Bodhi Dread Bread and Imperial Majesty; Lucky Dog Diesel Therapy; Doc D Purple Corinto Budder x A5Thai, Outer Limits and Sour Diesel x DE

Yes, I like this mentality and will be adopting it as well :slight_smile: :+1:


Yea I was never really a fan either of podcast for same reasons you all said too, listening to podcasts while performing tasks, takes away from either that task or podcast I’m trying to pay attention too…that being said I’ve learned a lot being stuck in my deathbed for over a month and the long recovery process afterwards, that I’m still dealing with now. What I’m saying I had a lot of time on my hands and youtube and some podcasts (like the doc d and 2 bodhi ones) not only educated me but also taught me about humanity and humility as well… I’ve learned more in the past 2 years than I did in all of high-school and college combined because of listening to wise, experienced and educated people who are all about showing support and proper education for fellow growers. There has been a lot of new research lately and things with thought we knew before has changed so it’s important, to me, to keep up with current knowledge and wisdom of the times…
Also@smackers I apologize if I stumble across words in my grow vlogs, it’s been a long recovery process and the brain damage I suffered makes it hard to enuciate certain words, only reason I make those videos is to keep records of my grows/test runs for Copa… well anyways I’ll take my leave now just remember, if your not learning everyday you are wasting your valuable time on this planet. Remember you only live once and it’s easier; and honestly, just better to live life being kind to others; even if it doesn’t boost your ego, because how we treat each other says a lot about how we treat ourselves and our surrounding world/ environment. . I used to drink a lot too, so I get the being funny over confidence thing, it’s all good dude… I owe my life to this plant and honestly just trying to give back all I’ve learned from it and because it…

Also I’m sorry to hear about ur dog… I lost my mom, then my cat named Issues and then my one eyed dog named Popeye all Within a year 2015-2016, another reason I drank, which that was my entire family… One other reason I watch and follow some stuff like Eagle’s Garden aka WEedNerdWorld and future cannabis project on YouTube is because it’s like a second family to me of like minded growers. I kinda find that comradery here (OG) too…
But why am I explaining myself? … I’m gonna just keep doing me and keep trying to live my life happily. Sorry for being upset and I apologize for taking anything outta context here, but I’m almost positive you guys know I make YouTube videos (I’ve said so a few times in Copa thread) and if not I’m sorry for taking that comment personally but it did kinda hurt my feelings :upside_down_face: understand this come from a place of love and not trying to be a dick…


Nope, I didn’t know that. Like I said, I don’t watch YouTube videos. Or not weed-growing YouTube videos, anyway. I do like the Kurt Warner “game breakdown” videos, just got turned on to those last week, been watching them pretty obsessively lately.

And I stopped following the Copa thread months ago, just because I’m not interested in that breeder at all. I followed it for the first couple weeks and then quit following it.

Anyway, you do you, dude! Don’t worry about shit.


I love podcasts. They’ve replaced magazines and the universe is pleased. Intelligence is not what we’ve been taught. Floyd Mayweather is a defensive genius. To focus on such trivialities (spelling or grammar) speaks volumes. Some people don’t need the information, I do. Moses, Elijah Muhammad and John Brown weren’t great speakers and had significant contributions to movements shaping world history.
My yum is unyuckable!
Smoke 1


Nope. I didn’t know and I’m not in the Copa thread, so if you mentioned it there I wouldn’t have seen it there either and I’m sure I’ve never seen any of your youtube videos–I can say that with confidence because I rarely, if ever, watch growing related videos on youtube. My comments weren’t directed at any one person anyway.

I agree with you. If you’re not learning, you stagnate. Curiosity and learning something new got me into growing as much or more than the plant itself.


me too! wrong thread tho @minitiger don’t wana hear it, i tried :joy: for me it’s… i don’t read


Got it! Apologies to @minitiger.

Let’s Grow


Did someone say podcasts? :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sob::sob::joy::joy:


Oh, @minitiger is just here for those little green pips!! It’s all good! :rofl::rofl:


What’s little green pips? I legitimately don’t know what you’re talking about.


Those little green marks next to your name.


Haha! What? Those little green square/rectangle things after it says “minitiger supporter”? That’s what those things are called? Thanks, @Joker! I learned something new today! And wasn’t somebody just saying on this very thread that, like, if you’re not learning every day, you’re stagnating? Or something? So I guess I’m not stagnating today now.

I counted them after you told me what they are. I’ve got twelve. Twelve pips. That seems pretty good. You’ve only got ten, so, uh, I beat you? I guess? Haha!

Edit: I just recounted, I’ve actually got thirteen pips. That makes me even better than you haha! Because thirteen’s better than twelve. Better than ten, too haha…


Do you mean blowfish Does preflower Like a late clone . I pick it out truthfully . try to revert . Eventually it dies if not from seed . Probabily the og auto flower .Dutch seeds.

1 Like

I have tried reading this 5 times and cant make sense of it, are you meaning to say this is an auto flower trait?

Perhaps Booty has some ruderalis genes in there somewhere, cant count it out of the equation :slightly_smiling_face:


Yeah, dude, don’t worry about it. The only “requirement” I have on my threads is that everybody just ignore any post that, after you read it, you’re like,”WTF?” No need to even bother with those. If you still can’t understand it after you’ve read it five times, it’s not worth responding to.



Much to the contempt of Fiddler on the roof, Hippy on the lawn continues to sell out shows on broadway.


Just got done watering, flower day 31 or 50, depending on the plants haha.

Purple Corinto Budder x A5Thai, flower day 50:

I tried to get as many decent no-flash pics of every plant as I could; any that I post are the best I ended up with, so… You’ll forgive that shitty pic I just posted haha. And every one I post after this, too.

