Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

Yes, and now the outdoor market has drastically shifted to water hash production and monster plants producing mid grade dry mass are almost useless. Dried outdoor flower is something that can’t even be given away. Pretty much same deal with deps now, most is used for washing.


Oof. Don’t grow seeds that I bought indoors in these expensive artificial environments that I assembled specifically for them?? Lol okay


Just when you thought this topic of discussion had finally died, it’s baaaaack.


Prelim keepers on the right, likely rejects on the left. I have to go through and smoke each of the rejects to make sure they have nothing to offer before I kill the reveg plants. They are the hashplant leaners with the peppery acrid licorice note that I don’t really enjoy.

Prelim keepers are either mom dominant to where I can’t detect the hashplant notes, or are recessive hashplant types with interesting butterscotch fuel notes.

Some of the rejects seemed mom dominant during flower but fell apart after cure. There are always a few plants that do this.

Pretty good numbers to work with! Will be narrowing down the winners to 3 plants and will run them again to determine a real winner.

Here’s a shot of Monarch No. 10:

Smokes very clean:

Pheno 7 is better in flavor, greasier more slippery resin that is better suited for water hash and rosin but still burns fine. I think this one tastes better, OG/berry with motor oil, oil quality seems to be better.


I popped a pack of A11 Genius last year. The one I kept around is one of my all time favorite smoke .
I can def see the G in your pictures.

Here is the one I kept around on day 50FF . She can be taken then , but I have since found it much better at day 60 FF .

She is super floppy and loves doing that lateral zig zag growth ( didn’t realize that pic was foggy till I went to upload lol )

That Pagoda strain sounds like such a kickass cross.


As long as everything works out there will be pagoda f2s to go around :grin: @Greenhighlander that a11g looks killer


I really can’t gush over how much I love it , enough lol

Can just imagine what could be found in those F2’s


Nice looking monarch photos… glad I have a pack in my vault!


I guess I’ll stop replying to stuff. Lol…I can’t do anything about info one asks about and then doesn’t like another’s opinion…which really is a fact/opinion…but hey…:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::love_you_gesture:t5::v:t5: it a big world of plants find something you like and run it regardless.


Beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice…

Or in this case hermie talk. :joy:

Personally I try not to make sweeping generalizations about most things, including which males of Bodhi’s have the ability to hermie inside vs out

I’m sure there are plenty of crosses from every single father that may have the potential to produce hermaphroditic traits in the right scenario… which could easily come from the mom’s lineage too.

That being said, I really haven’t heard many people talking about his stuff being unstable but a lot of indoor hermaphrodites can be caused by environmental circumstances that are just right for allowing that trait to be expressed out of that line. But that’s just my opinion and experience not fact set in stone…

Everyone have a great day



Is it the environment when the other plants in the same exact setup don’t do it?

I find a lot of people that “never saw anything” also never really bothered to look :man_shrugging:
A good portion of the time, the nanners are on the very bottom of random lower flowers. If you’re not literally inspecting every single flower top and bottom, real easy to miss. Other times, they’re growing inside the flowers, never to be seen unless you take them apart. The balls/nanners aren’t always just sticking out at you. Definitely a good portion of plants where if you don’t go looking for them, you’ll never see them.


Technically it could be. Maybe the other plants aren’t as sensitive to stresses , or things not being just to their liking.

From my own observations I would put the #1 blame on most nanners on letting them dry out too much. Besides late nanners . Especially with strains known for nanners. You can set your watch to it after them getting too dry.

Always more seeds to pop


That’s some gorgeous looking nug


I have definitely seen draught stress cause herms. Small pots. PH fluctuation tho, seems to be one that causes it on a lot of plants for me. Feed at 5.5 for a week and then go up to 6 and bam, nanners.


I’m just being cheeky bro, there’s no beef.

To me, plants are just plants and we’re all just growing what we want (or at least we should be) :fist:t4:

What else do you remember about the testers? Info is slim online. I’ll be happy with anything from grapey smelling to skunky to lightly seeded but potent :sweat_smile: I have no expectations


Ya my PH stays fine as long as I don’t over or underwater.
I haven’t paid attention to anything PH wise since I tested my well water years ago lol
I did away with numbers when I did away with bottles


looks like the moms a congo kasshmir cross


I got a thread here somewhere…when I did…also…I would say something…buuut…nvrmnd…:laughing::love_you_gesture:t5::v:t5: BODHI tester: hippy slayer 33×88g13hp 🌱 - #106 by Jamescoldflame


My theory is LED lighting is more stressful for plants than old traditional HPS and such. I definitely struggle getting plants situated and fully happy under LED, whereas CMH and HPS they’re instantly loving life. I doubt much testing was done under LED for the older bodhi lines, may be why herms are popping up more nowadays. I found 1/2 of goji og females had some form of wk 3 balls or late nanners, blue tara had minor herm traits as well.


It is not a theory. LED grow light drive a cannabis plant harder than other light sources. You have to increase all the inputs to compensate for the increased demand for inputs caused by LED lights. Research Daily Light Integral. It is possible to easily exceed the amount of light a cannabis plant can normally use in a short period using powerful LED lights.

Many “nutrient deficiencies” under LEDs are caused by the increased demand for nutrients including CO2, not by nutrient deficient soil.

Here is a great video by Dr Bruce Bugbee talking about how you have to increase all inputs to compensate for increased light intensity,