Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

That bbhp is next level with the blueberry muffin pheno.


Iā€™ll def be on the look out for that one then!

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I grew out a Hogā€™s Breath pheno a couple of years ago that was such a dead ringer for tooth decay, chronic halitosis murder breath, that i couldnā€™t smoke the stuff. Literally made me gag. Didnā€™t even like being in the flowering room with it.

Ended up giving it to a friend who love it. lol


My experience so far is limited to the DLA4.

It is my most impressive Bodhi strain until now.
I miss my keeper, so Iā€™ll start the remaining F1 and F2 soon.
Next year Iā€™ll look deeper into the DLA line and start with DLA 11, 13 and 14.

Hope you are right with your pic.

Best wishes



Giving a big ass Thumbs Up to that Secret Chief. The Chief is all tough guy. Gonna knock you out!
Have fun!


I love that stinky weedā€¦
Chems, OGs and some other rank kushes and Sour diesel types are usually among my favorites, but I did quit smoking cigarettes 7 years ago.


I also have packs of DLA 13 & 14 that Iā€™m planning on running next year.

Iā€™m really anticipating some good things from these lines.


Fat cherry is in the MISSING envelope with all the other cherry stuff I sent :man_facepalming:t2:


Thatā€™s sad, I hope it shows up. Seeming to take a while lately :thinking: That one you sent me was like just over a month to get over here and itā€™s usually only like a week or two.


The danker the better for me, in fact anything that doesnā€™t meet my FUNKY AF criteria usually gets given away to three people. I did smoke cigarettes before but havenā€™t in 12-13 years now. Iā€™m a indica/hybrid lover but sativas have become a rarity since I acquired this ridiculous anxiety and I also have pretty bad neck/back pain and muscle spasms that can shake a drink off of a table at times. I did use to embibe in sativas often until all of this subsided but the last 10 years or so I strictly seek the raunchy/rank/funk


I truly hope so too, San and I share ALOT, and Iā€™ve yet to have a single issue , plus heā€™s way over there so Iā€™m still hopeful. Itā€™s the two irreplaceable (for me anyway) packs that would crush me. I was starting to panic about yours the day before they landed so that was a HUGE sigh of relief.


Right, Iā€™d think theyā€™ll still show up. Holidayā€™s making the mail go slow. Just sent out a package monday to a spot like 5 hrs away and tracking hasnā€™t updated since the first scan and it still hasnā€™t been delivered yet :see_no_evil: Iā€™m done shipping things until after the new year I think.


Same here bro, just said that to the wife yesterday, my nerves canā€™t take it lol


Wise decision to wait @TopShelfTrees1 @HolyAngel the last 2-3 things Iā€™ve sent to folks and received have been delayed by over 3-4 days at least and tracking sometimes wonā€™t update and I even had a couple packages pass my town go around 1000 miles away and get rerouted back to meā€¦ the post office is swamped right now I feel bad for the employees!


A lot of this



God I hate when they are like next town over, then zoom they are 1500 miles away, then back again, seems so counterproductive but who TF am I . Christmas is chaos for so many reasons! My mail man is always so happy/joyful and the best Iā€™ve had , and I get how hard it must be at times, Iā€™m a big advocate for mail staying just like it is and also feel for them at Christmas time.


Hey @syzygy all 4 of your SSDD f2ā€™s cracked and are in soil now! I had a big old smile on my face while writing ā€˜SSDDā€™ on the plant labels :grin: thatā€™s not something I thought I would get to do again.

Iā€™ll get some pics up when there is something worthwhile to see.


Awesome, glad to hear! @Tessellated just took one of his SSDD F2s down and it looks pretty frosty.


I like it ,I Love want some more of It ,Appalachian super Skunk looking Great. NICE Job growimgā€¦
Armpit smells @Mingus , thanks for Terpenes profiles ,good ones Ogersā€¦my Peace allā€¦


Found a new bodhi cross from a reputable grower in cali. Anyone interested in the pinesoul cut of goji og would like it.

Pine Soul Goji Og X 1979 Cherry Bomb Maui Waui x (Kali Mist :female_sign: x Heirloom Malawi)