Bodhi Dread Bread and Imperial Majesty; Lucky Dog Diesel Therapy; Doc D Purple Corinto Budder x A5Thai, Outer Limits and Sour Diesel x DE

Yeah, I’ve never done that haha, but it does sound boring. I feel like the only people who should do that are, like, production growers who’ve found some plant that smokes really good and also has great yields; people who’ve found, like, the perfect smoke for what ails them; or people who can’t afford to just be buying tons of seeds all the time (that’s where I’m at now, mostly because I spent all my money on fucking seeds haha!).

I mean, I dunno how unrealistic it is. Like I’ve said many times, I always find some pretty gawddamn good weed every grow. It seems realistic to me haha…

Anyway, I’m convinced that at least one of the Imperial Majesties is fully-seeded, noticed just a TON of brown pistils today when I opened the tent. Bummer. I haven’t noticed any on any of the other plants, though, so maybe she’s just a really quick finisher… haha! Just kidding, I’m certain she got pollinated by something.

I’m gonna take pics tomorrow, maybe. I’ll post them here, y’all can decide.


I just wanted to mention something really quick: my girl has an unbelievable singing voice. Like, she isn’t one of those chicks who says,”I’m a singer,” just because she can carry a tune. My girl can fucking WAIL. Unfortunately, that means she likes, like, “singer”-type music like Adele and Whitney Houston and Broadway-type shit. It’s actually pretty awesome to listen to her belt out tunes, despite the fact that I hate all the stuff she sings along with haha.

It also, unfortunately, means she likes that show “Glee,” which she’s been re-watching the past few days. I just go outside and fuck around on OG and play video poker or whatever on my iPad when she puts that show on, usually. I have not sat down and watched an episode with her. And I never will.

Anyway, I was walking in and out of the grow room just now, filling up humidifiers, and I heard someone on that show say,”She just wants to do a duet with me. That’s all!” I thought that was pretty funny. Who writes that shit? Somebody got paid to write that shit.


My daughter found Glee on Disney+ and decided she wanted to watch it, so my wife & I are rewatching it with her. It’s pretty campy, but it’s not the worst show I’ve ever watched.


Yeah, I mean, I love music. That episode where the dude said,”She just wants to do a duet with me,” was I guess some sorta, like,”There’s rumors going around,” episode. Or something? So every song they did in that episode was off of Fleetwood Mac’s “Rumors” album. I like that album. I don’t love it or anything, it wouldn’t be my first choice to crank, but I like pretty much any of that kind of “late 70’s decadent cocaine-fueled rock star” shit. I won’t turn off “The Chain” or whatever if somebody plays it.

Still, though… “Glee”? Gimme a break haha. I do love Jane Lynch, though, she’s funny as shit. If you’ve never seen that show “Party Down,” watch it now. And if “Glee” is campy, maybe I’ll check it out. I like campy shit. John Waters is one of my idols haha.

That’s cool your daughter’s into it, though. Does she have a good voice? It’s always good to expose children to every kinda art form, never know what they may pick up. Never know what they might just have a natural inclination for, either.


Yeah man, I know what you mean and do agree. With just a little research on breeders & genetics you can find something nice to smoke in every run.
I recently ran Ken Estes Grandaddy Purp, big let down, gave over half away to a friend that makes rosin, even in a crap run like that, I still found 3 plants, that were really nice smoke.
What Im always hoping to find when I pop beans, is that “special” plant, I know its such a subjective/personal thing that varies between every grower. I’ve only ever found 3 plants from seed that for me where “special”.
Maybe Im just a fussy f**k haha.

Sounds like some Imperial Majesties x Diesel Therapy. Sorry to hear that man, pain in the ass.

[quote=“minitiger, post:62, topic:86924”]
It also, unfortunately, means she likes that show “Glee,” which she’s been re-watching the past few days [/quote]

:joy::joy::joy: I thought I had it bad, with my other half watching Greys Anatomy again.


Yeah, there’ve definitely been some that I’ve liked more than others and there’ve been a few that for sure stood out and that I wish I would have kept around. Tree of Life is one that immediately comes to mind. That OMG-leaning Smart Move is another. But it’s extremely rare that I grow something that I just really do not like and don’t want to smoke. The Purple NL2 is really the only thing I can think of that was like that. I don’t love the Ancient OG x AfPak from last run, but that may just be because I really do love the other stuff I grew last round. And that AOG/AfPak may have changed by now, I don’t think I’ve blazed any in at least a month, maybe longer. Been meaning to revisit it, actually, but I just haven’t been smoking very much lately.

