Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

So am I. And I definitely don’t expect every plant to turn out a gem haha. That’s just the nature of seeds, especially f2’s.

The thing that I was most stoked about with what you had to say about them was the “sourness” you were finding. And also the fact that a lot of them finished in like eight weeks or less. I think they’ll be the perfect thing to grow when I’m planting stuff in late-February/early March and need the plants to finish up before I shut it down in July and August.


Hey @syzygy i dropped some SSDD f2’s in h2o2/water to sprout!

I wanted to do a whole pack but I just don’t have room right this second. I really didn’t have room for these 4 but I was too excited to wait and wanted to at least get a handful going.


If you want to make seeds you could always just pollinate a branch of two at a time. That’s what I often do. I pull the plant out of the room, cover it with a garbage bag leaving just the branch I want sticking out. Then use a brush (I like a q-tip because for me it seems to hold the pollen without releasing it into the air a bit better) and dust it on that branch.

Then just wait 5-10 minutes and spray the bag + branch with plain water. This method has worked well for me. I only get seeds where I want them. But I am also careful with the pollen. I lightly roll the q-tip in pollen then carefully coat the buds. Then wait and spray with water.

I also shut off the intake and exhaust fans in my flower room so no airborne pollen gets sucked in. I try to be far enough away so I don’t have to worry about it but I have done it a few times like 5-10ft from my flower room without issue. I Just sprayed water around the area when I was done before turning on vent fans again. I also sprayed just a bit of water on my intake filter.

Another thing I do is I will sometimes flower out an extra clone in a small 6” square pot and use that plant for seed making. Again, just spray it with water before moving it back into the flower room (but make sure you wait at least 5-10 minutes after pollinating).

If you can’t move the plant out of the grow room you can just put a bit of pollen in a bag and cover the branch with it. Tie it off and try to rub or shake the pollen onto the branch.


these pinch and pull bags work really well too, but a bit pricey :thinking:

Its kind of the reverse of what you’re talking about @TeddyNuggets :sweat_smile:
For the pinch and pull’s, they have a little pocket you pour the pollen in and seal up. It’s attached to a string that hangs out the bottom of the bag. then put the bag over a branch or two, twist tie it closed, and pull the string to release the pollen inside the bag. shake the bag a bit, turn it upside down, whatever. Come back in 3-4 days and pull the bag off and all the pollen should be used up and/or inactivated (could also open the top of the bag and use a spray bottle of water to wet down the branches before removing the bag) and you won’t have any seeds anywhere else but those branches :wink:


The way I’ve been able to avoid getting annoyed is by first and foremost making seeds for myself that I would realistically explore or want to loosely preserve. If someone should happen to want to try them out that’s bonus, but to me making seeds just to share could be setting yourself up for disappointment. Unless of course you accept that others may just sit on them.

A few standouts from the current flower adventure. Most from this run had very mild intersex issues, but makes me glad I didn’t make it a seed run without trying them out first.

Redeye Jedi – Nice smells, great calyx to leaf ratio, and very high frost levels. If it didn’t throw the hidden male flower around day 40 I would have been attempting a reveg already on this.

Devil’s HP #1 – this one smells incredible. Fairly photogenic as well. Similar take on revegging this one.

Possible future preservation corner…

Triple Sunshine (tk x ssdd) - 2 new females 2 males. One tested impressive female. May want to try out the Triangle Kush first, but it’s awfully tempting to just include a TK cutting as a pollen recipient as well. Time will tell…

And the Triple Sunshine A mom

Very cool. Hopefully you find something worthwhile! Don’t worry about culling them or anything like that if you don’t see what you’re looking for. There are plenty in reserve. Please share experiences as well, especially any negatives you encounter!


