Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

Obviously I can’t speak to other people’s motivations, only my own, but I can’t say a 5 pack of Ancient OG F3s was what motivated me to make any of the Copa purchases I have. When you live in shitty New England and see non-photo crosses, bred by a New England outfit, that might finish before the weather likely goes to shit in October… you jump on it.* Reality is a lot of west coast Cali crosses are just going to mold on you outdoors in New England.

I understand “it’s different” because he’s using freebies to move his own gear, but if we’re talking about people using freebies to move yet another (insert hype strain) x Overused-Dad I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that while I have yet to buy Copa packs I don’t want for a freebie, I have gone digging through GLG’s listings for Bodhi packs I wasn’t absolutely dying to have in order to pick up a freebie I did really want.

*Also a lot of older dudes are going to get excited about picking up a Black Domina cross.


*greenbodhi has just left the chat



Speaking of that…Motherlode Gardens is highly respected and they basically just do Ancient OG stuff.


I think you nailed it there and why he does have a following of people. He’s outdoor in New England which is a different thing entirely than some bloke growing outdoor in Cali for instance. We ain’t all blessed with great outdoor growing conditions so it is relevant to see what works or doesn’t. There is a place for everyone for sure. Just two cents, I can see it multiple ways.


That sounded like me when I saw someone offer me this last week… I was super hyped.

Saw this Snugglefunk posted on reddit in a grow thread…


Fair enough. You know I like you, @yardgrazer haha, definitely not trying to start some bullshit. Growing outdoors in New England is not something I ever consider (and hopefully I’ll never have to do that, either haha), but I understand what you’re saying.

I mean, a good male’s a good male. Why not cross him to everything?


Even bodhi is sick of it so not much argument there. You just contrarian.


“You just contrarian”? How so? I mean, I’ve grown a bunch of Bodhi’s 88G13HP hybrids, which is the male that I think both you and yardgrazer are referring to, and I was pretty pleased with all of them. Judging from the dozens and dozens of grow reports I’ve read that other people have posted, it sounded to me like they enjoyed most of them, too.


He has basically crossed it to everything and it isnt even that great of a male compared to his others… it is just that he lost those other ones so had to move on. Now he wants to move on on his own accord. There’s a definite difference there.

I know im glad i have these Snow Lotus seeds.

He has tried many times too to get the HP crosses perfect so it goes to show the strength with the g13hp line.


How so? Which of those crosses have you grown that you didn’t like? Please feel free to start a grow log or even just post some pictures of the 88G13HP hybrids you’ve grown right here on this thread that you were unhappy with. I’d love to see them.

And why do you think Bodhi worked that male for years and made dozens of hybrids with it if it wasn’t any good? I’m just curious to hear your ideas. Genuinely curious, not being snarky at all.

Just because Bodhi is moving away from using that male, that doesn’t mean he was a “bad” male. It just means Bodhi wants to check out other stuff, the same way your favorite band doesn’t keep making the same album over and over again. That’s what artists do.

Yeah, I have a lot of those, too. So what?


It was overused and you argued against it. I would think over 100 crosses yeah it is. It is my opinion. No need to attack me or my “Bodhiness.” I prefer snow lotus and appy males and so did bodhi from what he’s said. Then he found the a1 and pu though so that seems to peak his interest now.

What he said of dream beaver was that he stuck his best two males together. thats sl x appy.


If there’s 100 females to cross it with, then yeah, why not do that? That’s pretty much what every breeder does, is find a good male and cross it to a lot of stuff.

What SL and Appy males have you grown? What’d you think of those? Why did you like them more than the GHash crosses?


I thought the SL is a really good narcotic stone but still sativa most of the time and the leaves are really beautiful. It can also be very medicinal. The APPY has some of the most unique smells ever and it changes sometimes 3-4 times in veg and flower and i mean all over from ripe fruit to high humidity armpit funk stuff. It is also really intelligent, adaptable and is usually fast in veg but that depends on the mother. The high is really really good too from any of the appy crosses. I just did COPA appy cross and it was not as good as Bodhi’s.


Narcotic but still “Sativa”? Which crosses were those? Everybody’s cannabinols receptors are different, of course, but which Snow Lotus crosses did you grow that you found to be narcotic and at the same time “Sativa”-ish? I like the Snow Lotus crosses, too, but I haven’t found any of the ones I’ve grown to be “narcotic.”

Which Appy crosses have you grown?


One of the parents of snow lotus is “block head.” I think of narcotic as heavy on the brain but not the body. I realize this is not the correct definition in regular usage so I could also say “heady but more” It is mostly indica. I just find a lot of sativa in the high. As in it gets me high similarly as do the pure sativa heady strains. Bodhi always speaks of liking heady indicas so that makes sense. I’ve grown a lot of appalachia crosses. My favorite is dream beaver which I have grown twice. That’s Snow Lotus x Appalachia. The last cross i did also had SL in the mother side and appalachia in the father side haha. uw platinum hp x nepali x snow lotus x appalachia


You seem like you have something against me? You keep attacking my knowledge. Is it because I said you were contrarian? Or was it because a few days ago, you were discussing this similar stuff and i didnt reply?

I don’t have to mention every cross i’ve ever grown to you. I’m only explaining because you keep asking me my opinions of them so you can pick me apart.

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Ladies. You are both pretty.


This was a nice birthday present from my girlfriend a couple of years ago!..


FWIW as far as I saw it we were just having a friendly back and forth.

There’s nothing inherently wrong in using a proven male repeatedly… but I’m pretty ready for other options. Still, I was really using it as an example more than something I’m actually up in arms about.

Random thought… but I feel like people sometimes gripe about the prevalence of G13HP phenos in the F1 packs, would that not be predictable when using a fairly inbred line (not using that term in the technical sense, but it sounded like it was already pretty far along when Bodhi got it?)

Full disclosure I definitely don’t have the experience to judge whether the prevalence statement is true.


For sure. Who doesn’t like new and exciting things?

Yeahhhh, they do. I have, too. At the same time, though, after a while, you start to miss those GHash leaners. I think that if you’re looking for plants that lean towards the female, you might have better luck going with another one of Bodhi’s males, but I’ve kind of come around to just appreciating the plants that lean towards the 88G. I’m not unhappy if some of the plants I grow lean towards the male, anyway. It’s good weed!

I’d totally grow some straight 88G13HP. I’m not sure why people are trying to shit on that male, other than maybe they’re bored with seeing seeds of those hybrids listed (and that they oddly never post logs or even pictures of), but I’ve been consistently and pleasantly surprised by those crosses.