I think I’d rather watch “Glee” haha.


Okay, took these pics earlier today. I was planning on posting them tomorrow morning, but I can’t sleep tonight, so I figured I’d post them now. Hopefully I’ll get tired while I’m writing this…

Diesel Therapy #2 flower day 30:

I like how “nug-y” she looks, but she doesn’t make me think of any Sour Diesel I’ve ever seen. Granted, I’ve only ever seen “live plant” Sour Diesel online, in pics, but still… I’ve seen lots of dried flowers and nothing so far is making me think of Sour Diesel. Anyway, here’s a few closeups:

And here’s the lone Purple Corinto Budder x A5Thai:

I’m not real thrilled about those brown pistils this early (and she’s not the only one), pretty sure shit got pollinated. I will say, though, that she smells un-fucking-believable. I don’t “search” for smells while plants are flowering, don’t really bother with stem rubs or anything, I just wait until they’re dried and cured, but it’s hard not to notice this one. I first picked up on how strong she smelled a few days ago, but today was just unreal: meat-y bubblegum (sounds gross, but it isn’t) and super-strong classic floral “purple weed” smells, along with a lot of other stuff. Very complex, but easy to pick out all the smells, too, if that makes sense. The bubblegum, though, was very prevalent today, pretty much overwhelming everything. Or maybe actually “enhancing” everything, I don’t really know how to put it. I"m sure it’ll continue to change, but fuck me, man, she smells delicious.

Anyway, here’s the Imperial Majesty #1, flower day 30:

She’s lanky… I actually staked and tied her pretty heavily after I took those pics. Staked and tied pretty much everything else, too.

Despite how frosty she and some of the other plants’ closeups look, to the naked eye there’s actually a distinct lack of frost. Maybe it’s just because we’re on day 30, but I suspect it’s because shit got pollinated. I’ve also been having a very difficult time keeping humidity levels anywhere near close to an ideal range; been hovering between 29 and 36% almost constantly, even though I have five fucking humidifiers running. It’s really, really dry where I live right now… So I dunno if that has anything to do with it, but yeah, nothing’s really looking all that frosty. Maybe everything will later…

Imperial Majesty #2 flower day 30:

Both of the Imperial Majesties are extremely “OG-ish”-looking to me, structure-wise. There’s also a distressingly-high ratio of brown pistils-to-white this early, not sure if I’ve already mentioned my fears of pollination haha…

And here’s the Dread Bread #1, flower day 30:

She was the one that I was like,“Ohhhhh, I dunnoooo, I don’t like her structure…” the last time I posted pics, all like,“I don’t think she’s gonna yield all that well…” but I’m digging her more and more every day. I think she’s gonna turn out real good.

And the Dread Bread #2, my favorite, flower day 30:

Both of the Dread Breads are right in the running with the Purple Corinto in the “Best-Smelling Plant” category. The DB’s both smell kind of like what you’d expect, considering the genetics: very spicy and fruity and just really, really good. I’m excited about them, for sure, no doubt about it.

So, yeah, those are the further-along plants. I’ve been sticking to my usual “Oh, I guess I’ll water them with a lil…” whatever routine. No rhyme or reason. I watered them (and the younger plants) with some K silicate today and top-dressed with some MBP, too. I’ve actually been trying to make sure to topdress with MBP every two weeks; I’m not sure how exact my schedule’s been, I’d have to check my notes, but I’m hoping that that mayyyyyybe has something to do with the brown pistils? Hopefully?

Anyway… Both of the Sour Diesel x Dragon Energy plants turned out male, so I trashed those a few days ago. And that leaves me with the Diesel Therapy #3, the one Blueberry x Silver Lotus #1 and the Outer Limits #2, as far as the younger plants are concerned. Here’s the Diesel Therapy #3, flower day 11:

And the Blueberry x Silver Lotus #1, flower day 11:

There really hasn’t been much of a change in these two plants in a few weeks. I think transplanting them while they were autoflowering wasn’t the greatest course of action, but I thought they’d maybe kinda “spring to life” or something once I got them in bigger pots. I dunno. Never had plants autoflower before. In any event, I’m debating how much longer I’m gonna leave them in the tent before I trash them. If they don’t start doing something really soon, they’re gone; they look pretty much exactly the same as they did like two weeks ago. I also realized a few days ago that I hadn’t yet hit the young plants with a compost tea after I transplanted them, so I watered them (and the older plants, too, because why not?) with one a few days ago, but it doesn’t seem to have made a difference for the Diesel #3 and the Blueberry/Silver Lotus.

