Bodhi Dread Bread and Imperial Majesty; Lucky Dog Diesel Therapy; Doc D Purple Corinto Budder x A5Thai, Outer Limits and Sour Diesel x DE

I know I have a pack of his Hawaiian Lights. My list says I have “Blue Hawaiian Sativa” which was a bonus from our group buy, iirc. Not sure if that’s the same as Blue Hawaiian, but it let me add it to the cart for purchase on his site:

Whoa! The URL indicates feminized but that’s nowhere in the description. I thought he only dealt in regs.


Yeah, that’s probably maybe the same one I got. Sounds good either way. I’m getting a little tempted…

Haha, just kidding, I’m not buying anything else. You should definitely get those and grow them out, though. Great weed.


Seems like I’ve heard this someplace before!!


Oh man, you are right! and like, the Hawaiian Lights URL says “non-feminized” so… was it a typo or are they actually fems!? I’m pretty sure @Leaf gave everyone in the group buy a pack of the Blue Hawaiian Sativa from the freebies he got as I know I have a pack too! If they’re all actually fems that makes things a bit more interesting!

I’d send ya the pack if you want it @minitiger


Pssshhhh… Haha! Fuck, man, I dunno. If they’re not feminized, yeah, I’ll take them haha… I mean, do you think you’d be growing them out any time soon? I’d be inclined to grow them sooner rather than later, like probably in the next year or so, but if you think you’d grow them sooner than next September, you should keep them. It really is great weed.

Actually, no, never mind, you keep them. I don’t need any more seeds. I already felt the ever-so-slightest bit of stress when I was typing the above paragraph haha! Just keep ‘em.


Haha, I’m not planning on popping them anytime in the next couple years bro. You know where to find me if you change your mind lol


As sweat runs down his brow and his upper lip starts twitching!!


There’s sweat running down my brow and my upper lip is twitching, but it ain’t because I was considering taking Holy up on his offer… It’s fucking HOT here. Hot as shit and dry as shit.

I’ve actually been considering breaking down the recently-chopped Imperial Majesties and getting them in paper bags. Like, I might do that tomorrow, only six days after chopping them. It’s just too fucking hot and too fucking dry here right now, 113 degrees and 12% humidity. The drying area’s like 84 degrees today and even with a humidifier running 24/7 in there, I still can’t get the humidity up past 45% or so. So yeah, I may get them in paper bags tomorrow.

I’m for sure going for a swim later tonight. I know I’m gonna do that haha. Fuck this weather.


Damn. We had they heat this summer. Highs back in upper 80’s-lower 90’s now.

But I’ve never seen 12% humidity!!


yeah and 113f, that’s fucking crazy dude, it justifies having a pool (and drinking too)


You have more of that weather this weekend too i imagine… sounds like you should stay near that pool. Blender, Tequilla and doob’s…

I only see humidity that low in the depths of winter…


Yeah, it’s pretty crazy. It’s like that here a lot, though. I mean, it’s nice for me, personally; if it’s gonna be 113, I’d prefer it not be humid haha. But it sucks when you’re trying to grow/properly dry weed.

I dunno how anybody could live out here without a pool. And cold beverages haha.

Yeah, today’s “only” gonna get up to 104, but it’s supposed to get up to 115 in a few days. Like I said, I actually like this weather, but it makes growing weed really difficult. Our AC’s running all the time during lights-on (most recent power bill was $1100), but the temps in the tent still get up to 89. And that’s just where the hygrometer’s hanging, I’m sure it’s hotter than that in the back of the tent. The carbon filter’s crapping out, too, which is probably why it’s so hot in there, not pulling in the AC air as much. I’m gonna change it out after this grow.

Luckily, the place I ordered my last filter from fucked up and sent me two, along with an extra aerocloner that I didn’t order, so… Bonus! Free carbon filter? I’ll take it haha.