Yeah this. If someone is making beans specifically to give them out here so people will run them and they’ll get to see them, I can tell y’all right now what someone pm’d me the very first day I did a seed run. Expect to, at best, see maybe 10% of what you might give away in an entire co-op’s run worth of beans. Fact is, most of us have more beans than we can run in the next few years, if not our lifetimes. So most will not get grown out soon by anyone, doesn’t matter what the genetics are. So if you’re making beans, it should be because you want to for you. Preserve the genetics/OP run, or Selective only, or whatever you wanna do. Share and give them away, please. Just don’t expect to see them run.


The Goji in Pinesoul might be where the herm came from reading above. I selected My #13 ghost from 150 '84NL and reversed ~18 Soulmate males to find the profile of the testers I’m running now.

One of the 30 f testers hermed and never had the '84 do that. I thought this make would synergize with the Soulmate. Both being tropical floral like full bloom conservatory …instead it about totally dropped the OG note and completely unlocked the NL. All makes of NL have been stratifying for decades and it sparked it hard. Even pushed up a ghost.

Not what I expected to happen, but a very welcome surprises., there are various chem D types too and some GC chunks, but the real prize was that old real NL. Like ya boofed a skunk with a pack of starburst.


The rest of the line is at 7w and no sign of intersex…about 3% chance of intersex… it was early on and very easy to identify


I’m pretty sure Bodhi says what he releases is just a starting point. He has always encouraged f2 and crosses which I believe is were his releases really shine.


I almost prefer to look at Bodhi f2’s from others than to run his F1s :sweat_smile:

Just better chances at finding something more like the parents or grandparents.


Certainly cheaper if we all f2 and trade😁. Opens the possibilities also


Haha, yeah, I’m definitely aware of all of the various pollination tactics, different ways people can do it etc etc. I’m not worried about whether or not I can pollinate something or how it works or whatever; I just don’t want to do it haha. I’ll make some seeds at some point, but I’m in no rush.

Thank you, though, for the tips.

Right. And also making seeds with two plants you’ve never even smoked yet seems crazy to me. Like,”I popped these seeds and they’re vegging now and once they start flowering I’m just gonna pollinate stuff even though I’ve never blazed this cross or either of the parent plants!” just seems insane to me and a possible (probable) HUGE waste of time.

I’ve said it before, but if I’m gonna make seeds it’ll be with an actual goal in mind. I’m not just gonna pollinate shit for the fuck of it, especially if it’s with these crazy polyhybrids with eighteen different parent/grandparent/great-grandparent haha etc etc plants where who knows what’s gonna happen with those f2’s.


Photos of plants that are catching my eye from this hunt. I’m looking for OG characteristics with large resin heads.

Kalifornia F2

Red Eye Jedi


Sorry for bad pics, I’ll use the good camera when they are all done


Definitely got some OG lookers there :face_with_monocle: :heart_eyes:


Has anyone ran Divine Intervention? (Congo Kashmir X Wookie)


I have lots of Kalifornia f2 I made , and a pack of the f1 left from when I ran testers and B sent another pack…there’s definitely some creamy potent phenos in there… unlike the goji b cut x g13hp which mostly had smaller structures with an almost patchouli type scent/flavor profile… still like popping a few every year because there are some zingers…


Another hidden kalifornia f2 stash uncovered!!!


This was a pic from my testers run


I did a couple of years ago. I ran two females and both had a strong lime smell. Lots of dense baseball sized buds. It was a really good yielder I think I got about 21 oz in a 3x3 with a 400w hps. I don’t remember anything about the effects, but I didn’t keep either one of them



Seems like the general standard of respect through the industry is don’t fgen someone’s work for distribution unless it’s a specific isolation project or they’re done with it. It’s a big enough game not to.

Just popped

Pinesoul x Purple unicorn
Wookie bx calo-o
Wookie 7 x Strawberry milk (terpenado v2)
Chem D x Wookie
Big J x Jopa (whatever that is) x Wookie
Chem 4 x Wookie.

Any experiences with or standout chemotyes for any of these?