However, it did seem to make a big difference with the Outer Limits #2. Flower day 11:

She got pretty frosty almost immediately after I watered with that compost tea, so I may keep her around. I’m really debating, like,“Should I keep these tiny plants around and see what they do and harvest, like, ten grams off of them? Or would it be better to just make some room for the ‘legit’ plants and let them make up the difference?” I dunno. I really have no idea. I suspect that I’ll be trashing them at some point pretty soon, though…

Anyway, yeah, there’s some pics haha.


I’d say, if you’ve got room, let the little ones run. What’s it gonna hurt? Maybe it’ll be best 10 grams you’ve ever smoked… :+1:


Last time I flowered something out that short, it ended up being all bud and still weighed a bit over an ounce. Maybe same will happen here :sweat_smile:

Strange on the auto flowering tho… you think it was from being root-bound or just genetics?

Not sure what the mbp is but, I have seen using any decent amount of N in flower cause brown pistils pretty much immediately. Maybe that’s it and half your crop isn’t pollinated by that diesel therapy :confused: :pray:

Everything’s looking good tho! I also grabbed a pack of Doc’s purple corrinto budder x a5haze/thai bx so I’m definitely looking forward to your continued reports on that one :wink:


Keep the tiny plants if you have room. They could be growing weed diamonds. Sometimes “runts” make exceptional smoke!


Well, I dunno that it’ll “hurt” anything, exactly, but sometimes six plants will yield more than nine plants in the same space. I’ve noticed that my yields per plant are usually higher the fewer I flower out at any given time. But since I run different genetics every time, it’s impossible to know if that’s just because of the, uh, genetics or if it’s because the plants had more room to do their thing.

I dunno. I’ll probably keep them around. At least for another week or two. I just re-read my post and realized, like,”Dude, those little plants are on fucking flower day 11, officially, of course they’re not gonna be all frosty and shit.” We’ll see what happens.

I didn’t even remember this until like three days ago, but all of the younger plants were on a 14/10 light schedule for like a month; I’m assuming that’s why they auto-flowered. They definitely weren’t root-bound when I transplanted into the five-gallon pots. I don’t think it’s the genetics, either. It’s just because I fucking spaced and left them on 14/10 for so long.

It’s malted barley powder, which is just enzymes, basically, no N or anything in it (that I’m aware of). I keep saying,”MBP,” but it’s actually that Gnarley Barley from BAS, got multiple types of malted grains in it. Who knows if it works… haha!

Oh, sweet!!! I really like the one I’ve got growing now. Like I said, she smells unbelievably good. Very loud, too, for only being on day 30. One thing I will mention is that the other two Purple Corinto/A5T’s I was growing legit autoflowered, they weren’t on an unnecessarily long 14/10 lighting schedule or anything. I had them on a 14.5/9.5 lighting schedule for maybe ten days after I transplanted into the seven-gallon pots before I flipped, same as all of the other older plants, and one of them started flowering like a few days into that schedule. The other one actually started flowering while they were all still on 16/8, way early, I think it was only about 35 or 40 days into veg. That one had barely even been transplanted into the half-gallon “veg pots” before he started flowering, so… I dunno. I dunno what your veg lighting schedule is, but you may wanna consider 18/6 for the Purple Corinto cross. I always veg on a 16/8 light schedule and and decrease to 14/10 like 10 days before I flip and I’ve never had this issue before, but it seemed like those two I was growing didn’t like the shorter lighting schedule.

Food for thought… haha.

Yeah, but I don’t think those plants are “runts” or anything; I just fucked up haha.


Ah okay, that makes a lot more sense now with the shorter light timing on those :sweat_smile: kinda sucks there but at least you know it’s not the plant. Should still come out great!

