Bodhi Dread Bread and Imperial Majesty; Lucky Dog Diesel Therapy; Doc D Purple Corinto Budder x A5Thai, Outer Limits and Sour Diesel x DE

are there no feminized breeders that interest you? (raredankness, cannarado, relentless, csi, ethos -to some extent-, etc)

its my first time doing regulars(not harvested yet), so i have no reference to compare to. just curious if 27% rate is worth over feminized (quality?)

my gojis were 50% i thought (hoped) that would be the norm. but again, first timer, so i dunno if youre going thru a bad luck streak or those are the numbers to be expected.


Yeah, it’s been at least three years since I’ve gotten better than like 36% females. I mean, like, I planted four Uplifts a while back and all four of those turned out female, so 100% (obviously haha). I planted six Bandaid Haze seeds and ended up with four females. Etc etc. But then you factor in all the other shit I plant every run where I only end up with one female from four seeds of the other crosses… It’s just been working out to pretty shitty ratios.

Dude, I can’t even imagine what the shipping on a few Apaches to Ireland would be. I have one of the AT600’s, the big light; it weighs 65 pounds. Cost me $400 just to have it shipped from NorCal to LA, but I ordered that one directly from Apache like seven years ago. The AT200 weighs like 20 pounds or so. I actually got free shipping on both of my AT200’s (and, somehow, a better price than if I’d ordered directly from Apache, no idea how that’s possible) from some grow store in Arizona. And that was, like, at the height of the pandemic, too. Maybe they were just trying to drum up business, I dunno, but I figured I oughta take advantage of it. I do like those lights a lot, though.

I dunno if I’ve actually squeezed any of her flowers yet, but they don’t look airy. I mean, I must’ve squeezed a few at some point, just because I’ve been squeezing all of them here and there to check to see if I can feel any seeds developing. Still only on day 42 today, too, so I wouldn’t expect them to be all rock-solid or anything yet. They’ve still got some swelling to do.

I did topdress with some MBP and watered it in with a little coconut water earlier today and they looked like they’d blown up a little bit when I closed the tent and turned off the humidifiers tonight haha. I’m sure that was all in my head, but I’m interested to see if there’s any sorta discernible difference tomorrow morning.

I will say that our whole fucking house smells like “dank forest floor” and patchouli tonight. I even asked my girl,”Did you spray some sorta something somewhere earlier? What’s that smell?” but she hadn’t. I’m assuming it’s coming from the plants, if for no other reason than we’re definitely not burning any patchouli incense or anything haha. Maybe the coconut water has something to do with that haha.

Yeah, I doubt I’m gonna start magically noticing leaf serrations moving forward haha! It’s pretty cool-looking, though, and impossible not to notice on that one Blueberry x SL. She’s a good-looking plant.

No. None. I do have a decent amount of Rare Dankness gear, but only their regular seeds. I’m not interested in growing feminized seeds at all.

I mean, I can’t speak to the quality of flower that feminized seeds produce, just because I haven’t ever grown any, but if the number of females you end up with on any given run is important to you, then yeah, I’d say go with feminized seeds haha. Guaranteed 100% females, right?

I bitch about my recent shitty M:F ratios, but I’m mostly just kidding around. It really doesn’t bother me too much. It is kind of mysterious, though… haha.

Yeah, that’s kinda the minimum percentage of females you hope for every grow. And I actually did get around 50/50 ratios for like four years. It’s just been this incredible, unbelievable series of grows in the past few years where I’ve been ending up with lots of males. Nothing I can do about it, really, except plant more seeds.


plants lookin amazing, nice spread; that outer limits has me drooling. Imperial def on my radar

sorry to hear about the old boy, our pets really are just friends that can’t talk, i just read black beauty to my daughter… been thinkin bout my dog’s inner monologe/autobiography lately. im sure he had fun with ya from what i can percieve from over here… peace bro


Yeah man throw in import duty & taxes, it would be ridiculous. Plus I don’t know if they would even be compatible with our electrical set up we use 240v and US is 120v.

Was there any noticeable difference? Its crazy how much things can change over night with them.


Bowie and Siouxsie talked plenty; they just spoke Boxer, not English haha. The new one’s starting to get more vocal, too, actually, as she kinda gets more acclimated to her new home.