Anyway, yeah, she’s chugging along. Actually been spitting out some white pistils recently, Iamyou, just like we talked about, so hopefully she didn’t get pollinated and that’s just how she grows, with the withering then reproducing and withering and reproducing… I dunno. I love her, though haha!

Imperial Majesty #1, flower day 50:

And the Imperial Majesty #2, flower day 50:

Keep in mind that both of the IM’s are extremely tied up; if they weren’t, I probably woulda chopped them like ten days ago haha. Not that they woulda been finished at day 40 or anything; they just wouldn’t have been able to support themselves. At all. I’m still finding the occasional little snapped branch here and there, especially on the #2. And they’re tiny branches, too, with tiny nugs on them, it’s not like they’ve got some fat-ass flowers on the end of their branches or anything. Just very, very flimsy plants. But, like I’ve already said, I still love them. They smell really, really fucking good.

Here’s the Diesel Therapy #2, flower day 50:

She’s also tied up pretty heavily. They’re all tied up a lot at this point! haha. She still smells really good and really loud, but also still smells more like the IM’s, with that “OG” thing going on, than anything kinda “Sour Diesel”-esque. But I think she probably has at least three weeks left to go, so shit could change. In fact, I’m certain it will.

And here’s the Diesel Therapy #3, flower day 31:

I’m really digging the three little tiny plants! They’re just fun! haha. For real, though, all of the “younger” plants are growing these super-fat, kind of “condensed” colas that look pretty awesome to me. Although I’ve never done this, I could totally see why somebody might do a SOG grow. It’s just a totally different way to grow than I’ve ever done before and I like it haha.

The Therapy #3 plant is actually the “worst-looking” one of the three, so I guess I’ll post pics of the other two now.

Blueberry x Silver Lotus #1, flower day 31:

Gawd, I fucking love the way that plant looks. I dunno if it’s beacause she started flowering when she was so short or what, but the way those fans are growing out away from the plant and the fat flowers and shit… I just love it. I did pick up on a “soft fruity smell” when I was putting her back in the tent today, first time I’ve noticed any smell coming off of her (or any of the younger plants), but she smelled real good. She’s also the only one of the younger plants that I’ve noticed any kind of smell at all so far.

And here’s the Outer Limits #2, flower day 31:

She’s frosty, no doubt about it. I love her haha. She’s also got three tops, not too sure how that happened, but I’ll take it.

Anyway, here’s the Dread Bread #1, flower day 50:

And the Dread Bread #2, flower day 50:

Both of the Dread Breads smell really fruity, but the #1 (which is the one I was thinking might be more OMG-ish) has this really noticeable “creamy tropical fruit” thing going on, like you blended a mango with some ice and half-and-half or something. It smells really good. She’s also the louder of the two right now.

Anyway, yeah, so day 50 today. Shit’s coming along. Just a few weeks left to go for some of these, I think, which is exciting. I’m pretty ready for some new weed, kind of bored with the weed I grew last run at this point. A lot of it was really good (Bandaid Hazes, C. Gold x DE #2, Skycuddler Kush, Soar) and still is really good, but I’m just bored with it. I think that’s why I haven’t been smoking very much lately, actually. Or one of the reasons, anyway.

Two things unrelated to weed: One, we’re keeping Sugar Bear. I’m so happy about that. I didn’t realize how much my girl’s decision to return her was depressing me, but it was reallllllyyyyyy fucking depressing me. She’s a great dog, so I’m glad my girl changed her mind.

And two: I watched the first four episodes of that show “The Rehearsal” yesterday and it’s officially the best and funniest thing I’ve seen in a loooooong time. The only thing that even comes close to how good and hilarious it is that I’ve seen in the last few years is “How To With John Wilson.” But “How To…” is a little “softer” and maybe a little more palatable for the masses. Still one of the best shows I’ve seen in a while. I love “How To…”

“The Rehearsal,” though, is probably one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen, like in my entire life, and there’s still two episodes left to go. It’s much darker than “How To…” but also much, much funnier. It really is one of the coolest and most original and most bizarre shows I’ve ever seen. I went online yesterday and read a bunch of articles about it after I watched it and all of these dipshit critics were complaining about Nathan Fielder’s “lack of ethics” and his “arrogance” and how the show made said critics “squirm” and shit… Fuck them. They obviously don’t have a sense of humor, nor do they have an appreciation of the absurd. They’re morons. The first half of episode four is easily one of the five funniest things I’ve ever seen in my life, but every episode is great.

Anyway, yeah, y’all should check out “The Rehearsal.” It’s fucking awesome.


Those imperials both sound and look incredible! Definitely want to try a few of this fall / winter.


Everything is looking awesome and the “creamy tropical” smells sound delicious! Hope my Dread Bread goes that direction. Also, seeing OG plants always makes me want to grow more OG’s and am really interested to see how that Colombian/Thai cross turns out for you.

Glad to hear you guys are keeping your new dog! I am sure she is happy to have a great home and you guys will really benefit from her as well. And I have to admit I am not familiar with that dude (although he looks familiar), or the two shows you mentioned but after looking it up and reading about it, I couldn’t tell if it was a documentary or a show with actors and all. Had to watch the trailer to figure that one out, might have to check it out.


Yeah, I really dig them, even though the yield probably won’t be bumper crop-ish or anything haha. They’re for sure the most “OG”-type plant I’ve ever grown, though, just based on structure, flower formation and smell. I’m still on the fence about buying another pack or two, haven’t put in an order yet, mostly because I don’t feel like dealing with getting a greeting card and all that haha. But yeah, you should grow some, I’m super-curious to see how they’d turn out for you.

You already have some of those seeds, right?