Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

That is actually how I originally looked at it also. It has now been about ten years since people started really noticing Bodhi seeds. I would imagine that many people would be working his lines. He encourages people to work his stuff and find something else in it that he did not. I dont think any of us can or should speak for bodhi. Maybe he is nice and maybe he is not. One thing he is not is dumb.

All of my interactions with him and his wife have been really cool and he goes above and beyond. COPA was actually working other lines before Bodhi stuff and has worked other stuff alongside it. There are many companies who I would say may be closer to what you say like MMS who only seems to care about money. Then you have people like Dragon Flame genetics who took Bodhi’s blood red sappy hash plant and created entire lines with it. Preserving something which was relatively obscure and very niche at the time. I remember peolpe only caring about the bleeding sap trait and not much else.


I’m not sure why we have to keep going over this, but the Appalachia male that Bodhi used in his crosses came directly from H&L. It was not some random male that Bodhi found by going through seeds or whatever. It was the Appalachia male clone that H&L sent to Bodhi. Any “milky terps” that are found in any of Bodhi’s Appy crosses are just the interesting results of hybrids made WITH H&L’s MALE. There are plenty of Bodhi’s Appy crosses that don’t contain “milky terps.”


would it be because he is doing transgressive segregation? im not offering that as an answer. its a question.

if i read somewhere that someone is choosing the exact opposite of the medium/mean in a cross, my mind goes to transgressive segregation - but i dont know the whole story behind all this.

I did see the story being posted by Bodhi, the cross is at GLG. I already have enough seeds for this year and prob next. so, not really looking for seeds, but it looks interesting (had also seen an Appy F4 cross on sale to help the Bay by copa, either earlier this year or last - but didnt go for it).


I think Copa’s been working with a variegated Appy for a little while now? Like, before H&L’s release last year or whatever?

I’m not entirely sure why people have a problem with someone working a cross in a direction other than that intended by the original breeder? Aren’t you suppose to breed towards what you like?


I highly doubt that that’s what COPA’s doing, pretty sure they’re just jumping on the Appy train, but if it is intentional and they are kind of “doing their own Appy thing” then there needs to be some sort of “designation” so that people can differentiate between the two. I mean, maybe that’s what “variegated Appy” is supposed to imply. I guess the f4 would also imply that haha, I dunno, but either way…


H&L says at about 1:00 that bodhi took it in a different direction from him and people liked it a lot.


Yes I believe copa brought out his variegated F4 work from the same F3’s that H&L released months later. So he got in, in-between bodhi no longer offering appy work, and H&L getting the pure re-worked line out to the masses. Copa did put in some work for his selection and again, he can select what he wants, it’s whatever. Just seemed a strange direction to go with the line imo, considering the work put in to get away from that selection, and the multitude of other work already out there that could be selected from for likely a better representation of whatever he was going for.


This appy was actually worked by two_currents_grow on instagram and then by COPA. It was before the latest APPY f3 drop.


well, there you have it folks


With hlvd and mosaic viruses, I’d just like to see people start testing their variegated plants for viroids before putting them on the market.
Just to be safe.

It would be a selling point to prove that it’s a genetic trait, and not due to stress or pathogens.


I can say that this APPY cross I grew maintained the same vigor as Bodhi’s appy crosses I have grown and COPA is not an idiot. He is well aware of HLVD. Sometimes I think of the countless untested crosses on this website from “legit cuts” and hope it isn’t true that it passes on through seed. That’s the kind of stuff we should be worried about. If you follow COPA on instagram you can tell he’s legit and has been doing it for decades. That’s a big difference to some fly by night asshole who just chucked everything at the local dispensary.


I asked copa about it on breedbay, he thinks that the variegation in the appalachia line correlates with high potency.
I’m not questioning the quality of his work.

I just think we’re reaching a point where these viroids are becoming an increasing concern, and I expect we will see more breeders begininning to publish testing results.

That’s definitely a concern. I’m a medical grower, so I can’t take any risks that might compromise my perpetual med grow.

I test anything I bring into my garden that doesn’t come directly from an olcc licensed plant nursery. Before testing was available to consumers, I only grew cuts in an outdoor quarantine area.


That’s the first I’m hearing about that. Back when Bodhi used to actually write descriptions of his hybrids, he never, ever mentioned any of his Appy crosses being some sort of “worked” Appy male line; he just said,”I used H&L’s Appalachia male and crossed it to…” whatever.

I listened to it. I think he (H&L) is being a little unclear there. He’s saying the male that Bodhi used brings a lot of “creaminess” and at the same time a lot of “Chem terps,” which seems to me to be sort of diametrically opposed. Honestly, I’m not sure what the fuck he’s talking about haha! All’s I know is that Bodhi never mentioned anything about working that Appy male.

I agree. I really don’t think people oughta be searching for variegated plants.

If anybody’s interested, research “Dutch tulips 1700’s variegation” or something like that.


Copa got the Goji OG Bodhis Cut from a Useful Seeds auction on Instagram like 2 years ago.

As far as the Appy, I guess he got some seeds and selected the male for what he wanted. I think Copa runs all his stuff outdoors and selects for heartiness in his area.


I got a 5 pack of Heavenly Mountain as a freebie from GLG. Not sure how that affects the temple.


No! He didn’t! It was H&L’s male clone.

All of this information is out there, written down by Bodhi himself. There’s also a lot of information out there about H&L’s Appalachia male (unrelated to Bodhi), which was apparently pretty legendary. I do not understand why this is such a difficult concept for people to grasp. There weren’t even any seeds of Appalachia floating around when Bodhi was making crosses with it. Bodhi has never mentioned planting seeds of Appalachia and choosing a male. Bodhi is very clear (usually and especially back then) about the process used to make his hybrids. He’s never mentioned that.


I think what he (H&L) meant in that podcast is that the male that HE sent BODHI brings “creaminess” and “Cheminess” to the crosses. He does not mean that Bodhi found a male in a bunch of seeds.

Jesus fucking Christ… What else could he mean by,”I used High N Lonesome’s Appalachia male,”? Bodhi has never said anything like,”I planted a bunch of Appalachia seeds and chose a male,” which he HAS said about pretty much every other male he’s ever used.

This is not difficult.


Yeah it’s tied to the Chem D cut that’s also variegated.

The Appalachia line was and is bred outdoors already. H&L wanted a beefier green crack to run outdoors in Virginia.


Guessing either Bodhi or H&L have got the story wrong then.
Not saying either are liars, but as far as H&L is concerned he gave Bodhi seeds of Appalachia, and Bodhi only contacted H&L once he’d grown them out selected a male and made crosses with it.

About 10:00 in on this podcast.



Sorry to get you all riled up but I was talking about COPAs Appalachia male. I know Bodhi got his from H&L.


I’m not gonna listen to any more podcasts, but I’ll take your word for it.

I’m wrong. I don’t have a problem admitting that. Fuck me. Disregard everything I said above and everything I’ve ever read and understood to be true over the course of a decade+. I’m not sure what else,”I used H&L’s Appalachia male,” could mean, especially after I’ve read a lot of other stuff about this supposedly legendary male, but obviously I’m wrong. And I guess Bodhi was just super-unclear about the process he used to make all of those hybrids.

If anybody’s interested, research the Appy yourself. Don’t rely on podcasts; go find the threads that have been posted over the course of the last ten+ years. I find it interesting that this most-recent info completely contradicts the info that’s been posted since, like, 2012? Or earlier?