Haha, ummmm…. I dunno. I didn’t really look too closely at them today (I try to stay out of the grow room as much as I can). I thought one of the colas on the Dread Bread #2 might’ve looked a little chunkier, but that was the same one I noticed last night, so…


I’ve heard the temps when popping beans has a lot to do with the hormones and determining sex. I guess higher temps 75-83 gives higher chance of females and cooler temps 65-75 gives more males. I’ve only recently heard this and I understand this is not scientific by any means and most genetic material is written beforehand into the seed themselves, but my understanding is that the hormones are effected by the temp as the seed comes to life and can push the seed in one direction or another. Also not sure where I heard this ik it was some podcast but just thought it’s worth mentioning


Yeah, I’ve read a bunch of those sorta ideas about how to improve the odds of getting more females. I don’t buy any of it haha. I’m pretty sure it’s determined when the seed is, uh, made or whatever. If the “higher temps” thing was true, I’d probably end up with tons of females, just because I sprout (and veg, too, for the first month) all of my seeds outside, in direct sunlight, for every grow except my winter one. And when I bring them inside at night, I put the trays on a heating pad with a dome on the trays. The temps aren’t ever getting below 75, is my point.

It really is just luck of the draw, I think.


Don’t know why I haven’t been following this thread. Set to Watching.


You haven’t been following already? I coulda sworn I’ve seen you “like” some posts (yes, I check to see who likes my posts haha)(y’all can pretend you don’t if you want). Anyway, welcome! Good to have you here.


Yea I’m not too convinced myself either as I always try to pop at or around 75ish and never have the same results… mind you I haven’t really been growing that long indoors, just the past couple years, and 2 hps grows in 2012-13 so it’s not like I have a lot of data or anything. When I did outdoor stuff back in highschool 04-09’ it was in my local woods/saltmarshes shit was almost always around 50/50. The past couple years I’ve had some strange ratios. A few runs back I popped 12 regs, (4 cultivars) and 11/12 were females. I had to buy another light lol, the last few times I’ve had a lot of males and nothing changed as far as method, same internet modem, but my temps in the room were different, there has been an ac blowing cool air in the room lately… I just recently heard this on a podcast or Fcp show maybe(I listen to a lot of growing podcasts/ youtube stuff all day); where they were talking about the temps at time of germination and got into science behind it and thought the conversation was very interesting and thought it’d be worth looking into; but all I could find on the subject was a study done with chameleons, so that didn’t inspire too much confidence haha, I thought I would try it out for shit’s and giggles next few times and also mention it just to see what others have to say, and if anyone has tried it before themselves. I saw your post and figured eh why not see what yall think, as you seem like a very knowledgeable dude and just wanted to hear your thoughts.


Yeah, like I said, I think it really is just luck of the draw. And there’s really no way to quantify whether any of the theories about increasing F:M ratios are actually true or not, simply because you’re starting with new seeds every time you sprout. It’s impossible, literally, to know if the number of females you end up with is because of something you did while germinating.

Most of the people who’ve followed my logs or even seen some of my posts are very familiar with my feelings about podcasts, but since you’re new here haha… I can’t stand listening to them, just because the whole time I’m listening, all I can think is,”I could be listening to music right now.” If I’m gonna listen to anything, it’s gonna be music. Not to mention, they take forever. If somebody wrote down the words, I could read a 45-minute podcast in like twelve minutes. And I could listen to music while I read it, too.

I’m not saying they’re not chock-full of good information; the three Bodhi podcasts and the one Doc D podcast I’ve listened to were very informative. They just take too long and they deprive me of music haha, so… I do think it’s weird how everybody’s sorta gravitated to talk radio, which is what podcasts are, in the last seven years or so. Like, when did everybody become a senior citizen? (No offense to senior citizens haha)

Looks can be deceiving haha! I have no fucking idea what I’m doing.


If you prescribe to the idea that F/M ratio can be described by a binomial distribution the chance of running 36% Females or lower in a 50 plant pop is like 3.5% …pretty bad odds but not insanely low. Sucks you’ve been getting so unlucky with it though. I think there are ways to push a line towards higher F to M ratios (nitrogen availability etc) but I agree, once the seeds are made I don’t think anything contributes to F to M ratio other than luck. Either way, stuff’s looking nice in here @minitiger ! Really sorry to hear about the doggo as well.


Ain’t that the truth!! :rofl::rofl::innocent:. How have you been man?!! Finally got caught up on your thread!


But that’s only if you plant fifty seeds of the same cross/hybrid/strain/whatever you wanna call it. Which I don’t haha. It’s entirely possible that when I revisit some of those packs where I planted four seeds and only got one female, four more seeds will result in three females. It’s also possible that if I planted one, like, twelve-pack of seeds, I’d end up with six females. Although I will say that I’ve planted eight seeds total over the course of two grows of Bodhi’s Soar and only found one female.

Also, it’s,”Subscribe to the idea,” not,”Prescribe,” haha! Just fucking with you, you know I love you, api. You’re welcome to prescribe me as many females as you want haha.

Sorry, I’m feeling really dick-ish today, because of what I’m about to mention to joker below.

