I don’t want anymore seeds. I really don’t. I’ve said this before, but my fridge really does keep me up at night sometimes. I have too many seeds. But I just wanted to be sure to have some more of those IM beans.

If GLG had the Devil’s Hashplant in stock, I woulda grabbed a backup pack of those, but syzygy mentioned a couple weeks ago that they were out of them (I didn’t even look to see if they had them) so… That’s it. No more seeds.


That #2 looks like a winner for sure! I’m in a similar boat with not needing or even wanting anymore seeds but I do kind of want a backup Imperial Majesty also. GLG still has 33 packs of that so doesn’t feel very urgent and will probably hold off. What did they only have 1 pack left of? It’s always a good sign when the smell lingers on/with you too.


Oh, for real? I coulda sworn when I ordered last night it said there was only one pack left. I actually feel better knowing that they have 33, just because I was like,”Maaaaan, I don’t want no bottom-of-the-barrel pack…” haha.

I mean, it sounds like your Spirit HP is taking after the mom more than the dad, with the floppy stems and all. That’s really the main reason (besides the sheer frostiness haha) that I wanted a second pack of the IM, just because I’ve never found a GHash cross that wasn’t dominated by the dad. Whether I just found two outlier plants or not is unknowable, obviously, but I like my odds. And even if I don’t find a lot of mom-leaners, it seems like the Pure OG is really increasing trichome production, if nothing else. I mean, I don’t think that crystal-covered buds necessarily equates to “good weed,” but it sure looks pretty… haha.


Someone probably placed an order for x33 packs a few days ago and flaked haha.


What the FUCK is the Dodgers game doing on fucking peacock this morning? This is awful. I’ve seen people bitch about the peacock broadcasts, but this is the first time I’ve actually watched one on that platform, so I didn’t know what the people complaining were talking about. It’s awful. They did an in-game interview with Trea Turner while he was playing shortstop in the 4th (I hate those in-game interviews) and I swear to gawd, they asked him,“Trea, what’s your favorite thing about baseball?” They asked him that! And then they were like,“I notice your glove’s a little worn down. Ever think about getting a new glove?” These motherfuckers are getting paid to broadcast a game and they couldn’t come up with better questions than,“Why do you like baseball?”??? It’s like they asked a fourth-grade class to submit questions or something… Horrible. Then the broadcast team spent several minutes talking about what their favorite social media platform was: IG, twitter or “the youtube.” I really wanna mute it and just turn on the local radio broadcast, can’t believe these people are getting paid for this. I mean, you knew in advance that you’re gonna be doing an in-game interview with Trea Turner and the prepared question you came up with was,“Trea, why do you like baseball?” Jesus…

I dunno. Maybe it’s a good thing it’s on peacock. This is the first time we’ve ever used peacock for anything other than watching “The Office” while we’re falling asleep. Gettin’ our money’s worth now, baby! Haha.

Anyway… Here’s the Purple Corinto Budder x A5Thai, flower day 69:

She’s foxtailing big-time and spitting out a lot of white pistils. Some of the other plants are foxtailing, too, but I think they’re doing that because the temps have been getting as high as like 88, 89 degrees. Pretty sure the Purple Corinto is foxtailing because of the genetics. Or maybe it’s a combination of genetics and heat, I dunno. Either way, I like it when weed foxtails a little bit, although I like it more when they do it because of the genetics and not because of the environment, so hopefully the foxtails on the PCB are due to genetics.

Dread Bread #1, flower day 69:

And the Dread Bread #2, flower day 69:

I was thinking I might chop them in just a couple days, but I glanced at them this morning and the tops are still noticeably swelling. So I dunno. Probably gonna let them go another week, maybe. I’ve noticed what looks like possible aphid/pest damage on the smaller plants (none on the bigger plants), so yesterday I added 3.5 tablespoons of bamboo wood vinegar, which is supposed to have anti-pest properties or whatever, and watered everything with that. I dunno if that had anything to do with the noticeable swell of the Dread Breads, but they for sure look fatter than they did yesterday. I’m not just imagining this shit haha.

Anyway, here’s the Diesel Therapy #2, flower day 69:

And the Diesel Therapy #3, flower day 50:

Both of the Diesel Therapies are the least-impressive plants in the tent, but we’ll see how they smoke. The pics actually make them look better than they do in real life. They’re not as crystal-y-looking in person as they look in those pics. The nugs are the least-fat of the three weird small plants, too. They’re still fat, but not as much as the other two little plants.

Like the Blueberry x Silver Lotus #1 haha:

This plant smells so. Fucking. Good! I know I’ve said it before, but she really does smell fucking amazing and getting better every day. Right now its a sort of “candied/artificial blueberry” smell that’s just unreal. I hope that carries over through the dry and cure, but even if it doesn’t, I can’t wait to blaze this one @iamyou_youareme.

And here’s the Outer Limits #2, flower day 50:

I really wish I was able to capture just how fat the flowers on those short plants are getting. I mean, I’ve considered holding up a lighter next to them or something, for scope, but I don’t think that would really do it.

Anyway, yeah, I’m stoked about the Outer Limits. She looks good. They all look good! I’m getting pretty antsy, actually, but chopping those two Imperial Majesty plants yesterday has kind of quelled the urge to start chopping everything else.

For now… haha.


You could always hold up one of your skinny White Claw cans, haha. But really, all the flowers are looking fat, at first I was thinking, damn those Dread Breads pack on the weight, then it just kept going through the rest of the lineup, and yeah, those small plants are just all flowers!


That’s actually not a bad idea haha. If I wasn’t so OCD about bringing outside shit into the grow room, I’d probably do that now, although I’m done taking pics until chop day. And I actually will do that on Chop Day, when I bring them out into the living room and, uh, chop them haha.

“Note to self: hold a White Claw can next to the short plants when I take final pics.” I canNOT forget to do that. Seriously.

So thanks for the suggestion haha! For real, that’s about how big they are: White Claw Can-sized buds haha.


I have a seltzer can that I thoroughly cleaned with iso, never leaves the grow room now. :+1:


i wouldnt be suprised if your IM pics spike their purchases, i know im considering it.

I agree frost is pretty but not a guarantee of great weed. Still pretty. btw is that the frostiest you’ve gotten from bodhi?


Your grow is looking excellent, as always

These imperial majesties are really impressive. I got pretty excited when I saw those floppy stems, that’s classic OG for sure. I would have thought the og would be completely dominated by the 88g13hp but some of these look very similar to OG cuts I grew when I lived in the bay.

This bud is similar in appearance to the platinum OG.
(although the platinum had 3 blade OG taco leaves with insane resin coverage on the underside of the leaf. I still haven’t found those unique guard leaves in an og hybrid.)

The dread bread is also looking real nice, I’m interested to see your smoke report for those. A few of the dread breads look similar to phenotypes I found in bodhi’s ethiopian banana x omg tester. It’s cool to see the extreme hybrid vigor in these OMG male heirloom sativa / heirloom indica hybrids.


that’s the running joke around here

hahahaha i didnt watch it i figured ill watch the replay later on sportsnet but peacock? anyways… dodgers continue to dominate

bro that outer limit you’re right looks way better that the therapies, cant wait to see the reports of smoke!


damn bro you didn’t mention he got hit in the head with a pitch!!