Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

FWIW, I’ve grown Goji OG, Love Triangle, and a few other Snow Lotus crosses and can’t remember ever encountering a hermie. They all grew beautifully in my system.


Yeah, dude, all of this “Snow Lotus crosses are herm-prone” nonsense is just that: nonsense. I dunno how many I’ve grown, but I’ve grown a few and none of them hermed.

Until these Triple Goddesses haha. Still, one line that seems herm-prone does not a “hermie” male make. If anything, I’d say that it was the Three Kings female used in that specific cross that was the culprit, not the Snow Lotus male. And the one Triple Goddess I kept seems fine after I plucked the sacs off, kinda wishing I’d kept the other two around now haha.

Either way, yeah, the Snow Lotus crosses are fine.


The question is how many folks had intersex issues than not with said male used…I personally don’t remember running a sl cross and it herm…but I’ve notice a good amount that say they did. I bring it up because It was a thought I had as to maybe why @HolyAngel didn’t have any luck with it…simple problem solving…nonsense…no…does it herming resonate with you…maybe not…take what resonate…leave what dont​:v:t5::love_you_gesture:t5:


Oh I don’t blame the Snow Lotus for herms. My issues with the goji were the same issues with mothers milk, aka, the Nepali OG. That’s the only thing in common with both.

I just personally don’t care for the snow lotus in general. Nothing against it though.


Ok. To be fair, I do like SL crosses and have grown many Bodhi seeds. But out of the 20 +/- , I recollect 3 immediate with herm issues:
Space cake - forum cookies x sl(nuff said)
Starflight v1- same environment as space cake…
Goji og - all females from 1st pack, but none from future packs or f2( probably indoor environment issues)…
Rest of SL/HP/appy have been far more stable than Barney/TGA/T.H.Seeds/Ethos by far. And also Mass Medical can goback to selling finger spinners because I have seen laughable at best from him… wish I took pictures of my buddy’s grow…


Does anyone know what differences there are between the DLA 4 (Kashmir 22 hashplant) and Pure Land Hashplant (Congo Kashmir hashplant)?



it the same Kashmir



Yo mama F2 showing some sweet/grape-ish smells.

Genius Thai with a bit fruity thing going on - the grow pattern on this is hard to tell on the pic, but it likes to grow more outward than up with a but of a zig zag… similar pattern to pagoda.

Both at 3rd week of flower.


I fucking love ur name

Im a big fan of trailer park boys


Nice! Looks A11g leaner!


Yeah, well I just cranked my terp meter to 11 with my Dream Spiral! :crazy_face:

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got a glg order in today
got some interesting freebies I know nothing about LOL
Big J x Jopa x Lavender Lemonade
Kush 4 x Wookie 15

no idea what to expect from these but they sure sound cool hehehe

and the hermie thing with bodhi beans… have not encountered these issues and I’ve grown some of the stuff mentioned , goij included. Growing environment maybe?


i always wondered what those were like. i grew some back in 2012 but i ended up in the hospital and they died. sucks, but it is what it is.


I have always thought that most hermie problems indoors are caused by too high temperatures from the lights.

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I’ve had multiple phenos of kailash herm on me but I know it’s mostly my fault and also a little bit from the chem. The dealer that got me into bohdi who ran probably a dozen or more strains never had any issues with herms but I know he hated the tranquil remix just cause of how much of a cunt his pheno was in general.


It’s funny af that you say that. I’m only a week or so into flip/sexing them and when I checked the tent lastnight I noticed one basically doubled in height :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Was walking around before bed like “wtf did I feed that”

Edit: if you meant that about your other plants, cool. I still relate to that sentiment a bit


Nah it was the gmo/wookie that did. Not skhp in my case. Skhp was pretty cool I liked it


Does someone have 1st hand experience with Skunk91 from bodhi ? any info ? picture ?


Yeah…don’t run it indoor…:laughing:…seriously tho…I’ve ran f2s…the sterling did its sterling thing… but I knew not to do indoors it’ll due fine outdoors but sterling sk herms indoors…


hermies ? i dont grow outdoor anymore.

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