Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

Hell yea! Structure on that one looks just like my keeper #5


Iā€™m going through some of my older packs to run. I have this pack of Sour Butter X 88G13hp. Anyone know anything about these? What is Sour Butter?
I dont remember hearing much about this cross. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks


Sour Butter is a sister cut of Butterscotch. (BC Vanilla Kush x Instant Karma) I do believe


Thank you both for replying. Fingers crossed I get good germ rates. I will post pics when I get them going. And you know Iā€™m making seed.


This was well said. Nothing is quite like Bodhi even if they do the same stuff.


The problem with that at least in my experience is even if u do email Bodhiā€¦ heā€™ll respond typically 2 months later if even if that. He hasnā€™t posted on forums regularly in a very long time and shows very little interest in them anymore. He might drop a post on Breedbay once a year. Iā€™d be willing to bet he has Instagram on his phoneā€¦ but he just doesnā€™t seem to use bulletin board style forums like this anymore. I wish he wouldā€¦ it was really awesome when you would see him post and interact regularly. But we canā€™t make him do it. He hasnā€™t even signed on/posted on Breedbay but once in 2023 and that was back in February.


COPA comes off to me as being completely obsessed with Bodhi. Itā€™s unreal. He scoops up any and every older Bodhi pack he comes across. Heā€™s got a Bodhi seed stash that would take 100 lifetimes to grow, yet still buys more and more and more. Then he ā€œremakesā€ Bā€™s stuff so much that B himself wouldnā€™t even be able to do anything with his own work lol. I just donā€™t get why someone would ride his coat tails so hard and spend so much time making their own versions of Bā€™s strains. I personally find it to be in poor taste. Unoriginal and uninspiring IMO.


Looking forward to your final impressions on this run! Bummer that butterscotch SSDD isnā€™t seeming too special, thatā€™s one I was hoping would be pretty cool. I agree on blue sunshine - the one female I flowered out was super nice - it smelled like foul bad breath on resin rub the whole time, but once cured had an excellent pungent citrus berry savory funk thing going on. One of the frostiest Iā€™ve grown, and the high is a nice deep relaxing indicaā€¦ but with a really nice focus ability to it that worked well for video games and getting in the zone. That one was a bit on the low yield side, but I didnā€™t do it any favors in that regard, just flowered it un-topped and not too large.


Heā€™s also a partner with Haze Valley Nursery so between work, family, breeding and whatnot heā€™s probably swamped.


He already spent the years on the forum to build up his customer base and nowadays his packs fly off the shelves as soon as theyā€™re listed. People are setting alarms and stuff for his packs. Why would he waste anymore of his time on here doing customer service and brand building? Only thing he could do now is hurt his business with some mis-worded post or a mistake about lineage that some internet nerd latches onto and spreads everywhere as Bodhi lying and not just misspeaking or something.


He always says he isā€¦ so I believe it.


Yesā€¦ peopleā€¦ like thatā€¦ areā€¦ the worstā€¦?

Half the forum just looked at themselves in their screenā€™s reflection and "bwa-haha"d


Canā€™t get too mad at Bodhi about that one as he doesnā€™t have a website or contact information for customers so likely only people that have been testers for him have his email. What I find more annoying is breeders that have websites and contact information with emails that donā€™t respond to emails. Doesnā€™t really make sense to me?


Eh, I dunno. I think thereā€™s a difference between scooping packs that sound interesting to you and that you really wanna grow, even if you wonā€™t be able to plant them for a few years (or twenty years haha) and making f2ā€™s of another breederā€™s work and selling them. Iā€™ve got a lot of Bodhi gear in the fridge that I really do intend to plant, but Iā€™m not gonna make f2ā€™s of them and try to sell the seeds to people.

I mean, to me, thereā€™s nothing lazier than selling f2ā€™s. As other people have said, thatā€™s incredibly distasteful. Why not just say,ā€Hey! Hereā€™s some seeds I made that I have no idea whatā€™s gonna happen when you sprout them! Because theyā€™re f2ā€™s! Also, pay me for them!ā€?

Again, though, thatā€™s just me. And I guess a few other people on this thread hahaā€¦


How about f2 and share with friends :joy:


Hereā€™s my counter-question: has Copa been selling F2s of Bodhiā€™s work? From what I recall heā€™s been giving away F2s as freebies sometimes (e.g. Secret Chief), but I donā€™t recall an instance where Copa was selling F2s of someone elseā€™s work.


I have SSDD, Goji, and soon Triple Sunshine F2s Iā€™ll be giving away as long as you buy my highly sought after IcePupil25 for 50$ because I am so generous. Also for any ingrates hanging around here I am also immune to criticism because Iā€™m doing it for free. Joking of course but Iā€™m confused if you really donā€™t see how ā€œfreebiesā€ that require a purchase fall in the category of charging for them.


I know thatā€™s the attitude some people have here about Copa, yā€™all are a broken record about it and have stated it again and again. I hadnā€™t forgotten.

I think selling F2s and giving away F2s as a freebie are two fundamentally different things, from an ethical perspective.


Iā€™m doing an outdoor Lemon Wookie this year and itā€™s got pink/purple pistils. I wonder what the flower is going to end up like.


Yeah, I understand your point. But when people are buying gear that theyā€™re not interested in growing just so they can get the freebies, is that really all that different from just selling the ā€œfreebiesā€? Do you think that Copa isnā€™t aware that the people buying their gear are more interested in the f2ā€™s of Bodhiā€™s stuff than they are their own lines?

I honestly donā€™t know too much whatā€™s going on with Copa, followed that thread for a while and was just completely uninterested in their sort of ā€œoriginalā€ lines that didnā€™t involve Bodhiā€™s gear. I did, however, follow it long enough to determine that most of the appeal was getting the freebies, rather than the ā€œofficialā€ lines. Or whatever.


Hell yeah! Haha.