Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

Honestly in a post apocalyptic situation, the folks with a bunch of weed and seeds have way more value than those with only worthless paper!


Yes dangit. Ended up grabbing snow monkey.


They still have plenty of nice freebies.


The lottery is almost at 1 billion dollars again. That’s how you know they need more money for something lol. They take 50% right off the bat. Then you pay another 35% on what’s left.


Has anyone found the parent strains of the Freebie Momentary Lapse of Reason?


Also have a pack and would like to know.

I’ve seen people say it’s what’s left over from the Berner collab, but nothing concrete. That just seems to be the rumor because no one knows for sure yet I don’t think


which ones do you like?


I have been selecting the 88g13hp crosses and anything with Lush. Those plants are retired and no more strains will be made.


I suggest this method. I have a pack of it as well.



“So, Momentary Lapse of Reason is a bag of unlabelled seed found by Bodhi & Sage within their stock while sifting through a current restock for seedbanks, according to Sage.” Quote from a Discord chat I read.

So… mystery seeds. :laughing:


Hell yeah! So an older unlabeled bag of seeds he found in the fridge when he was probably pulling out all these 88g13 and NFTs??

I like that answer wayyyyy better than “Berners leftovers”. At least there is some mystery to the pack now. Could be some crazy landrace


What is Sage?

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Am I the only one who finds this distasteful? “Fallen soldiers” and “Mystery seeds”? Shit happens, I get it, but instead of speculating just feed them to the birds.


To be honest, probably yeh. Getting some older stock from Bodhi’s collection is like a dream come true for some people here :smile:

Why? That makes no sense to get rid of them.

If you had a few packs of seed and forgot to label them, would you just throw them all away because you don’t know which is which?

Grow them out, see what they look like, smell like, smoke like etc, and make an educated guess at what they could be.
Or just enjoy them.
Plus they’re freebies, so what’s the harm in someone potentially getting some great weed for free?



Yup if they were full price, mehhhh. But these were freebies that I chose out of multiple choices. I see no problem with doing this.


So this makes us think this…[quote=“imstinky, post:3035, topic:100288”]
So an older unlabeled bag of seeds he found in the fridge when he was probably pulling out all these 88g13 and NFTs??
And then we have speculations.
I guess what I was trying to say is, it would be nice if the breeder would hold himself to a higher standard. If its not clearly labelled, toss it. If it was great cross, the chances of it being unlabeled would be slim.
Stuff like this makes me question their entire SOP.


The answer may not even be true but if that is what it is, one time out of hundreds upon hundreds of crosses doesnt seem like that big of a deal to me. Maybe he has an inkling it could be something special but he couldnt confirm. I really think none of us should assume or speak for bodhi.


You said it much nicer than I would have. Until it is confirmed everyone is just talking out of their butthole.


I read Sage is the name of Bodhi’s love partner.

Once someone grows the Momentary…… plants, they will see if the plants resemble any of the other Lavender Lemonade fathered strains.

As for “just feed them to the birds”, i have lots of birds i can feed.
Anyone please DM me so i can give you my address to send me your unwanted Bodhi seeds. Thanks!


There would be no need for this if he would have just tossed them.
Now there’s gonna be some pollen chucker making f2s and whats he gonna label it as?
Some old Bodhi stock because thats what he heard from a guy who read it on overgrow who came to that conclusion because of what some other guy read on discord.

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