Bodhi Dread Bread and Imperial Majesty; Lucky Dog Diesel Therapy; Doc D Purple Corinto Budder x A5Thai, Outer Limits and Sour Diesel x DE

Before I forget, too, I flipped all of the younger plants, the two Sour Diesel x Dragon Energy, one Diesel Therapy, one Outer Limits and that Blueberry x Silver Lotus from Iamyou, today. I just figured, you know, if I’m gonna throw those autoflowering plants in the big tent, I may as well just flip the other shit, too. Why wait? I mean, there are a lot of reasons why I probably shoulda waited haha, but fuck it.

So, yeah, everything’s flowering now.


youre gonna be buying seeds… tomorrow hehe[quote=“minitiger, post:41, topic:86924”]
So, yeah, everything’s flowering now

cant wait!


I will not be buying seeds haha. For real, I’m done. I know I’ve said that before, but I mean it this time. The amount of seeds I have has gotten a little overwhelming, actually; it keeps me up at night sometimes. I typically know when I’m officially done with something, whether it be a chick or a certain type of drug or whatever and I can feel this in my bones: I’m done buying seeds.


I too am quickly becoming this way. I’ve now seriously narrowed down my focus to old haze’s and haze hybrids and landraces outside of the odd bodhi/doc d buy.


Thanks very much for the shout out @minitiger , I would have turned up embarrassingly late as usual otherwise.

Looking great at this point man, that DB # 2 is looking like its going to produce some kind of magical bean stalk or some monster flowers haha.
Cant wait to watch that 1 fill out.

Really curious to see how the IM turn out too, nice to see a little more variation than just GHash dom offspring.

I know in trees its called a “co-dominate leader” not sure if the same term applies here. Last time I encountered it the plant produced 3 branches instead of 2 at the node it grew from and it just decided it was the new great leader.

Im not really to up to speed on a lot of Docs stuff…cause he wont ship here, so whats the point. :joy: But I always enjoy watching, the PCB x A5 Thai sounds really interesting.
Fingers crossed for a Blueberry leaning lady in Iamyouyouareme’s cross too. :crossed_fingers:

Sorry to see you had a couple of seedlings give up at the start, but Id rather they did it at that stage, than at a later date.
Would there be any chance it happened from the seedlings coming out of the propagator without time to harden off? The only reason I ask, is I done something similar with a batch of cuttings not too long ago, they look very similar to those seedlings.
Sudden drop in R/H frazzled them on me.
But the fact yours went for 17 days before they did it, seems less likely.

Haha thats what summers are for, pretty sure its the law.

Best of luck with the rest of the run.


Hey, dude! Good to see you here. I hadn’t seen you post in your log in a while, figured you were on vacation or something. Don’t all you Euros get like a month of paid vacation every year? Haha. That’s what we Americans dream about. Or the Americans with jobs, anyway haha. So I guess that excludes me…

Yeah, I am, too. Except I’m fairly certain that the super-OG leaner, which I think is the #2, hermed and is already pollinated. I’m seeing an unusual amount of brownish pistils on her already, noticed it yesterday. I’ve gotta water in a little bit, gonna take an extra-close look at everything when I do.

Haha, yeah, I feel you. I’ve got just a shit-ton of his gear, multiple packs of a lot of his crosses. I could send you a few packs, if you want.

Nahhhh, I don’t think so. I mean, maybe, but I don’t think that’s why. I’m fairly certain it was because I fucked with my soil mix and added that new biochar-heavy/low aeration mix to the starter pots. I shoulda just used my old ROLS to start the seeds in and then added the new mix once they got older and I transplanted into the half-gallons and, eventually, the seven-gallons. It’s fine, though.

It’s all a journey… haha.

Definitely. We’re having my girls over today, gonna eat a ton of shrooms, really looking forward to that haha. It’s gonna be fun.

Yeah, I’ve kinda been the same way lately. Not necessarily with the Hazes, but for sure anything sorta “landrace” from Mexico and Central/South America. The weed from those areas just really kinda seems to agree with me, always extremely pleasant and happy, never racy. But, like I said, I am for sure done buying seeds. I’m satisfied with my collection right now. I’m not sure what could compel me to buy any more seeds at this point haha, but it’d have to be something totally fucking amazing.


That’s too bad, I was rooting for her after she made that dramatic rebound.

I used to just plant them in their seedling containers without soaking because it always worked just fine. Then I had a few seeds not pop for my outdoor stuff this year and saw or remembered you talking about soaking them in water with fulvic acid. So I popped 3 Jalalagod’s this way and it worked no problem, did the same to the Sundance and got crappy germ rates. Now germing some beans and were just over 48 hours from going into soil so we shall see.

If’s funny cause at the same time I planted the Herer HP after soaking them, I threw a few seeds I found in a Blueberry OG plant I grew a few years ago into cups too, without even soaking, and those damn things are already above the soil line and ready to go… Anyway, I’m doing the soak with fulvic acid from now on but I’ll let you know how this rounds turns out.

