Bodhi Dread Bread and Imperial Majesty; Lucky Dog Diesel Therapy; Doc D Purple Corinto Budder x A5Thai, Outer Limits and Sour Diesel x DE

No, the Apollo 11 f4’s were all frostier than that. Those are the ones that immediately come to mind. I’m sure there’ve been others.

Yeah, I thought about tagging you just to get you in here and see what you thought. I agree. Having never grown any straight OG before, though, I can only go off of what I’ve seen and read. They do look pretty OG-ish, though. They smell VERY OG-ish, too. We’ll see how they smoke…

I agree. I wish more people would make more of those kinds of crosses.

I missed it. I was typing that last post with the pics haha, couldn’t take listening to the peacock broadcast team anymore.


That’s sweet! Definitely the BB shining through in the mix. I get strong candied blueberry smell from the BB clone. Definitely holds on to the smells in cure. What’s funny is that Archive claims that it’s not DJ’s stuff… but they list the lineage as the same as DJ… correct me if I’m wrong, which I may be…

Another vote for the White Claw can, we can definitely gauge size from that, haha.

Everything looks super fat… maybe it’s the photos (which are awesome this round), big buds every where though. Love seeing some of the OG come through on the Imperial’s, those and the DB’s look really good.

Hope harvest goes well for ya, always a little tricky doing it in summer, but hopefully things will start cooling off here soon.


I mean, it seems to me that anything “Blueberry” would be at least tangentially related to DJ’s work, but I dunno. I guess it’s possible Archive came across some other sorta blueberry-smelling/flavored plant that had nothing to do with DJ, despite the fact that they list the genetics exactly the same as his Blueberry haha!

Pssshhhh… Why does everybody have to be SO fucking dumb? Just admit it, Archive! Haha. For real, why the fuck would anybody say something as stupid as,”Yeah, no, our Blueberry isn’t related to DJ’s Blueberry at all,”? Totally unnecessary.

Who’s Doc, BTW? Like, in those posts you, uh, posted? That’s somebody from Archive or something? And not Doc D?

Yeah, I thought the highest it would get in the drying area would be like 77, 78, but it actually got up to 81 yesterday and 82 today. Not good. I’m really not sure what I can do about it, though, other than buying some sorta portable AC unit and putting it in the bathroom. And I’m not gonna do that haha. Whatever happens, happens. I’m sure it’ll be fine.


My only guess is for legal reasons… but yeah, doesn’t make any sense to me. Where else would Blueberry come from in Oregon in the early years of clones??? Has to be DJ’s stuff… but I can’t verify for sure ya know…

Why did everyone have to choose Doc as their pseudonym, haha… fuck! It makes things confusing as hell. ThaDocta or TheDocta is Fletcher from Archive Seeds (HMFIC), that was his name on ICMAG I think. That’s from their Discord chat, people ask the breeder questions directly and they can answer. There’s also Doc.D and another Doc-something that doesn’t help with the confusion.

Yeah I tried that once, and it’ll dry out your buds quick because AC is like a dehumidifier as well. Plus you’ll spend extra coin. And you have to vent it and all that shit. It’d be nice to have some perfect drying chamber, but then you look at the dudes in Pakistan letting their shit sit in a barn for four months before beating it into hash and wonder if all that is necessary.


Legal reasons? Like DJ’s gonna sue Archive or something? Okayyyyy… Good luck with that haha!

I do remember in that interview with him on Grantland, when they quoted some of his old, old posts on icmag where he was like,”Blueberry, Flo et al are the IP of DJ Short,” etc etc etc. But, I mean, come on… That shit’ll never hold up in court.

Ah, okay, yeah, I’ve seen that dude around the forums.

Doc’s Dank. I see those posts on the Doc D thread occasionally, where somebody will write some unrelated-to-Doc D shit and everybody (me, especially haha) will be like,”Wrong thread, dude.”

True. Dat. Haha!

Honestly, the only plant I’m worried about maintaining “terps” or whatever at this point is your BB cross. That plant smells so fucking good. By the time it’s getting chopped, probably three or four weeks from now, it should be cooler. I just watched the weather on the news like five minutes ago, though, and it’s gonna be 103 on Tuesday, 108 on Wednesday, 110 on Thursday etc etc etc. The fucking LOW next weekend is 80, so…

Maybe I will go buy a portable AC unit, humidity levels be damned haha…


I am also a big fan of that blueberry. according to what the people at archive dispensary told me, their blueberry is an old seed line and the clone was selected from that. They said it is not the old oregon blueberry clone, and not a dj short cutting. They said the seed line is not from dj short’s company.

They also said they periodically refresh their clone lines with fresh mother plants from seed.

So presumably, it is dj short’s blueberry and they don’t want to say so because of dj’s (dubious) copyright claim, but probably not one of the blueberry seed lines that DJ has sold with his brand.

My interpretation of what they told me is that this is probably one of the older blueberry seed line versions that circulated before dj short began selling the blueberry line with his own company and branding.

