Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

Thanks syzygy! So the strain names correlate to the photos above. Sorry for the weird formatting lol, I’ll probably put titles on top and descriptions under like a normal person. Next time.

As far as what is catching attention, there is quite a lot to like! Not a whole lot to dislike.

I am really liking the Blue Sunshine. The hazy looking blue sunshine plant is so heavy with blue dream terpenes, resin rub smells as strong as blue dream live resin I have in the fridge.

The Chem/blueberry pheno is really cool too, not quite as loud but a more complex profile of berry, Chem, sandalwood, and floral

Chem D x SSDD is another that I really like. One is smelling like sweet skunky OG and another just smells like rubber gloves. Rubber glove smells are cool but I’m getting that off of some better pure SSDD plants. I think I’m more interested in the sweet skunky OG smelling plant, it’s a weird product of the two parents. Interesting.

Waking Dream is actually much more OG dominant than I initially thought. Lots of piney earthy skunky funkiness going on with these, not much cologne which I personally like. The resin on my fav pheno seems a bit nicer than the Goji OG B cut I ran, smells a bit stronger too.

Sunshine Daydream F1 is looking interesting and there are lots of different plant types in here. Definitely not a fixed ratio of three plant types. There are three different general plant structures but the resin is different on all of them. No two are the same. Three plant types are squat low stretch, mid size with 2x stretch, and then vigorous tall framed with manageable stretch.

The best plants to my eye and nose are the super rancid buttery baseball bat plants and the Kush types with hints of berry. There are some that stack golfball Chem/OG hybrid nugs with low ish resin on appy frames, I don’t think those are the keepers.

Oh yeah and Space Monkey. Let’s talk about that. Best fuckin Wookie cross I think I have ever seen, and I’m only growing one plant. That one plant has more grapefruit Chem lavender in it than any other Wookie 15 hybrid I have run. Same general smell as my Chembucha keeper (Wookie 7 x GMO/Waltz). Nice stretched out frame with very vigorous growth. Same bud density and texture as the Wookie 7 and Chembucha so I’m excited to see how it smokes. I’ll be hunting more of these soon.


MangoBiche x Gash Plant f3




Very nice males.


Definitely expressing MangoBiche, much longer flowering than the Ghash leaning female


Awesome, thanks for sharing your thoughts on them! I really love the structure and look of that last SSDD picture. Space monkey is a winner for sure, was a big fan of both Space Monkey & SFV OG x Wookie 15. Both seemed to pair really well with that dad.

Here’s some quick pics from today. Didn’t get everything, thinking of pulling early so I can move on to next OG x 88G13 project (out of space).

Lav Jack

Lav Jack tall pheno - fluffy and leafy.

Baba Kush (Bubba Katsu x SSDD) - just testing so I can check out the smell on this one, it’s very rootbound. Nice rubbery SSDD smells.



Oh, that’s cool! Which ones were you thinking about?

I’m trying to remember the OG/88G13HP crosses I’ve grown. There were the Imperial Majesties, which, like I said, seemed to lean completely towards the Pure OG in that cross: super-floppy, smaller nugs, but very good and tasty smoke. I wasn’t unhappy with those plants at all haha.

And I grew four Time Bandits, but I’m not sure just how “OG” that WiFi #43 actually is. I don’t trust Jungle Boys judgement haha. I mean, the plants had “gap-y” internodes like an OG usually does, but the flowers were much bigger than a typical OG and the smoke, while very good, didn’t remind me at all of actual White Fire. It was good, though. My friends liked those nugs a lot more than I did. A couple of them went totally apeshit over it, actually, I’m not sure why haha.

Those plants were sturdy, though, for sure, and didn’t grow anything at all like the Imperials.