I do think it’s obvious (to me, at least) that the more seeds you plant of any one “strain,” the higher the likelihood that you’ll end up with a better ratio of females to males. I already mentioned the six Bandaid Hazes that I planted last run (four females), but I also planted five Headbangers a few grows ago and ended up with three females (60%). Pretty much every time I plant more than four seeds of anything, I end up with a better F:M ratio. I just like variety too much to do, like, a three-strain grow, but I may do that moving forward, like six seeds each of three crosses, and see what happens.

Haha, yeah, sorry, man, you know how fucking chatty my logs can get.

Eh, you know… Okay, I guess haha. Just growing weed. Drinking. Fucking around on OG haha. Adopted a new dog last week that my girl decided yesterday she wants to return to the rescue. Pretty fucking pissed about that, actually. I understand her reasoning (we adopted too soon, before my girl and I had enough time to grieve for Bowie), but at the same time: we adopted this fucking dog. I can grieve for Bowie and take care of this dog simultaneously, but I guess she can’t. I dunno. She’s very aware of my feelings about it; I’ve told her multiple times since we had the discussion yesterday,”This is an unbelievably shitty thing to do to this dog,” but there’s no stopping her haha. She’s made up her mind, already contacted the rescue to figure out how to take her back. Really shitty.

Anyway… What’s going on with you? How’s your dad? Or should I not ask? How’s everything else besides that? Are you growing right now? I logged on to the other place yesterday for the first time in a whiiiiiiiile, didn’t see any posts from you. Didn’t really see any posts from anybody, actually haha!


Dad’s getting stronger! Thanks for asking. In trim hell right now. Waiting for clones to root for the next run.


Oh, awesome! That’s good to hear.

Ahhhh, so you HAVE been growing haha. Just not logging it or something? For real, I logged on to the other spot last night and had two updates, both of which were from, like, early July. Maybe we’re having problems with updates again or something, I dunno.

I’m done calling it “trim jail” or whatever, though. I’m calling it Trim Heaven from here on out. Said it before, I’ll say it again: better to have weed to trim than not have weed to trim haha…


I’m right there with you on podcasts. Like when I’m working, I’ll throw on some music and it won’t get in the way of what I’m working on. But if I put on a podcast, suddenly I feel the need to actually pay attention to someone talking plus what I’m working on. And my attention to detail on one or the other is going to suffer.

I have a similar perspective on watching youtube videos. Especially when people fumble over their words, stammer, or otherwise ramble in an instructional, comparative, or product demo video. Give me the transcript and I can skim it for the points I want to read pretty quickly or read the whole thing in a fraction of the time it took you to clearly enunciate (or not) everything. And then if I want to watch/listen to pertinent sections, I’ll have the option.


Man… that’s rough. Was she in on the decision to adopt?

I don’t think I could go forward with being forced to adhere to someone’s demands like that… there would be too much resentment. I wish you luck… and sympathy for your loss.

Went through it several times in my life, never gets easier, matter of fact it gets harder.


Yeah! Imagine that! Actually listening to what people are saying! Haha… I agree with you, though, I’m not sure how it’s possible to concentrate on two things at once, especially if one of those things is listening to the things that somebody is saying. The first Bodhi podcast I listened to, I was donating plasma haha; the other two I listened to while I was transplanting, which always takes me forever. Those are probably the only two scenarios where I could feel comfortable listening to podcasts. Or on a plane. I actually downloaded those two Bodhi potcasts to listen to when I had to fly to NY for my mom’s memorial last year, but I forgot my earbuds, so…

Exactly. Not to mention, most people’s voices are grating as shit. I’ve actually never watched, like, a “weed growing” YouTube video in its entirety, but I did watch a few videos on how to press a couple years ago, when I bought my press haha. Those dipshits were soooooo fucking annoying. It was just like,”I can’t listen to this person talk because I’m overwhelmed with the urge to hit them in the face,” haha.

I’d never hang out with those morons, is my point. “You may know how to press and get good returns, but that doesn’t mean I have to like you” haha!

Yeah, she’s the one who made it happen. All of the boxer rescues know my girl very well, just because, besides Bowie, every boxer she’s ever owned has been a rescue. They don’t know who the fuck I am haha.

I understand where she’s coming from and I agree with her that we probably got a new dog too soon. We’re both still very sad about Bowie. But, I mean… I already told her,”I’m not going with you to take Sugar (she’s a white boxer, we’ve been calling her Sugar Bear, from that lyric from “Someone Saved My Life Tonight” by Elton) back to the foster.” She’s aware of my feelings. I’m not yelling about it or anything, there’s no need to. It’s a fucking shitty thing to do. And my girl knows it. She just can’t deal, I guess. I dunno. First time I’ve ever seen my girl not be able to deal with something, actually. She’s usually very stoic haha. Which is why I’m… well, not “okay” with it, but if she just can’t stand to look at our new dog, she can’t stand to look at our new dog. First time I’ve ever seen her act like this in eight years, so I’ll accept it and we’ll move on.


I’m with you!