Of course, it’s hard to say how truthful archive are being given the amount of spin they are putting on this. And the legal necessities of the recreational market.


I mean, either way, who gives a fuck? Haha! Seriously, we all know it’s some sorta DJ Short-related Blueberry something, nobody’s getting sued, everything’s fine. I really don’t think DJ would actually bring any sorta litigation against Archive, despite what he’s said in posts and interviews. And even if he wanted to, good luck finding an attorney who would take that lawsuit on. I guess it’s possible he could find some ambulance-chaser who’s willing to take the money and disregard the humiliation of such a frivolous lawsuit, but still… Gimme a break. He isn’t gonna win that case. Honestly, I hope he doesn’t, because the ramifications of that would be MASSIVE. There’d be no more seed runs on OG, that’s for sure.

I will say this, though: the only true “weed connoisseur” friend I know used to get this weed that was called Blueberry Muffin or Blueberry Kush or something like that, I can’t remember, from a private seller, not a dispensary. This was maybe seven years ago. But I do remember asking him,”So this is some kind of DJ Blueberry strain?” and he was like,”No, no, it’s totally unrelated to DJ’s Blueberry.” I scoffed at the time and I still scoff haha, but maybe? I always thought it was weird that he was adamant that it wasn’t any sorta DJ Blueberry thing (because how could it not be?), but it did smell and taste EXACTLY like a blueberry muffin. It was delicious.

And now my buddy can’t get it anymore… haha! Super-sad, but maybe Iamyou’s Blueberry/Silver Lotus will fill that void… haha.


Yeah, definitely one that I’m glad I’ve kept around. She roots surprisingly quick and has pretty good vigor, so maybe Archive did introduce some other genetics, to “refresh” the line? Either way, she is a good plant, I just pulled out a jar from earlier this year and still smells great and really love the mellow and relaxing dreamy high.

Very true! I like being diligent with the pedigrees of certain lines, they don’t make it very easy with this one! We’ll see how the next round of clones from there works out for me.

I think you’ll be fine to just do your normal drying procedure, the BB maintains those smells pretty well. I even left the last one I grew (seeded with Silver Lotus) to dry in the garage for awhile, and she still smells good. Hopefully the same will ring true in the cross.

Yeah… exactly, good luck trying to prove you own some plant genetics. I don’t think it’s gonna happen. The very few cases where someone has patented plant genetics have to follow very specific guidelines. If DJ wanted to protect the Blueberry line so much, why did he let it go to shit over the years?

There’s definitely a strain from Humboldt Seed Co that is blueberry muffin. I smoked some from the dispensary here and it was some of the strongest smelling blueberry muffin smell that I’ve encountered. I’ve seen the clone floating around here, and think they still make the line at HSC. I almost thought it was like fake or sprayed with something, it was that uncanny.


Sorry I wasn’t totally clear there. The dispensary staff were saying they occasionally go back to the seed line to grow fresh mother plants because it makes it easier to comply with the olcc mandated plant tracking and plant health / viroid testing for each cutting they sell.

They were saying it’s a pure blueberry line, but they occasionally grow a new mother from their seed line to maintain the vigor and health of their mother stock, and to make it easier for them to comply with the plant testing and tracking requirements.

its also interesting / weird that doc from archive’s post that @iamyou_youareme quoted seems to contradict what the dispensary staff has been saying.

I had the old “oregon blueberry” clone a few years ago in 2018. I got it and the original non hybridized pure indica PNW northern lights from an old black market grow that had been operating continuously since the late 80’s.

The archive clone was pretty similar to that one in growth characteristics, but the high felt somewhat different. Your description of the archive clone is perfect- a “relaxing dreamy high.” It’s a nice balanced hybrid expression of the line.

I would describe the high from the old black market blueberry as sparkly and dreamy in a psychedelic way. It had a noticeable visual effect which is unusual for me, and was definitely more of a sativa high.

I don’t think they were the same phenotype. The plant itself looked pretty similar, but the old black market cut was slow to root, slow growing, and lower yielding with narrow pointy buds. It also came from the old black market grow riddled with spider mites and mildew, and it took months to nurse it back to health.

I think the archive blueberry is pretty much ideal, I can tell based on the smell, the high, and the unique crinkled leaf veins that it is genuine blueberry. The plant health has always been on point. It’s definitely my go to blueberry.

in the end, I agree with minitiger. it’s authentic and the bud is good, so the specifics don’t matter too much.


Yeah, I’m not worried about it.

Much… haha.

Uh uh, no, my buddy was getting it for years before HSC even existed. It was for sure not something that came from any kinda seed company (and definitely not from Humboldt Seed Co haha). I dunno what it was, exactly (other than some sorta Blueberry something), but I’ll give him a call later today to see if I can get any more details.

Yeah, that’s how that Blueberry Whatever from my buddy was, just totally “fake”-smelling. I got a batch of Blueberry Headband years ago that was the same way, actually. Smoked a joint, went out for drinks for a few hours and when me and my girl got back to the apartment, we were like,”Dude… It smells like blueberry muffins in here…” haha. Like, overwhelmingly “blueberry muffin-ish.”