Have fun at your party and enjoy the experience! Every mushroom experience I have ever had has made me look at something, whatever it ends up being, differently, in a good way of course. And you always feel great for weeks after as well, guess this has already been documented and such in lab/clinical trials and stuff. Have fun and enjoy!


It sounds like those Sundance seeds were just bunk. I mean, if basically everything else is sprouting and thriving and doing well, it’s gotta be the seeds, right? What’s that Sundance again? Is that a Bodhi cross? Freebies, maybe? Haha.

Yeah, if shrooms were all I was gonna be ingesting this weekend, I’m sure I’d feel great tomorrow and for weeks afterwards. But, uh, I’m fairly certain there’ll be all kinds of shit going into my body this weekend, so… I don’t plan on “feeling great” once the drugs wear off haha, but that’s fine. This is gonna be an epic weekend, no doubt about it.

And everybody here’s invited haha!!!


Haha! Sounds like it will be a great weekend then, one that would make Hunter S. Thompson proud no doubt. Sundance is from Bodhi and it’s Lemon Thai x Wookie, so back to the Lemon Thai seeds being difficult possibly to germ due to their thick shells.

And on another note, the eagle has landed and A-A-Ron says thanks!

Edit: Alright, was trying to add an A-A-Ron GIF and can’t figure it out without having to post a link… Anyway, thanks again!


Haha, yeaaahhhhh, you know… I love that bit, was hoping it’d make you chuckle. Glad they made it there safe.

Just a quick note: finished watering right now and noticed like ten sacs on the Diesel Therapy, the older one, so if anything got pollinated, that’s where it’s coming from. Obviously, I picked them all off, hopefully that’ll be the last of it. I looked at everything else reeeallllyyyy closely, didn’t see shit, so… I did notice that both of the Imperial Majesties have some brownish pistils already, so maybe it’s just a genetic thing. I dunno.


Just checked my email…I didn’t even place an order in May. So I can’t be one of the assholes who bought them all in May. LOL

But when I did place orders, I always tried to send my order within 30 minutes of the email coming out. Which means Doc D usually had my reply in his inbox before y’all west coasters even woke up.


Aww the Diesel therapy threw some balls? Rough, hopefully you got all of them and that’s it.

I ended up finalizing my order with doc.

2x Twilight Language x DE
1x Bandaid Haze IX 3.0 x Sensi Star F2
1x Mullum/Oaxacan ET x Nepali Watermelon HP
1x Purple Corrinto Budder x A5Haze/Thai BX
1x Bandaid Haze IX 4.2

You talked me into grabbing some of the haze stuff :sweat_smile: He said he was most excited about the twilight language cross and recommended hunting that one. I’d been wanting something with the purple corrinto and figured can’t go wrong with mullumbimby/oaxacan x nph… NOW I’m done buying seeds :joy:


Haha, yeah, let’s all just not buy seeds anymore. I mean, at what point is enough enough? I’ve reached that point, I think. In fact, I’m certain I’ve reached that point haha. It’s kind of a liberating feeling, actually, where you’re just like,”Yep, I don’t need any more seeds…” haha.

Yeah, that Twilight Language sounded real intriguing. I’m certain there’ll be some awesome plants in that cross. That was for sure one of the ones that made me be like,”Ohhhh, hmmm, I dunnooooo… Maybe I’ll have to buy that one,” but I resisted. I’m looking forward to watching you grow that cross out, though haha!

Anyway, what a great weekend. Sometimes (most of the time) it’s just a good idea to ingest a ton of drugs and lose your mind for twelve or twenty or 70 hours. I feel tired tonight, but refreshed haha. Just wanted to post this track here, couldn’t stop listening to it yesterday:

At some point last night, I got that intro hook stuck in my head and asked my girl,”Wait, what’s that song that goes,’Bing… Bing… Bing… Bing…Bing-da-ning…” and she was like,”I don’t know what you’re talking about,” haha. And then I realized it was this song, from an album I haven’t listened to in at least ten years, way before we even started dating. It’s a great song (and a great album, too). I love how warble-y it sounds, like it’s on the verge of breaking apart, but super-warm and heaving, breathing, in and out. Very “White Album”-ish, kind of.

When I put that track on last night, though, me and my girl were sitting outside and we could hear my friends May and Natalie inside, tripping balls and wondering,”Is he saying,’AIDS in Africa?’” and debating, like,”No, I think he’s saying,’Asian Africa. Or, I dunno, is he saying,’AIDS in Africa? That can’t be what he’s saying, I don’t think…’” And my girl and I were just laughing our asses off at them. I finally got up and shouted inside,”Yes! That’s what he’s saying! He’s saying,’AIDS IN AFRICA!” haha.

Great track, though. Great album.

Anyway, yeah, man, I fucking loooooove drugs… haha.


I was just busting your balls haha. I rarely post anywhere. In all honesty, I don’t have much free time to dedicate to being online. Between spending time with my family, working with plants 5-7 hours a day and working full time, I don’t really get any free time at all. Not only that, but it can sometimes take me a couple of sittings just to finish one post (case in point: it took me 2-3 days to finish this reply). I usually get interrupted by someone or something. I can’t complain though; my life is overflowing with love and happiness.

