Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

hes just being sarcastic.


Most people line breeding and making hybrids with bodhi’s strains here are doing it for preservation, their personal needs, for fun, and for the betterment and diversity of the gene pool.

I think it is apparent that there is a very small subset of people who may be using these high visibility bodhi threads to promote themselves, a product, or hype a commercial interest.

Clearly this is causing some friction, which became very noticeable with the recent flare up here.

This activity may be welcome to some users, and the rest can make up their own minds about the content of postings here.

The ignore function is available if you don’t like what someone posts here. People can make any character judgmenents for themselves, and keep it to themselves. Tolerate each other, and live and let live.


They are not the Bman’s threads, they are Overgrower’s threads. You can go to this link to actually see all Bodhi’s posts here on OG.


Oh I must have missed it. Someone was trying to peddle their wares?


Anything that violates community standards or advertising rules will be dealt with appropriately by the mods. If you see anything concerning, flag the post and the mods will decide.

Anything that doesn’t violate site rules is fair, and readers can make any judgements for themselves, and keep it to themselves.


It would be good if folks could do just that. I don’t get why some cannot just choose to move on from a thread that they have issues with rather than bringing negativity. True words you spoke there the should be followed.


Everything is 110% clear now and makes total sense. Thanks y’all. Champions!

So this comment got me thinking. @2High this isn’t directed at you personally. I’m not trying to argue or fight. I just want to share my thoughts on this outlook that I know is held by others too.

Bodhi didn’t even create most of the stuff he used to make his lines. Most of his mother plants were created by someone else, as well as many of the males he used. If people are salty that people use Bodhi’s strains to make their own, then shouldn’t they be salty at Bodhi for using other people’s strains to make his?

Bodhi literally encourages people to use the lines he makes for whatever they want to use them for (aside from selling F2’s of his strains that are available at seedbanks), because he knows that no one is out here making seeds via immaculate conception. Everyone who makes seeds is “riding the coattails” of the person who made the strains they use, including himself. He loves the plant, and I’m sure he’d love seeing people make interesting crosses with the lines he made He even refers to a lot of his stuff as being building blocks for breeding projects. He also didn’t preserve so many lines just for them to dead-end with him. I think the only way someone could be riding his coattails is if they were selling F2’s of his strains, which is frowned upon by most here. Though I have heard from Shoe that if you can take one of Bodhi’s lines to F3+, and do it well, then it is possible to get Bodhi’s blessing to sell them. I’m sure Bodhi would love to see someone take his F1’s and create stable lines from them.

It’s ok if people don’t care about someone’s projects using B’s seeds, but if people using B’s seeds to make their own actually bothers anyone, just remember that most of the lines B used were created by someone else too. Just trying to keep things in perspective.


Examples that come to mind immediately are Motherlode Gardens/Ancient OG, Copa Genetics/GG#4xSSDD, and I’m sure people could name others (Dino Party Chucks? Nobody’s Nursery? IDK probably a lot of folks, B seems sociable in a reclusive way).

Isaac Newton Giants quote


And it seems Copa & Jesus Freak stopped using the Bodhi threads to advertise. I don’t recall Bodhi using the forum to post his outcrosses using other people’s genetics to advertise. Might have missed it tho

Yea that’s on Breedbay mostly. That’s where he used to post a lot more often about his projects etc… Bodhi doesn’t really get on forums much these days though. I def agree that other people using the Bodhi threads to advertise sales of their outcrosses made with his beans is pretty lame. Most of us are making our own beans anyway.


Where were people selling Bodhi crosses in this thread? Did I miss something? (Being serious here, not sarcastic)

I’ve seen rare or now unavailable Bodhi crosses I wouldn’t have been able to get otherwise, thanks to people on this forum who made more of them, and they either offer them for free or trade.


It might be time for a time out….


I still have zero respect for that sunshinedreamfarms dude. can’t ride the coattails any harder unless your name was green bodhi…


Dude have you seen Second Generation Genetics recent IG posts? He started using the Papyrus font on his IG pics. I thought that was strange.


Some others who have made cool strains w Bodhi’s strains and his blessing also include Strayfox, Doc D, LED Seedz, Useful and 3Thirteen. And of course Bad Dawg of GLG seedbank

Someone riding coattails would be Green Bodhi, who imho, uses the name to get customer’s attention.


We are all here together. One people, one planet. The idea of personal ownership is ego crap. Who can own anything? You are just holding it for awhile. The spoiling of the commons is real though. We monkeys do a lot of mental gymnastics. You only end up dead. Enjoy it while you can. I F2 every pack I have bought. I bought it, now I own it. :smile: I have a small group of my crosses in flower now. Black raspberry x mendo breath, mendo breath x black triangle, and (black raspberry x black triangle) x black raspberry. Because I enjoy these strains, smoking my own, and new experiences. I won’t be selling any, but I do hand them out to people I meet. If they were to grow them, make seeds and sell them, you won’t catch me crying about it. Everyone is chasing dollars. Can’t blame someone for trying to live.
I got my own genetics from a lot of people who lived before me. But, if you look close enough, we all have THE SAME genetics. Same with weed. All sharing the same plant.
“The problem with you, is the problem with me. Got two good eyes, and still don’t see.”
“You’ll never get far… There really isn’t very far to go.”


Freeee the cut! :partying_face:


My cat seems to think she owns quite a bit - and judging by her battle scars, so do the neighbours’ cats :joy:


Achievement unlocked!