I had bounced around quite a bit experimenting but these days i usually just veg at 24/0. Most usually show gender by day 30-35 of veg that way. And with the flood table I can usually have the plants topped, cloned, and close to if not at the flowering height I like by that time too. Have definitely ran into a few plants or lines that refuse to show without waiting like two months or switching to a shorter schedule though.


What varieties did you find your special phenos in?

I have a hard time even dealing with what I deem to be special because I’d rather have variety rather than having the same thing all year, even if it’s phenomenal… Trying new genetics keeps it interesting, re-running cuts multiple times makes it all feel like a chore.


It seems like it works pretty well, the plants always look really good after they get some watered in. Plus if you have any worms or what not in your pots, they go ape shit for it and are even more active in the mulch layer.

That Dread Bread #2 look awesome, love those tall, symmetrical flower wands! All the plants are looking great though and stacking well!


You loose the FUN when it turns into ‘work’.
I try to avoid that sort of situation. Follow the path that feels ‘right’ to you. :+1:



Dude!! Been busy as hell with work and somehow missed this new thread. Better believe I’ll be sitting in the back taking notes. Excited to see these continue to progress. Looking great as of now


Oh, shit, for real? I always figure, you know, treat the plants like a human being would wanna be treated; everything needs at least a little rest (except when I’m on one haha). But if it’s working for you, it’s working for you. I have been thinking about maybe increasing to 18/6 for at least a few weeks moving forward, though, especially considering some of the seeds I may be running the next few rounds.

Still… You ever seen that episode of “Seinfeld” called “The Opposite”? Where Elaine meets a group of dudes who are the total opposite of Jerry, Kramer and George? You’re like “the opposite minitiger” haha, with the flood tables and the salts and the 24/0 veg lighting schedule haha…


Yeah, I was just kinda kidding around, I’m pretty sure it works. It’s hard to tell, though, because my plants just always look sooooooo gawddamn goooood, malted barley or no malted barley haha! Straight-up “High Times Centerfold” shit. I should post pics on IG, maybe I could get a lot of followers and monetize my account.

Because my plants always look amazing hahaha… I don’t know if I made that clear, but I’m the best grower on the internet.

Sorry, I’m a little drunk right now haha, just cracking jokes. I do not think I’m the best grower on the internet, just so everybody knows.

What’s going on with your Dread Breads, @ElGalloBlanco? You can post pics here if you want.

I agree. Once the thing you enjoy becomes your job, it’s all over. One of my sisters is always like,”You should do something with the growing,” and I’m always like,”Uh, I am. I’m doing exactly what I wanna be doing.” It was the same way with my music, where people were just like,”Dude, you’re an amazing songwriter, you should do something with that…” Like, isn’t it enough that I enjoy it and y’all enjoy it? Why does everything we’re good at have to become a profession? That attitude is very strange to me. “Let’s all make money off of this!” Fuck off.


Sweet! Welcome! We got a ways to go, but glad you’re here.


After experimenting for myself and then reading up on the calvin cycle, I don’t think they need it. I had also found a study or two I can’t find right now that showed that the only difference between the different light timings just meant that the longer it was dark then the longer you’d have to wait to get the same growth and maturity from the same cultivar. Basically they’d have a bigger plant showing gender sooner with 24/0 than they did at 18/6, with no other discernable differences between the clones.

So far so good :sweat_smile:

There is something to be said about gradually leading them to the flower schedule though and not going from 24/0 straight to 12/12. Think i’ve seen more herms doing that then if I lower the lights-on slowly.


Yeah, really the only reason I veg on 16/8 is because it gets fucking HOT in the grow room haha. And the power bill, too, of course. But the main thing is the heat, especially when I’m growing in the summer. If I was vegging on 24/0, I’d have to run the AC on 24/0, too, pretty much. I’m trying to keep our power bill down at least a little bit, you know? It gets shockingly expensive in the summer. Even the one summer I didn’t grow here in the “new” house, we were like,”Whaaaaat???” when we got the first summertime power bill. Way higher than at our old house…

I agree. It does seem like my plants don’t stretch as crazy as a lot of other people’s and I really do think that kind of “easing” them into flower or mimicking the sorta “natural” daylight hours helps a lot. I’ll always do that. I’m actually gonna switch to 11:15/12:45 tomorrow. And then 11/13 in three weeks.