Bodhi Dread Bread and Imperial Majesty; Lucky Dog Diesel Therapy; Doc D Purple Corinto Budder x A5Thai, Outer Limits and Sour Diesel x DE

That Imperial Majesty #2 is looking really good… Looks similar to my Devil’s Hp but your #2 looks a little more attractive + better calyx to leaf ratio there. Considering popping some of mine now.


Plants look great, as usual.

Sorry for the loss of your pup. I have no doubt he was a good boy. Boxers are a special breed. They’re goofy but loyal, and they have hearts at least 30x bigger than their brains.


Really? The Devil’s HP you grew were more kinda OG-dominant, structure- and nug-wise? With the flimsy branches and the little flowers? That’s good to know; I’ve got a pack of those that I wanna get to pretty soon. Like in the next three years haha. If I had two packs, I’d run them sooner.

This is the only GHash cross I’ve grown so far that didn’t seem pretty dad-dominant. I mean, maybe the Time Bandit was, I’m not sure. Those had that sorta gap-y intermodal spacing like OG’s have, but they were much, much more structurally sound than these Imperial Majesties. I like them a lot, though, pretty stoked about them for sure. The #2 has been a serious pain in the ass, but I think she’ll be okay now that I went heavy on the tying.


Haha, yeahhhhh, I always said,”He’s not the smartest dog in the world, but he is the happiest.” Man, though, I did not think posting that last little thing about him at the end was gonna fuck me up as much as it did. He’s a good boy.


Yes, but they had smaller buds where the flimsy stems didn’t matter as much. Also they were little bit leafier. I like the look of your imperial majestys more, very interested to hear how the finished product turns out…

Somehow missed end of the post on my phone, really sorry to hear about your dog. Boxers have such a comical face due to their jaw/underbite(?) that force you to smile just seeing them.


Okay, that’s interesting. I wonder if the possibility of them maybe having gotten seeded has something to do with the lack of leafiness. Do plants stop growing leaves once they’ve gotten pollinated? Or maybe it’s just that Pure OG mom; maybe she’s just not as leafy as the Diablo. I’m pretty sure I’m gonna plant some of those Cheech Wizard f2’s from nube next round, maybe we’ll get a little bit of an idea.

I really do think, too, that those Apaches just kind of “fix” shit and grow really good plants. It’s definitely not anything I’m doing haha. I don’t think I’ve ever had an issue with a leafy plant, though. Larfy, for sure, but that’s just because I don’t do any training or anything, besides topping once. I’ll let them grow five feet tall haha, I don’t really care.

Thanks, dude. I shoulda waited to post that, I think.


Doubtful, my fully seeded Devil’s HP was still quite leafy. Don’t have many pictures unfortunately but do have a few. It wasn’t horrendous in terms of leaf to calyx ratio, yours just looks quite a bit better to me as someone who hates trimming haha.

This is a Devil’s HP seeded w/ Goji OG , demonstrates the higher density of leaves in-between the clusters of calyxes. This one was incredibly sticky and stinky during trim despite being seeded. When vaporized this pheno makes the entire area smell like a catholic church.

The other Devil’s HP that I liked (out of 3 only) had even longer internode spacing (OG growth characteristic I assume?) and would have taken probably another 2 weeks to mature.

The Pure OG in Imperial Majesty is the suge cut right? I think I read that somewhere but unsure if it was just speculation.


Oh, yeah, the flower in that pic is definitely leafier than either of those Imperials haha.

I don’t think so. I hope not, anyway. The Suge cut is called Pure Kush, not Pure OG. There’s actually a difference haha, as hard as that might be to believe, considering all the confusion about this shit. But I’m relatively certain that Pure OG and Pure Kush are two different things.

I’ve read a lot about all of those Pure Kush cuts, seen all the bickering etc about the Suge, Hollywood Pure, Topanga, Bubba etc etc. I’ve smoked a lot of those, too (although I don’t think I’ve ever tried the Suge) and none of those “Pure Kush” flowers hit me the same way as the Pure OG. I’m fairly certain there’s a difference between Pure Kush and Pure OG. I saw those pics of what was supposed to be Suge’s Pure Kush cut on breedbay years ago (I think it was breedbay, anyway) and they didn’t look anything like the Imperial Majesty. Didn’t really look like any OG at all. Could’ve just been a difference in growing style, I don’t really know. They looked more like the pics I’ve seen of Bubba.

