Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

All the seedbanks have it listed as Topanga PK. I think the OG you might be thinking of is the Topanga Canyon OG, which is the Topanga PK x Sweatband. Some say that the Topanga/HPK/Malibu are the same. I just started listening to the DireWolf podcast @HolyAngel was talking about in SNPK thread, but this is what he said after listening

Link to the PotCast interview


Interesting! I remember reading topanga was diff, I think strayfox had a topanga pk x hollywood pk reversed.
Youll just have to grow em out and report if theres that lime marshmellow!


Give me a year or 2 lol. I’ve got a punchout list that’s gonna keep me busy for a bit. I might be able to sneak one in somewhere along the way… But I def didn’t want to miss out on it if they are the same!


I try to be as forward as I can with stuff like that. Yeah it may upset some people, but its my experience and I cant lie by omission.

I still stand by just about all of what I have said in the past, though I may have been a bit harsh on some stuff. At this point I think Bodhi is very hit or miss with quality. Competition has gotten stiff and there are tons of other people working with his “material” who are producing better lines. We also have better clone availability so you can just go buy a heirloom and run that if you want good smoke.

The posts and descriptions I give are just my observations on stuff we make. I get excited about weed so it may sound a little persuasive, but I just want people to see how good weed can be lol. When these special plants are grown correctly and treated with care during processing, the end result is something every smoker should experience.

General thoughts… I think the best plants in the world are hidden in bodhi genetics. Lots of okay stuff as you sift through, fucking incredible standouts, just have to look through high numbers. Fire in every pack? Thats opinion. Elites in every pack comparable in quality to heirlooms? I dont think so.

Also, I know I have said some stupid shit in the past. Forgive me if you can, even better… Link me to the bullshit and I’ll edit it with modern opinions so people aren’t misled with a google search. It’s harvest time!


With that said… SSDD male is killer. We are digging deep! Will be taking cuts for outdoor repro, will share.


There is a metric ton of appy leaners in those SSDD F1’s fyi. And I’d be watchful of herms in the Headbangers, I ran f3’s of headbanger from doc d and a full pack of Sowahh and both full packs hermed at 3 weeks, males and females.


I ran two packs of Headbanger F2 from Doc 2 years back and didn’t have any herms, wonder if they are due to F3 generation? We will be doing sex testing on these and keeping a watchful eye for herms. Thanks for the heads up.

Yeah Im absolutely pumped for the SSDD lines. It has been some of my absolute favorite smoke because of its effects, and I found hash dumpers in Cherry Sativa x SSDD. The hash I had made retained the buttery herbal notes, which is something you dont find often in water hash. Retained the high too.

So I guess Im going to put these in shot glasses now.


Any plans to f2 some of those? That’s a goldmine


Nice! I really like the one blue sunshine female I grew. Super crystally, heavy hybrid high great for video games and such. Interesting smell and taste - berry citrus BO pepper. Really need to test out the rest of the pack.


Goal over here is to keep males from the best packs outdoors, clones of all females alive for potential outdoor, and we will run the seed plants through production. Will test flower, put keeper females outside with males to be selectively repro’d based on testing.

If we dont get to full-on F2ing the SSDD hybrids, we will still try to Bx them with pure SSDD as long as the bud quality warrants it. Same deal with Headbanger. The pure lines are high priority to back up, hybrids less so since the mothers are still pretty commonly available.


:wind_face::wind_face:… Heirlooms … :dash:



Hey there, so I recently made a reversal with some DragonsBlood Hashplant v2 to try and isolate the blood trait. I selected the heaviest bleeders out of 8 plants. Solid rings of red on the inside stem. The reversals also pollinated the females I didn’t select for breeding. I have the f2s popped now so the sample size will be small but should be able to tell which bleed. I also got S1s from the pollen donor.

The S1 is the ideal high I would lock in, should I cross the F2s back to the S1? Or keep crossing the f2s then backcrossing at a later point?


Should we start another thread called “Breeding with Bodhi genetics?”


Nah that stuff goes here. The only thing the other thread is for is posting grow logs and smoke reports of Bodhi’s creations


That’s probably what I would do. Least until you know the F2’s have the same qualities or not. If not, no point. If so, inbreed.


I don’t know I kinda like the idea of having a separate thread for people trying to promote themselves using Bodhi genetics. Keeping it all neat and tidy like.


This is also the place to discuss other breeders working with bodhi genetics

That’s what this thread is for. Keeps all the general Bodhi talk all nice and neat in one thread. I dont think we need 3 threads for Bodhi. And if people want to promote themselves they can just create their own thread.


I really like the thread name:

Breeding with Bodhi, riding the coattail of a genetic giant

Bc it would be nice to read a thread about B man seeds and strain discussion, minus the self promoting breeding with Bman stuff. Bc I’m just not interested in that stuff and I find it cluttering the bman threads.


Off hand I don’t think we see that many posts along those lines, easy enough to ignore them?


Apparently there’s so many that they’re cluttering the thread :man_shrugging: