Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

I think number one would be the best. Start passing cuts more than seeds.


Nice! Looks great! Be sure and post a smoke report once sheā€™s done! Curious to hear about the smells and potency.
Iā€™ve got 4 small Blockhead plants in veg, that Iā€™m gonna flip to flower soon.


I like the idea of having an OG forum cut that gets passed around for free, thatā€™s the OG way!

Not much chance of getting a cut into the UK, or outside of US so that isolates the cut to a certaingroup ot OGerā€™s. ( I still think it should be done though.) But seeds will always be King :crown:.

Iā€™d say this is paramount, considering what we know about Bodhiā€™s prized male and a search for a new one since losing the first. It would be a shame to cull the males simply because people were looking for a female cut to keep.
I like the idea of tissue culture, and if that is successful, itā€™s a great way to keep males and backup females.
Is there anyone else who is doing tissue culture? They could keep some too to add extra redundancy to the samples.



I donā€™t know about a ā€œforumā€ cut, but this is already being done. And, there are a bunch of F2ā€™s already out there. I know it wasnā€™t from a very wide base, but it is work that has been done.

Iā€™ve still got some F1ā€™s, a bunch of F2ā€™s, and a few F3ā€™s. Iā€™m going to be earnestly looking for a stellar male in my limited space. If I get lucky, because I think itā€™s going to boil down to luck, Iā€™m keeping a cut going, and passing out as much splooge as heā€™ll splooge, lol! My pipe dream :slight_smile:


On the topic of males though will a quality male really be that apparent? I always assumed the males had to be judged by testing the future generations they spawned. A good use of males does seem to be sending them or the pollen to people holding treasured SSDD cuts already like you and holy though. I was hoping Iā€™d get lucky in the 4 SSDDs I popped in February but really all 4 were disappointing.

I personally think the average plant will be higher quality in the ssdd crosses like the (b cut x ssdd) rather than the ssdd f1s. That also may be a good reason to do a mass hunt on ssdd f1s though since they may require some sorting.


SSDD was only 1 of the possible strain selections. I have:

Blueberry Snow - Blueberry (Indica) x Snow Lotus - 117 Seeds
Goji OG x SSDD - Goji OG (B Cut) x Sunshine Daydream - 104 Seeds
Sunshine Daydream - Bubbashine x Appalachia - 116 Seeds

I was interested in the goji og (b cut) x SSDD since that is sort of bodhis 2 flagship crosses and I think would be a fun strain to have a forum cut of. Plus as you said SSDD already has some work being done out there. I am certainly open to whatever the community has more of a desire for. I like the idea of working the Goji x SSDD as that would be unique and cuts of it are not already circulating.


With some testing of the male(s), yes I think so. Iā€™ve been hunting for the same traits my keeper has. Starting with leaf morphology and stem rub. Then trichome rub in flower while having stress tested leading up to and during flowering. Finally, reveg it as the last herm test. If it passes all those and somehow have more than one male left then we look at male flower density, trichome coverage, overall flower structureā€¦ If it passes those desirables, only then do we do progeny testing.

Doing all that makes actual good males pretty damn hard to come by. Tons of males auto flower due to various conditions. Throw hairs due to various stressors. Have weird structural traits that usually get passed along. It can be tough. Can also get really lucky too though. That starshine male(RIP) I used was almost all of that in the very first bean I popped of that cross.


Right now iā€™m doing my first open pollination with 2 males and 2 females and one male looks hella wild and the other looks much better in structure and output. The one that was wild looking actually got eaten by a caterpillar until it only had some tiny top leaves left and it grew out to be a purple/dark colored calyx and really resinous compared to the others. It is also highly resistant to stuff. Meanwhile I have another male with great structure and huge clusters but not much resin and not much color. Also spider mites hit it. Neither one is giving me what I want but iā€™m hoping in the next generation, Iā€™ll be able to find the one that has both.

How people select males. Remember your males can be reversed and smoked. Also you dont even have to do that, you can just grow out the males fully and then run them in bubble bags if theyre frosty. Of course most people kill off the males after initial pollination.


Bubble bags? Pollen hash?!?


Probably not to me, lol! Thatā€™s where yā€™all come in. Until recently, I could have cared less about looking for a male keeper. @HolyAngel 's criteria sort of narrows things down. Maybe someone whoā€™s in contact with B could ask what he looked for, particularly?

I donā€™t know if this is apropos to this project, but Iā€™ve always liked the way Tom Hill looks at things.

Iā€™ve been having miserable luck trying to reverse my keeper. Iā€™ll send cuts to anyone (well, if I like them, lol) who has some experience, and wants to give it a shot.

I have a few of Bā€™s crosses as another avenue to exploreā€¦ time, space, and energy are a bit short on my end, though.

Iā€™ve got blinders on when it comes to Snow Lotus crosses. Not really sure why. Goji OG was the first of Bā€™s seeds I grew. 2 freebies from Attitude, 2x big honking males! Made me get a pack. Got 5 gals out of 6 seeds dropped. Everything else I had at the time was better. I gave the rest of the seeds to oleschool (RIP)ā€¦ I donā€™t think he ever got to them.

Iā€™m finding this discussion way more interesting than showing what packs weā€™re not going to grow, donā€™t mean to derail it :slight_smile:

The tissue culture sounds like the ticket, though!


Ill try reversing something for you, lol, i am 1 for 1 so far with four more attempts in the balance.


All of this.

I want my male to have the same traits as my female if Iā€™m trying to isolate the females chemotype and not really caring about anything else. Not only can you reverse the male to check the flowers, you can reverse the male to make reg seeds and look at those progeny to determine worth between males.

A quality male is way more valuable than a female.


Letā€™s talk :slight_smile:


Right, I guess my question had to do with if a pack goes out to a member who isnā€™t so intimately familiar with the line, or even someone who just isnā€™t very perceptive towards things like stem rub smells and leaf morphology. If my mother wasnā€™t tagged I wouldnā€™t be able to identify it in veg with 100% confidence against Triple Sunshine for example when it comes to leaf morphology. Iā€™m not questioning whether or not people are able to make selections from males, just I donā€™t think it will be as simple as selecting female keepers. Also at the end of the day the progeny has to be tested and if the Goji project is any indication of a general community willingness to germinate seedsā€¦ Where would the interest be in testing SSDD F2s when there are hunted keeper cuts circulating?

Same but honestly blueberry x SL sounds like one of the most appealing SL crosses Iā€™ve seen. Wasnā€™t that Blue Lotus at one point?


This isnā€™t all of them but it is many! I grew Kailash which is chem d x snow lotus and it isnā€™t on here.


Not quite the same as blue lotus @syzygy used a different mom


@SCJedi has a tissue culture lab, I believe heā€™s been successfully running it for several years. Iā€™ve seen him mention storing genetics for people before, though he doesnā€™t do it for free. Maybe heā€™d be willing to work something out for the SSDD keepers, though? :man_shrugging:


Blue Lotus was DJ Shorts Blueberry x Snow Lotus.

Blue Snow is an Unknown Blueberry Indica x Snow Lotus according to my notes.

Also from my notes people were saying the unknown blueberry cross was better than the DJ Short cross.

Edit: oops @DesertHeartGardens beat me to it =)


Goat and Monkey (RIP) had Bodhis cut of BB Indica and was making S1 seeds with it. Wish i could have snagged a pack. Not sure what happened to the cut after Matt passed. Maybe @Carty knows?


I know someone who is selling them and might still have them. they areā€¦ halo and blue angel.