It was my Motorbreath #15 x Blowfish that @schmarmpit ran, so both haha. He definitely knocked it outta the fucking park.

I should be harvesting a nice F2 seed crop of those Motorbreath #15 x Blowfish in ~4 days (actually tomorrow now haha). I’m just throwing it out there haha. If you would like to stop fucking with all of these world-renowned breeders and start growing some creations from a basically unknown seed maker haha. For real though, you are always more than welcome to any of my work. I always love your grow logs. It would be a pleasure to watch you grow my creations. No pressure at all though haha. Positive vibes…



I just got caught up on the thread and I just wanted to say, me too man, me too. Positive vibes…



Haha yeah man, damn straight we do, pushing for the 4 day working week too, right now.
Lifes too short to spend toiling all the time.
My partner works for the state, so she gets a whole lot more holidays, like a ridiculous amount.

We got away for a little bit, even managed to get away from the kids for the 1st time since we had our eldest kid 2.5 years ago :sweat_smile:
Id like to say we went wild, but the truth is we ate some gummies and she was asleep by 9.30, I smoked a few joints too and wasnt far behind her.

Thanks a million for the offer man, its really kind, but Im in the same boat as you, I have so many seeds that I need to live to about 250 to pop them all.
I did pick up some of Docs gear from Shoes place, but then he stopped shipping here too :sweat_smile: .
Its ironic that as legalisation rolls out its getting harder to get beans.
Dont get me wrong I understand why they have to be compliant and I support it.

Haha just read your last post and it sounds like you had a blast. Nice to hit the mental reboot button and just chill.

Fingers crossed the DT behaves from now on. I love popping seeds but the constant checking for herm/male flowers is a pain. And whenever I get lazy or give plant the benefit of the doubt and relax my checks, I get caught out.
Have you give anymore thought to taking cuttings? Its nice to run your own cuts and know what you are getting every time, no surpises.


Haha, yeah, I know. And I was just busting yours. I really don’t like tagging people unless they’ve asked me to, though, just because if they haven’t and I tag them anyway, it’s like,”I demand that you follow this log.”

I mean, I dunno that they know what they’re doing any more than anybody else who’s been growing for a while does. Seems like the most important thing in breeding is just giving a shit. Lots of “breeders” don’t, but I know that you do. I may take you up on your offer, I just wanna get through some stuff first. It’d be good to have those Blowfish genetics around, for sure.

That’s a great thing.

Haha, yeah, but that’s alright, too. Honestly, I’m still fucking exhausted from this weekend. Still pretty sore, as well. I’m getting too old for this shit… haha.

The whole reason for the get-together (besides the fact that it’s just fun to lose your mind) is because we gotta put my sweet, sweet boy Bowie down on Thursday, so I just wanted him to be around some people who love him and just hang with everybody before we have to do that. He’s real sociable, but not in an annoying way. We’ll just be hanging outside talking and he’s always right there, too, sitting on the couch next to me or on the ground between the chairs. He just likes being a part of things. I wanted him to be a part of one last thing before that awful day, ya know?

Yeah, I’m starting to get pretty irritated with that, too. It wasn’t something I ever had an issue with until last summer’s grow and now it seems like every time, I find sacs on some of the plants. I dunno what that’s about, but I hope I caught them all. I gotta water today (was supposed to water yesterday, but I was in no shape to be moving plants around and shit haha), I’ll check them again.

I mean, I think about it every grow, but I just have so many fucking seeds that I really feel like I just need to keep sprouting new ones and not take up any room with moms and stuff. Not all of us have gigantic grow spaces like some people winkwinkknudgeknudge haha. I also just really like the chase, always thinking I’m gonna find something even better next run haha. And I just have sooooo many things I’m interested in checking out that it seems kind of counterproductive to take up space with something I’ve already run.

I dunno. Whatever haha.


Damn, that sucks… my good friends just had to put down their Boxer. Never an easy thing to do. Sounds like he’s lived a sweet and fulfilling life though, and he’ll be around the ones he loves in the end. Sorry for your loss.

Yeah, I dig this. Most of the fun for me in growing new stuff is just seeing how each plant develops differently… the smells, how the buds form, all that stuff. Every plant I’ve grown has been somehow unique, even if they end up kinda sucky to smoke, they’re almost always a lot of fun to grow. There are a few plants I’ve come across that I think are worth keeping around, but I get bored growing them round after round.


I have not seen twilight language grown out, but I believe Doc said his one will turn a vibrant purple. I thought that was a nice bonus.


Ah shit man, Im truly gutted to hear that, its such a sad time, losing a loyal friend like that. We had to get our cat put down in December. Still miss the little guy, but it was the kindest thing for him.

:joy: :joy: yeah Im a hopeless chaser too, always convincing myself Im about to find something special in the next pack. But for me the chase is just part of it, Im always hoping to find something special, that I can stick in the stable for a few years. I live in fear of letting something special slip through my fingers. Its really cool that you dont feel that need to keep them.