I will say that the maybe dozen times that I’ve blazed Pure OG (not Pure Kush, but Pure OG), it has hit me a little heavier than most OG’s. So maybe they’re the same thing. The way the Imperials are growing, though… I dunno. They look pretty fucking “OG” to me. Maybe I’ll revisit those threads and refresh my memory and maybe I’ll email Bodhi, too. I doubt he’ll get back to me haha, but I guess it’s worth a shot. It’d be nice to know exactly what the fuck we’re all growing haha.


I’ve had that happen with a few cultivars before, the early pistils will wither, then there will be flushes of new fresh white pistils. Hopefully that’s the case here, or she’s just weird or whatever. I guess you haven’t found any sacs, but I think you pull all your plants out of the tent to inspect them and take photos right? And if none of the other plants are showing signs of pollination, hopefully you’re in the clear.

Those Dread Bread’s look amazing, I love the way the buds spiral up the stem like that. In fact, all your plants are looking really really good this round! You sure the biochar isn’t helping, instead fuckin’ things up? Looks like you’re gonna have a plentiful harvest.

So cool! She looks like she’s shaping up nicely. I found the BB and the SL female slow to grow buds at first, but, like over night one night, they suddenly got stacked. I was looking back at the Blueberry in early flower comparing it to the Silver Lotus males trying to determine if there’s any sort of dominance on the leaf patterns… I think the leaves kinda look like the leaves on Male D, but that’s just my opinion. The way the buds are forming though… looking more Blueberry to me. Any discernible smells yet? It’s probably too early to tell.

They seriously are man’s best friend… he looked like a big ol’ sweetheart. Agree with Smacky that their hearts are bigger than their brains, but that just means they can spread their love further :heart: RIP Bowie


another one high on my new list! sounds amazing but i’ll wait for the smoke report even if the pack is only $45 on glg (by the way, guys haha)

maybe lucky dog’s male is turning stuff into OGs, that’s what happened with the last diesel cross from him right?

whoaahh i definetly like that structure

that’s funny i noticed it before i read that you did, reminds me of a plant i grew before, looks the exact same, was a “tangie auto” whatever that means, outer limit looks awesome it’s going to be a frost monster! already is

and… sorry about your dog bro, i feel you i’m a dog lover, love my dogs, not humans, just dogs


Im truly sorry about your dog, pets become family. :pensive:

Those are all impressive plants, but the Dreadbreads really stand out to me, looks like rockets taking off! :+1:


we would loose 75% of the content on here, and 99% of the content of RIU haha


Yeah, for sure. Me, too. But it’s usually on those more “Sativa”-type plants. I was thinking about that when I was watering yesterday, though. Or “hoping’s”more like it haha. I hope that’s the case. I agree about the pistils on the IM’s, though; they for sure look soooooo fucking done.

Yeah, to a point. I usually look pretty hard for the first few weeks and then quit looking haha. I did find quite a few sacs on the lowers of that Diesel Therapy around the third week of flower, but it’s possible something else hermed, too. Or maybe I just didn’t get all of the ones off the DT. I dunno. It doesn’t make it any easier that, one: the lighting’s really shitty in my grow room and two: my eyesight sucks.

Yeah, I dig that, too. That’s really more on the #2 than the #1; the #1’s more “nug-y.” I love both of them, though haha.

Okay, so maybe she’s a legit 50/50-type hybrid? Best of both worlds! Haha.

None that I’ve noticed, but like I said, I don’t really make it a point to get in there and check it out while they’re growing. I really only notice smells when they’re just so strong that it’s impossible not to notice them. Plus, those younger plants are short as fuck haha. Like, I notice the smells on the Dread Breads because they’re totally in my face when I put them on the table to water, towering above my head, branches at eye-level and shit. The younger plants are not in my face at all haha.

The Imperial Majesty plants and the Diesel Therapy also make it difficult to smell anything else. They’re very loud.

Yeah… He was our little shadow, for sure. Everywhere we went, he went. Even when I’d just get up off the couch to go pee, he’d follow me to the bathroom and look to see what was going on. And I’d always be like,”You know what I’m doing in here! The same thing I’m always doing in here!” haha. He just liked being a part of things. Good boy.

Is that right? I haven’t looked around yet, but thanks for the heads-up. I may have to grab an extra pack. The only problem is, I know that that’ll lead to me buying another pack or two of something, just to make it “worth it.”

I’ve considered that possibility. Although I dunno if it’s “turning” things into OG’s as much as maybe the idea that OG and Chem are closely related is a valid one.

And yeah, the Chem Fuegos were pretty OG-ish. I only grew two females, though, I’m sure there’s other things to be found in those seeds.

