Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

Jbc and headiegardens still has it pretty sure @Hotrods_and_hounds


Honestly Iā€™ve been eyeing those the most out of your stock at glg, Iā€™ve been holding out till I harvest and have some money because Iā€™m broke af atm and my wife would kill me lol, surprised theyā€™re still there tbh. Hopefully they still are in a month when I have some cash


@DesertHeartGardens thanks dude, those are ones I was trying to grab from glg but they went quick!

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The newer post areas work fine but when u click on old links in older threads from years ago thats when stuff stops working. Not every thread but itā€™s frustrating when it happens. I canā€™t tell you how many times Iā€™ll be trying to find something like for instance the old original photos and description of ā€œInstant Karmaā€ by Bodhiā€¦ and the data just simply isnā€™t thereā€¦ or youā€™re trying to see a photo that used to be high resolution and now itā€™s a tiny thumbnail and the image is goneā€¦ or the imagine including the thumbnail is gone and displays a box with a red ā€œXā€ in it. When it was a Vbulliten site things worked a lot better, the layout was better, there wasnā€™t missing images and broken links, etc.


Is it for you?? Youā€™re looking for that pack?

I could just give it to you. I have it and Iā€™ll never ever get to that one Iā€™m sure. I got it as a freebie.


Aha! Youā€™ve nailed it, I have his Bangi Haze x BT Remix I just looked at some photos of the packs on my phone

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Hey, does anybody have any advice or reviews for Jack herrer x Lavender by bodhi seeds


Search @syzygy posts. He just finished a ton with detailed descriptive and tons of pictures
Search term: @syzygy ā€œlavender jackā€ youā€™ll get a hundred hits


What Heady said. Other people on OG have grown that one, too. Also, be sure to spell ā€œherrerā€ correctly (itā€™s ā€œHererā€) and maybe search ā€œLavender Jackā€ as well. Thatā€™s the name of that hybrid.


Pleased with my Omakase order from Speakeasy. Randomly got six packs that I had not chosen to buy, but I was already interested.

Iā€™m sure they just send their extra stock, but I knew that and expected it.

  • DLA 14- interested in jalalabad star, but already have Amrita so didnā€™t buy
  • Saints - true Bodhi fan gotta love Stevie Wonder cross, prob last one
  • Soring Break - almos bought to score shakedown street last month
  • Shakedown Street - see above lol
  • Vintage HI Indica - having roots in Hawaii, I was bummed I missed this one during my hiatus
  • kali mist x everything sounds like wild card old school bagseed like I grew up growing

Not going to take another shot right now, but I might do that Dynasty omakase. Not csi though because anyone whoā€™s ever bought directly from Caleb knows that he hooks up freebies like no one else.


Nice score on the Bodhi Omakase.

Does he have an email to contact him? Im interested in CSI, yet donā€™t know anything about them. I love buying direct from breeders.


He has a website, I believe itā€™s or I get confused. But he sends like 7 freebies with every pack you buy, and he chooses stuff that goes along with your order. Like when I bought deep chunk, he sent me uzbekistani, Pakistani chitral, and pine tar kush, too.


@Cannavore you are right this is a fast moving thread! Hard to stay caught up.

I love my Bodhi collection. Not sure if he is #2 or #3 for most strains but I have a lot.

Need to back to some of them soon. :grinning:


Itā€™s humboldtcsi. Iā€™ve found the number of freebies you get varies, but itā€™s always interesting and Caleb tends to be extremely generous.


Yeah, true. Like I tell the kids ā€œAccept rewards, donā€™t expect themā€ :+1:


I only grew out 3 different females and out of those 3 only sampled the end product of the tall one. I did take a lot of pictures at least of the 3, but not sure how much that helps. I liked the look, smell, and taste of the tall one but the effects werenā€™t that memorable. It was not what I was expecting but there was a considerable amount of amber so grain of salt. The cut a few members have here sounds very nice and it seems most people who have tried it enjoy it.


Wait, @syzygy ā€¦ those three plants didnā€™t weigh 2,000 pounds? :rofl:
I donā€™t know why I typed a ton there, but I absolutely meant a ton of pictures.
I may have meant a few plants, but I smoke weed on Saturdays.
Oh wait.
I smoke weed every day.
Hey hey hey hey.


Thank you for this info.
The guy i got them from wrote a note saying he ā€œmade themā€ so i think mine are likely f2ā€™s. Iā€™ll see if i can find his email to ask for details.

Found this description on JBC:



Momentary Lapse seed pop, Looking pretty broad leafed ya?