Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

That Olympus does epic work on the macros huh? I’ve been wanting a macro lens for my dslr for years. Now I’m curious if I can find a cheaper handheld that will take exceptional macros? Do you need to use high powered zoom with it @syzygy

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All my nikon pictures are taken with a 105mm macro lens (1:1) and I really like it for bud shots. The clarity on the trichomes isn’t that great though. Any greater magnification lens I would think you’d have to use a tripod but I could be wrong. May want to keep the magnification in mind when looking at macro lenses.

The Olympus requires some playing around to figure out but for trichome shots I love it… The flash diffuser (sold seperately) lets you get really close to your subject (1mm). You do zoom in on the camera to get the trichome shots but it doesn’t require an additional lens. First two images are not mine but give an idea of how close you get with it. It also has built in focus stacking but that does require a tripod, so I don’t use it on my plants. The below images of the flower and stinkbug I think were stacked as tests.

I bought it years ago used and now it’s retailing over double what it used to cost new, so I’m not sure that it’s worth it. If you can find it used though it may be a good option.


I’ve got two crosses from an all time favorite, Respect Genetics.

Would love to open pollinate em and spread some of that love around. Just have a few projects lined up before I can do it.

This photography is ridiculous. It could be in a museum, it’s awesome.


PLEASE more info on that cam your showing in this post.

thank you …


ahh i see i see now ok.

damn …


Geeeez! :beers:


I’m going back to work right now but just figured I’d post that there’s a known issue with the camera where there’s a red dot that can be seen in dark areas. It doesn’t bother me, especially for how I use it, but I figured people should know about it.

Can see it in the bottom left area of this cropped image.

Can see it better in this cropped image of my dogs hair

It’s pretty nice for scoping pests too

spider mites on an Alocasia leaf in a greenhouse

Pistils on an SSDD “male” that I otherwise would not have seen. Was not really visible with naked eye or my other camera. I could sort of see it with a scope though. Very clear with the camera.

But as I said it retailed at 370, went down to 250 on amazon and is now back up to 500+… Probably not worth it unless used.



thank you that info, yup a bit high for my liking but man i love those pics your showing.

very excellent …


Yup, definitely a bit out of reach but then again the macro lenses I’ve been looking at are 250-500$ , and this is WAY MORE convenient. Thanks for sharing @syzygy your pics are always outstanding :raised_hands:t3: I know what’s the newest addition to my Christmas list! :man_shrugging:t2: maybe next year right :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


This is my first and most likely my only genius thai, (just based on how hard it is to come across the original cross). So I have never smoked it. I will update here once i have. Although, please takeninto account i only had 4 seeds and 3 were males, so luck will be a big part.

As for the genius (apollo) and genius thai in crosses i have grown smart move (genius thai x omg) and pagoda (genius x appy), believe it or not i preferred the smart move - the pagodas werent really potent, it would get up there after a few minutes but it was a blandish effect, and almost no taste. the smart move on the other hand was deep, calm, and strong but incredibly leafy and spongy (oh, and very tasty). Just top nugs retained some density.


That’s a great lens. I have a new Nikon mirrorless Z7 II camera… was contemplating the D850 as it’s the king of the consumer level DSLRs but I went mirrorless (Its the future they say)… I only have the 40mm f/2 lens so I haven’t gotten as much use out of it… one of these days I’ll have an extra thousand bucks to spend and buy the Z level 105mm macro lens. Nothing quite beats a good Nikon camera.


Very cool, how are you liking it? I got my Z5 as a hand-me down gift actually but I did purchase the lens used at a local camera store. I think that’s the way to go with any of the camera stuff really - go to a camera store and see what is available for purchase used first.

Sadly with the Z mount there aren’t many options - I think there’s currently only a 50 or 105mm option. There are some aftermarket ones made by Laowa and an FTZ converter but I don’t believe autofocus works with them so tripod and rail would be required.

Have you looked into just using extension tubes for your 40mm lens?

Keeping it Bodhi related here’s a Triple Sunshine flower around day 40~

And 2 new Triple Sunshine females / 2 new Triple Sunshine males moved to flower. May or may not be keeping them, we’ll see.


Oh wow u have a Z line cam too @syzygy!! That’s awesome. I haven’t used mine much to develop an opinion other than, I know its a higher end Nikon… so it’s definitely amazing… Nikon is the best… period. Nothing is better in terms of color accuracy from what I’ve experienced. Years ago I tried switching to a Panasonic Lumix Mirrorless camera and that was like $1500… but the color just wasn’t right. I didn’t care for it. When my cheaper Nikon D3000 outperformed it… I returned the Lumix right away. That experience made me avoid considering mirrorless… but the technology has finally caught up. These new Z line cameras are real replacements of DSLR… it took a while to get here… but they finally are up to par with the likes of the D850. My Z7 II was lightly used with low shutter actuations and I got it for $2100… $400 below retail. I see them selling new now for $2300.

I’ve been eyeing the Nikon Z 100-400mm Super Telephoto lens… if I could buy anything… it’d be that one… tad on the expensive side tho. But if you get a chance, check out the reviews on that lens… looks so nice. Maybe I’ll win big at the Sportsbook one of these days and make the investment. :laughing:


Ill be following along with the genius for sure,
I hope your blessed with an Einstein keeper

Grow easy


If anybody is needing a light, use this coupon code that I “won” for

To keep it Bodhi related, two Secret Chiefs females. Quite different. Debating if I should throw the taller one into flower next or my keeper Black Triangle.


Red Eye Jedi

Savory fuel forward funk with a nice almost butterscotch sweetness


Will anyone ever buy it?


So ridiculous :man_facepalming:t2:


When it drops into the right range, someone will. Unfortunately I doubt they’re keeping it in the fridge so by the time the price drops down to reality (which IMO is sub $150) the seeds may not be viable.

Trying to create perceived value by jacking the “original” price to $2k then marking down to $1k is :clown_face::mans_shoe:—especially when face value was only $500 cash.



Says he has ten of these. That sounds like a scam.

This is the only information I can find on it on the net… There’s a video here.