Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

F1, F2, and F3. All herms.

All with led lights, different models. Some dirt, some coco.

I’d almost say the love triangle is a bad example as TK is a vigorous plant that breeds very wide, it could be why those love triangles are so good :blush: but I could be wrong too :sweat_smile:


Silica isn’t the answer bro, I ran silica 24/7 until a few months ago


There are super stable plants there…at least in f1. I haven’t run the f2’s I made, but the other f2’s I ran found one hardcore herm for sure.


I had a goji leaner in my frostitute x appy and it was hella floppy… i mean it needed mucho support.


Nope due to the never ending backlog of strains!


Was it like flopzilla?

Goji OG F1


Haha no



I read your initial smoke report for the Electric HP in the other thread.
Interested to know if it’s changed any now that it’s had a couple more months to cure?
I’ll be running a pack next year.


Quick note that all 6 Saints Crossing seeds I planted are above ground 72 hours later. Two of them don’t look the greatest, but they may come around. I soaked the beans overnight in RO water with a dash of hydrogen peroxide before dropping into Solo cups filled with ProMix HP. They’re in a “dome” with a heating mat under a SpiderFarmer SF2000 light that is dimmed as low as it can go.


Curious if anyone has info on bodhi’a “oaxacan 3” ? It was a freebie crossed to 88g13…


It took me a while to realize that even though a majority of the plants’ll lean towards the 88G13HP as far as plant morphology (and sometimes even flower morphology) is concerned, the way they actually taste and smoke will not. So, like, I’d be looking at whatever I was growing at the time and be like,”Gawddamn! Another fucking 88G leaner???” haha, but once everything is dried, cured and being blazed, the differences are noticeable. The flavors are different and the highs are different, even though the plants themselves weren’t all that different-looking.

Personally, I like the structure of those plants. They’re usually very sturdy and typically not too stretchy (although the lack of stretch does become a problem when I’m also growing some A5Thai hybrid or whatever at the same time)(I had to put the Hashplant D I just grew on a five-gallon bucket in a lame attempt to maintain an even canopy haha and that’s not the first time). There’ve also been outliers; the two Imperial Majesties I’ve grown so far leaned wayyyyyyy to the Pure OG-side of the cross, for instance. In general, though, I’ve found that even though a lot of the plants may look the same, from hybrid to hybrid, they don’t taste or smoke the same. Just as an example, the Clusterfunk and the Golden Hashplant looked pretty similar, but they did not taste or smoke similar at all.

I’d even go so far as to say that Bodhi’s description of the Snow Lotus male (better structure, fatter flowers, “lets the mom shine through,” whatever) is probably more applicable to the 88G13HP male than it is the Snow Lotus male. It seems to me that the Snow Lotus male just kind of serves as a “conduit” for getting plants that closely resemble the female to which it was crossed, whereas the 88G13HP male actually improves that with which it was crossed, at least from a “plant structure” view.

Or whatever…. haha.


Love that Monkey


oh man, why? the few things that i have grown specially the OG (wifi and ghost og) x HP, have been really good. not even curious to try now that its going out?

on the other side, i havent had that much luck with the wookie, main thing keeping me from soaking the A11G x wookie


Honestly I just haven’t gotten to them yet :sweat_smile:
I have more 88g13hp crosses than I do any other male from bodhi. Then Appalachia followed by the SSDD male(s).


Does anyone know what makes the Temple v2 different from the v1? I’m guessing a different dad as they both say SSH x Williams Wonder.


I thought one was the Old Sog SSH mom and one was mr nice SSH from posts I’ve read about them, but I’m sure someone with a better memory could correct me or if I’m not mixed up clarify which is v1 and which is v2


both V1 and V2 should be from mr nice. theres a post in here somewhere stating which are old sog, but it aint temple.


You are dead on with the snow lotus vs hashplant comparison. I think the hashplant crosses preserve and bring a lot of mom, and the good ones really improve on the mom. Snow lotus seems to keep a lot of dominance in flavor and resin development. The Goji B cut was good but the Tahoe is better imo. But Black Triangle holds better phenos than TK IMO.

Black Triangle also breeds better than TK, I’m sure the hashplant has something to do with that.

I’m hunting through various OG x 88g13hp this fall to hopefully pull improved OG types, I’ve run across a few freak plants in my last Ghash hunts so I’m excited to dive back in


Chem D x Sunshine Daydream

Wifi OG x SSDD

Sunshine Daydream

Blue Sunshine


Beautiful flowers, what catches your attention the most at the moment? That first set of pictures is looking really nice! Assume that’s the chem d x sddd. The last (ssdd?) picture is also looking pretty frosty as well.