I dunno if I’ve ever grown any other OG/88G hybrids. I can’t think of any offhand, anyway haha, but there might’ve been a few more. My memory’s getting bad…


Since i’m about to grow the latest DLA, I realized how difficult it was to procure information. I’m not putting pictures because those can be found on Instagram and other forums. I’m here just to provide as much information as I can on these crosses. They all look like really resinous hashplants. It seems Bodhi stopped releasing descriptions after the first few.

They all seem to be very unique and interesting indicas. The kind which don’t just put you to sleep but also can open your mind and take you to all kinds of places. I’ve heard more than a few heads say that they thought the magic was in tropical sativas only to find that these central Asian indica type plants were what they ultimately always thought of as “the best.”

Most of these packs were limited releases.

Deep line alchemy

“the deep line alchemy series is usually comprised of hashplants and vintage afghani combinations. plants that really shine in the resin collection. the highs are deep and narcotic with an open mind, with heavy hashy herby earthy aromas, an ode to the garda, charas, and hand rubs of yesturyear…”

#01 M8 (lost kush) x fantasy island
“these seeds represent a new series of side projects using some of the rarest clones in my collection combined with a select polyhybrid father, coaxing out the special traits of the mother and bringing in new life and subtle accents from the poly father. i call it deep line alchemy because of the nature of the mothers used, very old, unique, strange, or unheard of gems. this first release uses the m8 or lost kush, a friend payed 10g for this clone in the late nineties with severe penalties if it was ever released. the original holders lost it to spider mites, and although they tried to get her back, it never happened. shes definetly an old lowland kush type, with beautiful almost etherial look, totem pole structure, silver hued frost, and a unique hairspray aroma. using the fantasy island (urkle x appalachia) father, the goal is to create more side branching, vigor, yeild, and add a lavender cherry violet terpene signature to the mix while maintaing the beauty, shimmer, and effect of the m8…
deep meditation went into the selection of parents but this hybrid is currently in testing and is still an experiment genetic remixing untill the flowers reveal their essence…”

#02 Dustys Snow Bud Black Afghani x 88g13hp
“This release uses Dustys Snow Bud an old mid eighties black Afghani Kush line from the central coast. It is very similar in effect to the Hollywood Pure Kush without the insane stretch. The effect is a total mind body experience. Deep and rich, dreamy & healing. Pairing it with the 88G13HP breathes new life into the old DSB clone by bringing the genetic timeline back to the 80’s era pure Afghani and family Kush lines. It will be a treasure trove of deep dark old line central Asian expression.”

#03 a35 x 88g13hp
“a35 is short for 35 year old afghani…”

#04. Kashmir 22 x 88g13hp
“the kashmir line is a traditional hash line from the azad region between pakistan and india. combined with the 88g13hp, its all about heavy resin and body relaxation…”

#05. a1 Artifact x 88g13hp
“Some of those old afgani’s are amazing and that’s kinda what I’m excited this year. I’m doing a lot of really old weird afgani’s outside. I’m doing like my artifact 1 which is kind of like the afgani that everybody remembers, but no one has been able to procure. Like that super acrid, almost roadkill, like cabbage-y, kind of like a deep chunky but not as bland as deep chunk. kind of like this really raw. kind of like I don’t know, smells kind of like a prison basketball game.”

“I’m pretty excited about this new afgani male that I’m working with… it’s so acrid. It’s like gamey. It’s not like roadkill, but it’s like this whole other thing and these artifact 1’s, these old vintage afgani’s that I’m finally popping, they have that. And I’m so excited and it’s so gross and it makes me so happy…”

“I had kind of offline old friend that owed me a favor, so he gave me some really rare seeds and it just said roadkill and it was an old vintage line from Nor Cal. I was like oh cool this is going to be neat like I thought maybe it would be a roadkill skunk, or something, but it just turned out to be a really like vintage old super gross afgani and I was like ok these are cool, so instead of calling it roadkill because it not because people get so uptight these days if it’s not exactly how they remember it. It’s not roadkill king of thing, so I just called it artifact A1 or afgani artifact 1. It’s that true acrid artifact that no one’s really coming up with, but I know existed.”

