Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

When I ran the MM #31 x PU F3 testers , the MM leaner was absolutely amazing in every way. Def one of my favorites .


I do miss the MM F2 #9 I had found a couple years back. She was only stable the first time I ran her from seed. The clones of her hermed like crazy every run after that :cry:

She was some really tasty creamy sweet lemony dankness tho :yum:


I donā€™t have enough experience with F2s of the 88g crosses to directly answer that because Iā€™ve always felt the least amount of pressure to ā€œback upā€ those crosses given how available they are. I know the male is retiring so that perspective may change a bit now.

Iā€™ve done a decent amount of F2ing of his other crosses with that general train of thought in mind throughout the years. Lately more and more I feel like finding something worth F2ing is probably a more fruitful path if you have a handful of seeds in reserve already. Doesnā€™t have to be externally validated as worthy of F2ing by others; just something that you personally enjoy. Whichever way the parent leans doesnā€™t really matter either if it checks your own boxes of favorable traits.

I know for myself Iā€™m much more likely to actually germinate and grow out the F2s if I really like the mother plant. I have a lot of F2s that I made and know Iā€™ll never even germinate. So ya, if you find a really interesting MM leaning pheno that you want to back up and explore more of, F2ing sounds like a good idea.

Bodhi & F2 related

Triple Sunshine A

Triple Sunshine H


Gorgeous lady bro!


Same, soooo true :ok_hand:t3:
Btw your pics are ALWAYS amazing! Always look forward to your posts/pics, for real :facepunch:t2:
Also Iā€™m out of likes as always it seems :man_facepalming:t2:


Yeah, this. Who gives a shit what other people think? Grow and smoke what you like. Who cares if it isnā€™t blowing up on IG or whatever sites things blow up on now? Haha.


Amen to that :facepunch:t2: @minitiger @syzygy


speaking of F2ā€™s
I F2 everything I like whenever I can. For my own use for sure but more importantly for my seed will vault. I have a special spot in the freezer for preservations I intend to leave to my son and nephew. Included is a notebook with details on every pack in that container.
I figure if I do this , the strains in that container will provide my will recipients with an incredible treasure trove of genetics that might not be around in 20 or 30 years. Bodhi gear is an absolute must for preservations in my opinion.


Hell ya @SHSC-1 thats what itā€™s all about right there .


Thanks for the responses @HolyAngel, @syzygy and @SHSC-1.

Yeah, Iā€™ll always grow what I like. Everyoneā€™s different when it comes to weed, Iā€™m particularly sensitive, I can be bouncing off the walls from a given strain whilst my friends are face down.

Yeah @minitiger Iā€™ve always hated the way markets influence the trends. The cannabis industry is a fresh example of how big players control the market and influence the consumer. People generally have such a lack of education due to the way that deeper insight is bred out of people, replaced by the need to be told what the next big thing is, they get it, broadcast it, in exchange for meaningless likes. Dumb shit. I feel sorry for the youth of today.

Hate insta, got on about a year ago. It shows me the limited posts from the people I follow, a ton of ads and then just decends into fucking cat videos :joy:

This is why I love Bodhiā€™s ethos and this forum.

Speaking of Bodhi, tonight Iā€™m starting my next grow. Chosen Laughing Lemon and Joy Stick to accompany the Sowaah :ok_hand::v:


I wish you were my dad.


This was the stand out from the MM #31 x PU F3 testers . Clearly starved to death lol

ā€œThe standout female I pegged as MM#31 leaning based on smell and effect. It had an incredible powder milk/ candy hearts type smell and a very potent up type high.ā€

I did find a few seeds in each MM#31 female. I found 8 in that keeper and not many more in the others

I grew out a few of the seeds I found. This is one of the ones from that keeper . SUM stands for Spilled Unicorn Milk lol

ā€œSUM #1 was the first to be flowered out. She was a spitting image of her momma but has the most intense blackberry flavor I have ever come across and is ridiculously potentā€


Some Purple Mana lowers. Harvested at 10 weeks. Smells incredible, I cant wait to sample some.

This is my first post ever on cannabis forums. Been lurking since the mid 90ā€™s. My state recently went legal so I can finally share.


Yes! Congrats on finally being free.


A couple more macro shots of Saints Crossing, now at Day62F. The plants look done but Iā€™m not seeing amber so Iā€™ll reassess next weekend.


just threw my last 4 of Bodhiā€™s Malawi Gold into paper towel, hoping for the best.


Bodhi Black Triangle from breeder cut clone.


Thanks @BackyardBoogie420 For Sharing , Iā€™m thinking ssdd is the only Bodhi genes ā€¦I think to acclimate Lotus Genrs to LAT 28 We should grow a couple generations od strain in Central florida ,we would appreciate the thought sharingā€¦We are oldschoolfartfirtheseventiesā€¦Peace ā€¦
Lots of Luck Bodhiā€™s Malawi Gold , @anonymous4289 thanks for sharingā€¦
OverGrow The World with all the OGers Bud Buddies Bubbaā€¦


Thanks for all your input everybody. Sucks to hear about them herm in this line. @HolyAngel did every plant herm on you or just the one you kept? I wonder if this is something everyone experienced. Iā€™ve havenā€™t seen the Appy hybrids herm much, so it the Nepali herm prone?

So far we got 8/12 to pop and theyā€™ve been put in root plugs. I know these are a little older, but does anyone know when they originally dropped?

If successful with repro, I would be down to trade for different F2s, pollen, etc.

Iā€™ve been smoking Mothers Hashplant on this snowy day and itā€™s so nice.


Every single plant in the pack hermed. the only ā€œstableā€ one I got was only stable for the very first run. Every clone run of that plant afterwards, hermed just as bad as the others did from seed. There were a few others that had the same experience.

I do think itā€™s from the Nepali OG as I also have not had herms that badly in any other appalachia line Iā€™ve grown. But I did have herms that badly in the Goji OGā€™s as well, which also use the Nepali OG but crossed to Snow Lotus instead of Appalachia.