Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

He did go back to the f2 and found a great male in the next gen from those seeds. Seems to impart the purple without the chaos.


Tag me if you do, I have a Cherry Unicorn (Fat Cherry Afghani x PU F3) pack that I want to do a small quick repro with the rest of, and Iā€™d love to try and swap cuts and/or pollen to get that RKU into it, I grew it once so far and it was impressive enough to be the first clone I made and grew out again but the expression sucked the second time around. Though on reflection I think it was more due to environment being so different, it was too warm and humid to nug up densely vs the first dry winter run. That was awesome bud, smelled like cherries and hash and ā€œpurpsā€ and had a really nice stony mellow indica effect for nighttime spacing out.


Purple hulkšŸ¤£

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Oh nice! Thatā€™s one you donā€™t ever hear about, Iā€™m definitely down when the time comes.

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ill remove my own conjecture and just post the link with his words:


Yeah, that Purple NL2 was definitely not my favorite haha. I donā€™t know if Iā€™d go as far as saying it was a ā€œdarkā€ high (or it wasnā€™t the darkest high Iā€™ve experienced, anyway haha), but it for sure wasnā€™t fun.

I thought that cross was made with the f5 PU male, though, wasnā€™t it?

Most of the people on this thread are well aware of that boundary re Bodhiā€™s work. The list of discontinued males has been posted here (multiple times, actually, because people keep showing up and asking the same questions over and over without reading the thread) so that everybodyā€™s clear on that whole thing.

Iā€™m just curious why youā€™re even bringing that up. Was somebody talking about ā€œf2ā€™ingā€ or otherwise working with a line that hasnā€™t been discontinued? I missed that post if they were.


Man. I follow everything bodhi does as far as forum posting, instagram and interviews/podcasts and have never heard him mention going back to the f2 and reworking. Im with @SmackyMcSmackers on this one. Where are you getting this info from?


I got that impression and it was clarified so nothing more to say on it really. Huge fan of his work and popped his gear for over a decade, but new here. In any event. I apologize if I offended anyone. Thanks for the clarificationsā€‹:pray::v:


I bought all of his perfumes and essentials awhile back. Regarding his hierarchy of selection olfactory and pallet are likely high and exquisite creations aside from canna as wellšŸ’Æ

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I am not in the habit of talking out of my ass. As others have also said this as was pointed out. It was mentioned somewhere by bodhi but I cant find it now. He was talking about the difficulties of finding a good purple and how he had to go back and try again.

So much of this information is lost. Thatā€™s why iā€™ve been trying to preserve and organize it. With the help of others, we wont have to guess.

For instance in trying to figure out where I heard that from, I found this.

I thought the only other cross with PU F2 was wookie. It seems that was rku f2 which also has snow lotus. So this pack of PU f2 x 88g13hp may be the only pack that has only pu f2 and nothing else. My theory is that it was never released because it gave people bad vibes. Thatā€™s all Bodhi talks about is good vibes and spreading love and hippie shit. The only way to know this is to grow out the pack.


Wookie is lavender x appy. Big buddies lavender was hunted from soma lavender. And appy is green crack x tres dog. So im not sure why you think PU f2 is in wookie?


Purple unicorn f5 was released just a few years ago. And i have not heard him post or talk about reworking the line since then.


As someone who grew out a couple of the PU F3 testers , including Skywalker OG , and Motherā€™s Milk #31 . I can say I was taken aback by the reports on the F5 crosses , as potency was not lacking at all in the PU F3 I grew out.
At the time I stated he must of somehow messed it up by F5 . Because I loved the PU F3 crosses I grew out.
I have not read or heard anything about him returning to F2 to rework it. Not saying he hasnā€™t , just saying that info is not known if he did.

Do NOT sleep on any of those PU F3 crosses. Best purple weed I have ever smoked by far.


I asked him about via dm when he started posting on breedbay again shortly after he released the f5. He told me he selected towards purple as his main focus for a breeding tool for purple. Never mentioned anything about reworking the line.


This very much makes sense to the little I know. Well other then working towards purple lol ALL of my PU F3 plants were crazy purple . As in I was sure PU F3 wonā€™t not make something purple lol
Again whatever was done from F3 to F5 was a huge mistake IMHO



Was just looking through my seed stash. Hereā€™s some of the (slightly older) bodhi stuff I still have some seeds left of. Field trip is the most recent bodhi strain Iā€™ve ordered. Iā€™m going to need to place a new order for some bodhi gear soon! For the quality you get for $60/pack, Bodhiā€™s stuff is just a crazy good value for your money.
Are there any other breeders out there offering similar value that I should try?


I did not find any cedar berry aromas though. But major purple.


I like the Appalachian hashplant


Dude! I havenā€™t seen the Ghash mom anywhere! Thatā€™s cool.
Some definite reproduction worthy gear there imo