I’m definitely pretty interested in growing some of the Lucky Dog stuff that doesn’t utilize a female that comes from that sorta “OG/Sour/Chem” family, though, like the Chasca or the Durban Thai Highflyer cross, just to see how those turn out. I’ve got a couple packs of each, I’m curious to see if that male is just dominating everything or if it’s the result of crossing two related lines.

Thanks, y’all. I’m still trying to to get used to the new dog. She really is a sweetie, but I’m for sure still at the,”What’s this interloper dog doing in our house? This is Bowie’s house,”-phase haha. He was a special dog, for sure.


This is something that I occasionally re-read re: the Pure Kush etc stuff:

“Re-read re:…” haha. It’s fun to say!

I dunno how accurate it is, but it’s an entertaining little read, anyway, if you (or anybody) wanna check it out. The pics that dude posted were taken from that breedbay thread, actually, and there’s even a little thing about Bandaid Haze in there, too. Again, though, I cannot vouch for the veracity of any of the stuff in that post.

I still haven’t re-read that breedbay thread, but I do remember finding it relatively informative. I’ll probably check it out later.


Definitely interesting read. I’m trying a few Beautiful Days (Topanga x Strawberry Milk) so this helps with that as well, thanks! I attempted to find some info on Breedbay but I never have any luck searching there for anything.


Psssshhhhh, I knooooowwwww, me, too. It seems like it’s harder to find stuff in the search bar or whatever since they came back online. I’ll try to find it, though, and post a link if I can.

Or maybe it was on icmag… Haha! Just kidding, I’m pretty sure it was on breedbay.

There’s actually one dispensary in LA, moved around a lot over the years, but I used to make special trips out to their first Sherman Oaks location (which was pretty far from where I was living at the time) back in the day, just to get those various “Kushes” that were designated by neighborhood/city. It was actually the only place that I’d ever seen that had all of the various Hollywood, Topanga, Malibu etc “Pure Kush” cuts, kinda what they “specialized” in. They always called them “91 whatever” Kush. I just checked out their website and the first thing that pops up is ”Home of the ‘91” so I assume they still have all of those.

Maybe I’ll swing by there in the next few days/weeks and pick up a little bit of each one and do a little research… haha. It pains me to go to a dispensary, but it’s all in the name of research, right? Haha.


Congrats on the new pup and as tough as it is to lose one, we always find ourselves with a new pet shortly after one passes, it doesn’t replace them, it just helps fill the void.

If you start 30 or so seeds each round, do you cull any females to fit into your space or do you just make it work with whatever females you end up with? What kind of space and tents are you working with if I missed that somewhere?


No, never. If I ever ended up with better than like 27% females, I’d make it work. And I don’t think I’d ever cull a female. I haven’t yet, anyway. But as it is, with the 6-8 females that I always seem to end up with from 30 or so starts, the 5x5 is plenty.

I used to use the 3x3 for drying, but then I hung a light in there a couple years ago because I decided I wanted to start planting more seeds every run and I also added an additional grow every year (from two to three), but I haven’t needed it for flowering since I made that decision haha. Mostly I just use it for my November 1 starts now, when I flip my September 1 plants.

Maybe one day I’ll need that 3x3 for flowering… One day… haha.

I actually keep trying to not make jokes about that, just because I’m like,”Don’t jinx yourself… There will be a grow where you’re gonna end up with 25 females and not know what to do…” but it’s hard not to laugh about six or seven females from thirty seeds planted for like eight or ten grows in a row. I’m either gonna laugh about it or cry about it haha! I’d prefer to laugh about it.


Yeah that ratio is crazy, I was wondering why you start so many damn seeds for even 10 plants to flower out, but you are definitely going to be overrun one of these days as the numbers start to even out for you. But yeah, 8-10 grows is what, close to three years? I’d be popping a lot more seeds too, but I’m definitely not opposed to culling females for the space I have either if it comes to it.


Yeah, I think its just the picture used on the Dread Bread seed listing is a big outdoor girl made me think they were going to be crazy.
I did take a look at those Apaches after you mentioned them. They are expensive, but I dont mind paying for something if it works, good lighting will pay for itself.
I know folks can build their own for cheaper, but thats not for me.

:joy: that is literally me, wait until its touching the floor before I do it.

That IM is sounding really interesting terp wise.

Dread Bread #2 is really just showing off at this stage, a stunner. Does it have those super solid flowers, looks like that type of weed.

Can deff see those extra pronounced serrations on the BB x SL.
I never really noticed those type of things for years either, people used to be talking about certain cuts with double serration etc. I couldnt see any of it haha, but then once I did start to see it, I notice it all the time now.

Outter Limits looking crazy frosty man.

Burning this in Bowie’s honour.
Congrats on the new arrival too man.