Damn dude, that’s rough! I know solar is a lot of money up front but it could save you guys in the long run if you are interested in staying in your house for the foreseeable future. We obviously don’t get the same heat as you, I think the hottest day (is it Monday?) is going to be 90 degrees so most houses don’t have AC or anything. Thankfully our house had solar when we bought it and I don’t even get a bill from PG&E most months, and when I do it’s like $10…

And yeah, low humidity is a great thing when it’s hot out from a personal comfort perspective. That way, a pool or the shade actually feels refreshing. I liken it to when you open the door to go outside, it feels like opening an oven, whereas, in hot and humid weather, it’s like opening a door to a steam bath. Screw humidity! I don’t think I have ever said, “Yeah, I wish it was more humid”, but I have said “I wish it was hotter”. Anyway, I know when you’re drying your weed you want lower temps and less humidity.


We already HAVE solar panels haha! And I’ve spent like two grand over the last couple years to get our AC running more efficiently, too. It’s just because of the pool, I think; the pool pump is a serious energy draw. Our power bill at the old house was half of what it is at this house. We didn’t have solar at the old house, but we also didn’t have a pool. And there were a bunch of big-ass trees all around that house, in the front yard, the back yard and on the west side of the house, which kept it much cooler and didn’t require constant AC. We only have tall trees on the east side of the new house. And one gigantic cactus on the west side. That cactus doesn’t provide much shade haha.

For sure. I went to DC for my brother’s birthday a few years ago and as soon as I walked outta the airport, it was like,”WTF is THIS???” It was so fucking humid. Oppressive. Stifling haha. I’d forgotten what truly humid weather was like. I dunno how people do it.

Still… I wouldn’t mind a little bit of that action right now… For the plants’ sakes… haha.


“Air you can wear!”

I’ve spent most of my days in the Midwest. When I first moved to New Mexico I was SHOCKED that you could measure relative humidity with only a single digit. I’m not sure I had ever experienced a climate under 30%rh prior to that.


I chopped both of the Dread Breads yesterday, flower day 77. They’re hanging and drying now (obviously haha). Pretty stinky, too, still with that “creamy fruity” thing going on. I could smell them in the bedroom last night around 1am, through two doors and about thirty feet away. I’m super-stoked to blaze them.

In five or six weeks… haha.

Dread Bread #1, chop day 77:

And the Dread Bread #2, chop day 77 (shitload of pics):

I think the #1 plant probably could’ve gone another week, but the #2’s been looking pretty done for a while now, so I just chopped them both. I was also sick of moving plants out of and back into the tent every time I watered haha. It’s nice having only five plants to deal with now. And I doubt another week would’ve made THAT much of a difference with the #1 anyway.

So yeah, the Dread Breads are chopped and hanging. I broke down the Imperial Majesties and got them into paper bags yesterday, too, eight days after chopping them. The branches weren’t necessarily “snapping” but they were starting to feel a little brittle. And I don’t usually wait until the branches snap before I get them into paper bags anyway; usually I wait until they feel like,“Okay, tomorrow they’ll be snapping,” and break them down then. I’ll probably start trimming and jarring them in a couple days. I dunno. Maybe I should check the bags right now, actually haha, haven’t done that yet today…


What’s the density on the Dread Bread buds? They really look good!!


Rock-fucking-solid on the upper flowers. Most of the lowers feel pretty dense, too. That was actually what I was waiting for before I chopped, was for the lowers to start feeling solid; the uppers have felt like stones for a few weeks now. I didn’t take a pic of it like I did with that one Imperial Majesty, but when I removed the stakes from the #2 Dread Bread, it was full-on,”Timberrrrrrrr!!!” haha. I had to catch it after I took the last stake out, actually, so that the plant didn’t snap in half. My girl chopped it while I held it up haha. Very top-heavy. I bet with some proper training the Dread Breads could be epic yielders.

I’m pretty curious to see how much each plant ends up weighing. I don’t really care about yields or anything, but I do think both of them are gonna end up pretty heavy.


Good to hear!! LOVE rock hard buds!


Beautiful flowers!