Bodhi Dread Bread and Imperial Majesty; Lucky Dog Diesel Therapy; Doc D Purple Corinto Budder x A5Thai, Outer Limits and Sour Diesel x DE

I don’t understand why nobody makes dick jokes when you say things like,”LOVE rock hard buds!” but when I do, there’s always at least one,”Heh… Rock hard…” comment haha. I’ve actually intentionally NOT typed the words “rock” and “hard” just because I didn’t feel like hearing the inevitable dick joke haha.

Anyway, yeah, I like super-dense rock-solid flowers, too. Looking forward to smoking them (insert gay dick joke here haha).

Thanks, dude. That’s all Bodhi; I didn’t have anything to do with it, other than planting those seeds.

One thing I’ve noticed in the last couple rounds of pics is that leaf tip-burn. I dunno what that’s about or why that happened, since I really didn’t “feed” the plants anything for the last, I dunno, six weeks or so. Maybe it was from that half-dose of fulvic a while back or the bamboo wood vinegar, I really don’t know. I actually think a little bit of fish maybe watered in around week 4 woulda been beneficial, definitely gonna do that next time I grow these, just because the leaves on both those plants got so pale.

Either way, though, I’m pretty stoked about those plants. They smell really good.


What’s 12 inches long, rock hard, full of semen, and makes all the girls scream?

The crusty sock under Joker’s bed!


Yeah, I figured someone would have a remark!! And @schmarmpit takes the opportunity!! Lol


Beautiful plants. Maybe a little larfy…





I don’t think so, but even if it is, larf doesn’t bother me. I either roll it in joints or throw it in the freezer and say,”I’m gonna make hash out of that,” and then never make hash out of it haha. I’ve got three freezer bags in the, uh, freezer filled with larf from the last few grows that I was gonna make hash out of and haven’t yet. Maybe one day…

Pretty sure everything’s gonna be fine, though. Those Dread Breads in particular are pretty solid throughout the plants. In any event, I’m not trying to win any “Best Grower on The Internet” awards.


Looks to me like you’re doing just fine for yourself. I’d certainly be satisfied with those buds!
And if the internet gave a “Best grower” award it’d probably go to someone who sucked out loud but had the most insta fans haha.


Having already won “best reviewer” it would be unfair to also win best grower. Your stuff always looks great to me though!


I’ve had fun in the past making dry ice hash, it seems like less hassle than making bubble hash, I think I usually used the 120 micron bag and just did one pass with the material before I tossed the leftovers. If you have an ice company around or a store that carries dry ice in cube form, it really is easy to make. You just have to be ready to process it once you get your dry ice as it doesn’t last long.


kinda off topic question, i don’t remember what mango lotus was but it’s a mango biche cross like the dread bred? they were straight mangoes!


Depends on whether you believe the label or what others have confirmed with Bodhi later. Label said Mango Lotus was Mango Lotus x Snow Lotus. Confirmed later that it’s actually Mango Biche x Snow Lotus


Yeah, for sure. It isn’t a matter of a,”I don’t think I can make hash,” problem as much as it is a,”I don’t feel like making hash,” one haha. I’m lazy! I’ve seen those dry-ice tutorials, looks like the easiest and/or most efficient way to do it, but I’ve got the bags, I’ve got the ice cubes, I’ve got the buckets haha… I’ll do it eventually, one way or another.

I do like hash a lot, though haha. Way better than pressing shit. I can’t even remember the last time I busted out my press.

Haha, thanks, dude. There’s a lot of good reviewers out there, though; you just have to look for them. I’m pining for the next higherthought review haha…

I’m not sure what you’re asking here. What was “straight mangos”? The Dread Bread is a Mango Biche female crossed to Bodhi’s OMG male. I dunno what Mango Lotus is. That’s a Bodhi cross? If it is, then yeah, I’d assume it’s Mango Biche crossed to the Snow Lotus male. Sounds good to me haha. Maybe I’ll Google it and read up on that one, musta missed that drop…


Yeah i like doing the dry ice hash too. Incredibly easy and a ton of yield, but you’re not getting full met bubble quality out of it. I usually just press it all for rosin and give away the pucks anyways tho lol


Yeah, were you the one who turned me on to that “dry ice method”? I remember somebody here turned me on to that, posted some videos on one of my threads a couple years ago. It seems good, but don’t you need like a big-ass glass surface to pull it off? I remember that from the videos.


Might’ve been me for sure, I’ve been on the dry ice kick for a couple years now.

Don’t necessarily need a big glass surface. could use parchment paper and a table. Just need a decently large flat surface.


Do it dude! It’s really not that much work. Get a couple good beers and I bet you could finish in about six beers time… Make sure you have some isopropyl alcohol (90%) to clean everything up at the end. I’ve been doing water hash, which if your stuff was pretty fresh frozen, should give you tasty results. I’ve never done the dry ice method, but considered it for pressing straight to rosin. You do get a lot more plant matter. I’ve been getting the hang of pressing out the bubble hash to nice rosin that rivals the dispensary stuff. You’ve already got the press too…


Do you suggest any particular tutorials to follow on making dry ice hash?


Yeah I think I would get like 5 grams per ounce of flower, if you like edibles, this dude on another forum would make “hallucinating hash caps” with 5 grams of dry ice hash to 1 tablespoon of coconut oil with a small amount of lecithin. Finished hash oil then gets added to capsules by the dropper or by the drop. I made them a few times and would make caps of varying potency, but I found 8-10 drops would put me above and sometimes beyond (although I am a light weight). Usually around 4 drops was like taking a ibuprofen 800 or something like that.


Do you dry it out at all before going into the freezer? I’ve tried a couple times to fresh freeze some flower for pressing and it immediately turned it into straight chlorophyl, hay smelling. Was useless to press too, idk what I was thinking :sweat_smile: I’ve since resorted to drying first to get all the smells/flavors and then freezing it for the dry ice. Haven’t done bubble yet.


Ooh this sounds like my kind of dosage. I need 300+mg of THC to feel like I don’t need to pack a bowl. I may have to try that!


Oh yeah, for sure! You can find the process by just googling “hallucinating hash caps” and his dose would be to fill up a capsule all the way and I think it was around 25-30 drops. Although, he may have used the 220 micron bag for his hash… You’d have to check it out.