#06. Iraqi Rayna x 88g13hp
a collaboration with Strayfox Gardens. The Iraqi mother was supposedly brought back by Strayfox’s brother who was a veteran serving there.

#07. Old Mother Ghani x 88g13hp
“omg is a seedline i got long ago as old afghani from a private collector. its a beautiful lemon spice classic vintage commercial afghani. leans more to the hindu kush side then the acrid leathery stout plains afghani. has a perfect mind/body mix. i use both a male and a female from the line, the male is so resinous you can make hash from him.”

#08. Vintage Pure Afghan x 88g13hp
Reports of melon, lemon and incense while being easy to grow.

#09. Kush 4 x 88g13hp
"The Maple Leaf came from a guy known to me as Jim Ortega. We traded seeds for a while. Not only did he supply me with Maple Leaf, but also Garlic Bud and Kush 4. The cannabis smoking world owes him a lot.

The Maple Leaf line provided me with a plant that I labeled Afghan T. This plant is the mother of Super/Ultra Skunk and also crossed well with HzC.

Kush 4, I crossed with NL2(which had the same Kush smell) and this Kush Hybrid is the foundation of todays Kush lines.

Garlic bud has also made it’s presence felt and is part of todays super yielders.

Let me say one more thing about ML AfgT. This plant had exactly the same smell as Sams best SK1 but more so. It is the true Skunk archetype. I do not believe for one N.Y. minute that Afghani#1 is behind the SK1, which IMO gives credence to the Mendecino Joe story about SK1.

The world owes you a big Thank You Jim!
Let me be the first to say that I appreciate the work that you have done.

#10. Fat Cherry x 88g13hp
Large vintage afghani that smells like cherries

#11. Vintage Pakistani x 88g13hp
There are reports of major pinine and an uplifting and soaring high.

#12. Vintage Lebanese x 88g13hp
Not much information but there are some videos out there and reports that it is an indica. I know Lebanese can have many cannabinoids so could be an interesting experience.

#13. Kandahar Black x 88g13hp
From “Vision Creator” in Canada.

#14. Jalahabad Star #5 x 88g13hp
" ExSitu first presents this offering of real old-time C. indica ssp. afghanica genetics. Preserved since 1989, these seeds were originally collected in 1988 in the area of Salang Pass, Afghanistan, after the disengagement of the Soviet Army there at the time." - Ex-Situ

#15. Angel Wing Afghan x 88g13hp
“rare heirloom afghans”

#16. 80s Black Afghan X a1 Artifact x 88g13hp
As far as I can tell, This 80s black afghan differs from DLA #2. There are reports that the DLA #2 black was lost. The artifact 1 is same line as DLA #5.


That’s what I like to hear!

Thank your for the time and effort compiling that list!



Gorgeous, wish I had this one. Beautiful male, jeez


Passionfruit Hashplant & Silver Unicorn on the front looking right.


Likely to have some seeds (F4) this fall


Has anyone done a reproduction run of Herer Hashplant ?


A long time ago @SaintAliasKnife , and then later @Enjoi802 had mentioned it in passing, but it hasn’t happened, AFAIK


Lavender Jack. might have to revisit at some point.


Similar thoughts here. I’ve got a pack in the vault.
There was a post in the Bodhi repro thread back in '21 where you mentioned HH, Lavender Jack, and maybe one other. I was just searching for the answer to @SubzeroIceKold question :bear::+1:


Well, I just hung a seeded Red Headed Hippie that’s loaded in fem seeds. I did promise the better half to take a break for a bit. Maybe fodder for when I turn the lights back on.

Too many seeds in the collection already…


Yeah. Lavender jack too ! Lol both would be perfection. I’m glad I’m not alone


Never heard of RHH it sounds interesting ! I tried to look it up and a bunch of red women popped up I had to put strain behind it. Lol


This came up for me