It’s out there… It’s out there somewhere… And it’s in my tent, too! Haha! Seriously, that cross of yours smells so good.

But surely that’s related to DJ’s in some way, correct? I’m not saying he has total control over any and all Blueberry-type weed, but it does seem unlikely (to me, anyway) that there are multiple “Blueberry” cuts going around that are genetically different from one another.


Yes it is. DJ bred the blueberry polyhybrid and worked the seed line for years.
The oregon blueberry is just an older sativa leaning cut of his line which was circulated in the black market era before his name was attached to the strain.

The seed line was also circulated and grown extensively in oregon before DJ’s name was attached to it.

Then the first seed company to sell the line was dutch passion I think. It sounds like it was a consignment type deal, DJ sent them the seeds and they retailed them.

At some point DJ stopped supplying them, apparently with the expectation that they would not continue to sell the blueberry. But dutch passion simply reproduced it from the seed stock they had on hand and continued to sell it.

As I understand it, it was never called “DJ’s blueberry” until DJ short wanted to start his own company, and tried to publicly reclaim ownership of the line by declaring the dutch passion blueberry to be a ripoff. That’s when the whole intellectual property and copyright claim started.

So basically, anything that was around before then was just called blueberry. And after that, DJ’s blueberry from his seed company was supposed to be the ‘official’ version.

This stuff about the seed line dispute and then re-naming the line as DJ Short’s blueberry is all covered in the DJ short episode of the potcast.


From memory DJ sent a ton of seeds to Dutch companies but really wasn’t involved in the selection or breeding process of the genetics which became available and in high demand. Sagamartha seeds & Dutch Passion were the companies that I remember being involved although there may have been more. I think he actually did do a lot of breeding work with Spice of Life & Chimera though, or at least I read a lot about that on ICMag at the time.

I distinctly remember trying a Skywalker (Blueberry X Mazar) that a friend of a friend brought back in the very early 00s. I assume it was from Dutch Passion although I could be wrong and have no direct knowledge. I know for sure Dutch Passion was selling Blueberry, Flo, Skywalker and a few other blue lines at the time. That Skywalker was more impressive than anything I’ve seen from multiple DJ packs of Blueberry & other Blue lines sourced from seedboutique for what it’s worth.

To me it feels like DJ stamped himself into complete irrelevancy with his restrictive positions which is a shame because he had such unique work and really did contribute a lot.


Thanks for the more detailed info syzygy, you’re totally right it was dutch passion. I’m going to go ahead and correct my previous post from “dutch flowers” to dutch passion.

I totally agree with this. He basically made it impossible for anyone to publicly acknowledge his contributions when they do breeding work with his blueberry line.


DJ was giving out ceast and desist letters a couple years ago.
I was gonna trade seeds woth him at emerald cup a couple years ago when we met up but he said he signed contracts and now cant give anything out. So he told me to contact his white label guy to get what i need. Thats when I got the Flo F4/f5 line and PKxFlo.
So, yeah, could be


He can send all the cease and desist letters he wants, but his case would never hold up in court.


I got a lot of blueberry in Portland starting in the spring of 1994 through the winter of 95 when it dried up. I don’t know if that was before DJ and don’t care, but it was exceptional weed for those days, completely different from everything on the market. I haven’t had it since, but I think you guys nailed the description of it.

On topic, nice grow minitiger! Glad you were able to overcome all the previous issues and get a good haul. Hope the drying goes well and the smoke is A+++!


P.S. Apparently bodhi’s Sunshine Daydream has a pheno that smells/tastes exactly like blueberry muffins, so perhaps that’s what you had?


Yeah, I was actually thinking about SSDD after all the discussion about Blueberry the last few days. I’m assuming that any “Blueberry”-smelling SSDD phenos would be coming from the Blue Moonshine portion of that cross, though, which would make it related to DJ’s Blueberry.

You can’t escape it! Haha! It always comes back to DJ’s Blueberry… Fucking Blueberry… haha.


That’s the one I got :yum: Sour butter and blueberry muffins! Been hunting for that blue moonshine still but it’s a rare one.

I do think any blueberry coming out of the PNW is gonna be from DJ’s work regardless of whatever Archive or anyone else says. I’ve heard talk of an old blueberry cut from the midwest or canadia that’s not supposed to be related to dj’s but even that I would be suspicious of.


I’ve got three girls in veg of Jordan of the Islands’ “Pure Blueberry (Blueberry Muffin Edition)”. It gets a lot of praise but this is my first time with it. JOTI has been in the game since the early 90s - not sure where his Blueberry comes from…


Again, I’m fairly certain that anything “Blueberry” is related in some way to DJ’s. But maybe not, I dunno.

Just as an aside, I got a small batch of JOTI’s Blue Hawaiian years ago that was fucking AWESOME. One of my favorites, for sure. Before I was done buying seeds, I’d look on JOTI’s website every now and then to see if those seeds were available, but they were always outta stock.