Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

Beautiful plants! What type of nutes do you run in the octopots? :v:


I run Jack’s nutes (20-20-20 until the stretch is done, 10-30-20 in flower, then 5-12-26 towards the end) with some CalMag and silica while in veg. 1 TBSP of each per 5 gallon.

I’m currently trimming a Lemon Wookie V2. Check out those foxtails!!!

It’s taking forever with all that extra surface area!


But the test you showed was all THC as far as cannabinoids went in that sample.

Agreed, I understand the government makes businesses test cannabis for potency and such for it to be sold but it has turned into a marketing thing where customers are just looking for the highest THC strains available. I’m not even sure you can smell the cannabis at dispensaries anymore beforehand so I guess most customers don’t have a lot to go by aside from the name of the strain and the THC percentage.


In addition to the marketing aspect, these labs have a vested interest in reporting high THC levels to their customers. I’m not sure I’d trust the results.

The last time I went to a dispensary, a few years ago, they had a jar with one nug of each strain that you could smell, but the weed you actually got was in those pre-sealed bag things. It’s not fun anymore at all haha.


Yeah I always think the numbers are inflated here in my local dispensaries but I could be wrong just odd that I’ve had a strain that was reported to be 16-20% kick my ass way more than a few of the ones well over 20-25% and even higher.

That’s just going off my personal experiences, but I’d think they would want to make results look as good as possible. It very well could be beneficial to both the grower, those testing and everyone involved…


If that 16% strain was also 1% THCV or 0.25% THCP, that would explain it :wink:


Black triangle
1.7% CBG :slight_smile: .08% CBD :slight_smile:


Yup that must be it… all cannabinoids bring something to the table in effects not just high THC like some people may think


Had to get in on this Omakase thing from Speakeasy. Can’t wait to see what I get! One freebie for each omakase is awesome. Super fun.


I might sound like an idiot but I’m sorry I’ve never heard of (bodhi) can someone explain please and thank you !


Bodhi is a breeder, seed company.


Thanks I guess know I can start to understand some of the new language here in overgrow !


Bodhi made some fantastic strains, wonderful breeder. I feel blessed ot have his Hippy Soayer.Also still have some Sunshine Daydream beans around here somewhere.


It’s funny you mention that there no smell anymore do you know why there is no smell to pot anymore ?


COVID scent loss? He just said that you can’t smell the bud at the dispensary


I know what he said , I must of misunderstood I thought he meant actually smelling something in the air . I find pot these day has no smell from. The smoke or in the bag even the last couple grows I find the plants don’t give of the strong scents anymore either .

Dispensaries used to have all of their weed in big jars that the bud tenders would open and you could put your nose in and visually inspect the flowers. You could also be like,”I want that nug. And that nug. And that nug…” haha. Since Prop 64 passed in CA, that’s no longer the case. Everything comes in pre-sealed bags now and you can’t smell it or even really look at it at all before you buy it. It sucks.

That’s what Blanco meant when he said that you can’t smell the weed.


Here you can’t even look at it before you buy it. Better hope they have an accurate pic and description online because the store itself as an Apple store with no product on the shelves. Get your bag stapled shut in another bag you can’t legally open until you get home. It’s bad :see_no_evil: some spots in Oregon were like you were talking about though. I got handed some big jars and all that. Was like being in a real first world country :joy:


Oh OK well here in ontario Canada if you go to a government store you can’t see it or smell it ! But I go to the Indian reserve there. You can smell it pinch it ! Inspect the tricombs up the manifiglass.


Not to mention by the time it’s all sealed up and in the OCS’s hands it’s already too dry and mostly bunk :rofl: