Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

Those TKI are fire!!


Here they all are patiently waiting to be up potted into a pot with some food. A few of the TK x I were showing they were hungry pretty much as soon as they broke soil.

  • yes I am using a garbage bag between two trays that leak . Sue me lol

@anon60559124 please tag me for the tk Iraqi. Another cross Iā€™m interested in. Thank you


So I hear
Iā€™ll be the judge of that ā€¦ lol


I will be sure to post here as they progress. At least I think this is the right Bodhi thread to post in. I see there is two now ?

Also I am well outta loves for the next 17 hours lol


In central Florida, before the forums knew about TK, it was more common to find a seed or two in an ounce of triangle than it was to find no seeds.


these jive with my experience and observations growing OG cuts in the bay area:

Never had any herms or bagseeds from og cuts in my grows. I was growing outdoor and greenhouse.

I prefered the ā€˜no colas, branchy / stretchy, evenly distributed budsā€™ plants because they wouldnā€™t get bud rot or mildew in fogdrip coastal weather.

I have always thought that the sweet smelling plants named as ogs must be outcrosses, because the bay area og cuts werenā€™t sweet fruity or floral. I didnā€™t see those sweet ogs in the bay area until later.


If youā€™re asking about the Nepali OG, no, they do not sell it in SoCal dispensaries. Or they werenā€™t when I was going to dispensaries, anyway, which was pretty much during the height of people slapping ā€œOGā€ on the end of any strain name, no matter if it had OG in it or not . Iā€™ve never seen Nepali OG on a menu, never heard of it at all except for what Bodhi had to say about it. If ever there was a time to be selling Nepali OG at a dispensary, the late-Aughts/early-2010ā€™s woulda been the time to do it and she was not there. Or she wasnā€™t in LA/OC. Maybe up north? I dunno.

Anyway, hereā€™s a Triple Goddess that was vegged for sixty days and flipped on Sunday, three days ago, that finally showed male today and just got removed from the tent:

That one and two of the others that I think/hope are female are a lot bushier and squatter than I thought theyā€™d be; the fourth looks different and thatā€™s the one I really have my eye on, although even that one is shorter than a lot of the other stuff thatā€™s growing alongside of them. Pretty interestingā€¦

Are those from new seeds you popped from the f2ā€™s you made? Or are they clones from the ones you grew a while back?

When was that? Two years ago? Three? Time is a flat circleā€¦


Seeds popped. I have found some real gems in the 60 or so females I have flowered by now. But my set up is so ghetto I canā€™t really take cuts of every female and keep them around . So I just keep popping more WP F2 lol

Anyone out there who is just popping a pack of Bodhi and flowering it out are doing themselves and everyone else a great disservice IMHO. OP F2 that pack and do yourself and others a favor.


Which is crazy because Iā€™ve grown her out at least 5 times now and not only zero seeds, she doesnā€™t herm at all. One single time I found one single nanner on her and zero seeds. Then I reversed her with STS and hit another clone of her with at least a gram of pollen and I got exactly zero seeds.

Meanwhile ive had entire packs of goji og, sowahh, headbanger, and a few others 100% herm in the same environment by week 3. Half of those hermed in veg.


on the one hand I agree. thereā€™s so much to explore in all these hybrids and itā€™s easy to get a nice stock of seeds to work with for years of growing.

but on the other hand so many people on overgrow are making seeds, the sensi growers are like unsung heroes haha.

As long as the seeds get grown out instead of sitting around forever, itā€™s all good. And if people share their sinsemilla grows with the community, everyone gets valuable knowledge.


Itā€™s cool to try to preserve but often times it may be worth finding something worth preserving before putting in the effort. Rare, discontinued or stuff desired by the community sure.


Yes I made my statement in regards to the seeds actually being grown out. Unlike the thousands of Wolfpack F2 I gave out a few years back.
I am not into sacrificing a sinsemilla harvest , in order to make seeds , that nobody grows. I am however happy I did as I now have a treasure trove of seeds I can spend the rest of my life popping and finding as good or better then I would of if I just popped the pack and possibly kept a cut around.


Had a similar experience with goji og. Popped 15 F2s from Copa resulting in 9 males and 4 females. 3 out of the 4 females hermed in veg but the strains I had next to them were fine. ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ


I truly feel this is the great thing Bodhi does for the weed community. He gives us the building blocks to open Pandoras box.


I would have definitely ran those Wolf Pack F2ā€™s if I was around back then! Sucks to hear that not a lot of people grew them outā€¦


Yeah, I remember. One of the reasons I asked is because I actually am planning on planting some of those Wolfpack f2ā€™s soon, but itā€™s also kind of a ā€œnumbersā€ thing with me. Not plant counts, because I donā€™t give a shit about that haha, but more of a,ā€Okay, well, I planted 5x each of an NLD-type thing, a ā€˜hybridā€™-type thing and a BLD-type thing, but I ended up with four BLD females and only one NLD female.ā€ I like to have a variety, so if I end up with not enough of the NLD stuff, thatā€™s what Iā€™m gonna plant more of. And this round I have definitely NOT ended up with enough NLD-type stuff.

I do understand your complaint about being pissed that nobodyā€™s growing the seeds you gave away, but I didnā€™t sign up for that. Those were sent to me as a ā€œbonus,ā€ something I never asked for but am nevertheless happy to have. Thatā€™s definitely one of the reasons I donā€™t feel compelled to make seeds, though. I mean, if theyā€™re not gonna get grown, whatā€™s the fucking point?

Iā€™m gonna plant some of those Wolfpacks pretty soon, though.

Yayyyy!!! Thank you! This! Iā€™m a heroā€¦ haha!

I mean, I just donā€™t feel like scrubbing the shit out of my tents and lights and stuff to make sure thereā€™s no stray pollen lingering after a seed run. Iā€™m lazy! Haha. I scrub my tents, always, but I donā€™t wanna have to get up into the top of the tent and everything, fuck with my lights and all that. Sounds like a hassleā€¦ Everybody who makes seeds complains about shucking, too, doesnā€™t really make me super-stoked to wanna do that, either.

Toss in the fact that nobody grows the seeds they signed up for and itā€™s like,ā€Yeah, okay, Iā€™m just gonna grow sensiā€¦ā€ haha.


I am outta loves for the next 16 hours or so . But I can tell you not all will be gems. But most will be potent AF. I think 2 maybe 3 havenā€™t been out of all the females I have flowered out. What has impressed me most is the Genetic diversity that has obviously been opened. A really wide range of phenos that fit one or more parts of their grandparents.

I just think F2ing packs is the best bang for your actual buck and your genetic buck.


Crazy indeed. I wonder if the cut could lose fertility over time? I doubt it was pollen from another strain cause those were mostly single strain grows from what I hear.


The good news is there are tons of folks around here sitting on them.
I am sure in true OG fashion they would be more then happy to gift you some if you asked.