Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

Copa F6’d or whatever a pack from Bodhi (GG4 x SSDD).


Got a pack and was curious about the dad…


Dude, I’ve been reading about weed since before the internet existed. And after the internet existed, too haha.

No shit. I wasn’t saying that Appalachia existed strictly in “male form” (WTF?); what I was saying is that Bodhi did not hunt through a bunch of seeds to find the male that he used in all of those crosses. That’s all. That’s it. There’s a few smoke reports of Appalachia online, one of which I read in, like, 2013. So obviously females existed. How could they not?

However, this idea that Bodhi found his male by searching through seeds is nonsense and I’m basing that on everything I’ve ever read for years and years, rather than taking the word of one person (even if it IS the dude who made that cross) on a podcast.

One thing that really drew me to Bodhi is his transparency. He seems to care about getting the story straight. So when I read thing after thing after thing, for years, of him talking about “High N Lonesome’s Appalachia male” (which is a male that, again, there’s plenty of info about unrelated to Bodhi’s usage of it), I’m gonna trust that. I really don’t give a shit about what one dude said on a podcast one time.

I also really don’t give a shit about this topic anymore haha. I’ve said what I said. Y’all can say what y’all wanna say, too. To suggest that I haven’t done any research, though, is fucking laughable.


Well said and I agree completely. Given that they are functioning as businesses it seems completely fair to critique the way these “breeders” operate. It also serves as valuable feedback for them assuming they are mature adults. Putting aside the ethics involved in selling F2s of someone’s most popular strains (including ones still being sold like Secret Chief), I’d think a lot of “breeders” would shy away from that sort of behavior and would rather build their reputation based on their own work.

As you said, even though Bodhi may be OK with it I think a lot of people would find it in poor taste. This is just speaking as an unconnected consumer. Just my opinion though and I’m not personal friends with Bodhi or Copa like apparently some people here are. Wish they’d use their connections to get them to participate on the forums more or at least extract some information for the community.


My fav blue sunshine female, blueberry up front, kinda sandalwood middle, and floral back end

Butterscotch x SSDD looking like hemp


This is the Blue Tara f3 I believe got it from a action on here.

This is 4 weeks in veg and kicked into flowering with a heavey Prune


Popped 3 of Copa’s F2 of Goji OG two came out as male and the third herm’d in veg. :cry:


Old pics I found

Sunshine Daydream

Hashplant D


Those plants said ‘f your fence’.
Beautiful job.


Try to get some of the Goji F2 floating around here. You won’t be disappointed. OG


what are your impressions of HD?
not much info on this cross… always wanted to try it, it’s a fiery combination for my taste!


Here’s a recent grow report of (unfortunately only one) Hashplant D:

The smoke report will be written in five weeks or so.


Lav Jack

Lav Jack

Lav Jack

c91 x ssdd


Glorious! Great shots as always.

Lav Jack was on my short list to run next, but a couple hours ago I got some Saint’s Crossing wet instead… maybe next time!


Got 2x red eye jedi and 2x uplift that just broke the soil yesterday. Been a while, so hopefully I can do these plants justice and keep them happy.

First post here and want to just say thanks to everyone who has shared in the Bodhi threads over the years. Lots of beautiful plants and good info shared around here. Hopefully I can add back to the community in the future.


Uplift is fucking awesome. I hope you get at least one female from the two.

I always forget about that one until somebody mentions it, but that hybrid is definitely one of my favorite Bodhi things.


all the way, eucalyptus too on some


Those fences ain’t shit :joy::joy::joy:

I really enjoyed it. I was lucky enough to get a real nose burner. Straight chlorine!! The other one I kept was also pretty good just not as loud just a prettier face lol. Both were strong as fuck


Good Medicine F3
28 days from flip

Smells like lemon soap, sweet citrus
Hit some lower branchs with two male pollen


General impression is that SSDD F1 and male are good, but there are a lot of very meh scent-less plants. About 50-70% of most females aren’t much to write home about when it comes to resin rub.

There are definitely elite plants in here though, yield and structure on all of them is great and workable so we are really just selecting for resin and smoke quality here.

Blue Sunshine is awesome, lots of blueberry and Santa Cruz pure haze coming through in varying amounts, very mom dominant, incredible resin for a blueberry type.

Waking Dream is nice but I am not really finding a lot of Kush carrying over, more like very pretty muted Kush? Things could definitely improve though, we have 3 weeks left and that’s when Kush really develops.

Chem D x SSDD is awesome generally in all areas. I only got 2 females out of this pop but both are pretty spectacular. One is more muted and OG structured but the resin is glue. One is longer running and early resin is smelling like rubber gloves. Could have gotten lucky with these plants.

Butterscotch x SSDD is in the back of the pack right now, not much going on with it but we only got 2 females so I cant comment too much on resin. The males were really bad though so I probably won’t run this again.

I’ll have photos soon, I’ve only taken videos and I don’t think I can put them here.

If anyone has packs of Blue Sunshine they wanna let go of I will buy them from you, haha