Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

I was just talking to @SmackyMcSmackers about this. I don’t believe that is the case. I think anyone can edit those entries, so who knows who got in there first and made that claim. I know Bodhi has used the Pinesoul in other crosses… I noticed they have that Pine Soul clone at Archive :wink: I think it is a Goji OG F2 pheno, but trying to verify that.


My train of thought exactly haha

Yeah that’s what I thought too, one of the f2 selections along with the goji razz.

edit- Now that I think about, I guess the goji razz x omg that I tested is basically the same hybrid as the old soul, just made with different goji f2 mother.


Green Bodhi just used Bodhi’s Pinesoul cut. That he may have gotten a clone of.
Bodhi is the one who found it back in 2010 or so i think from f2s. Green Bodhi is just milking Bodhi’s name and great reputation imho.

On breedbay i may have read that only the Goji OG “B” or “Bodhi” cut is an f1 and Razz, Pinesoul, Boysenberry etc. are from f2s.


Yeah Pinesoul predates “Green Bodhi”


Right, it’s like i’m gonna start calling myself Green CocoaCoir or Green Zephyr lol. The nerve of that guy.


Doc D also made some stuff with Pinesoul . Dragonsoul is Pinesoul x Dragonsblood , Dragon Energy is Headbanger x Dragonsoul .


@Cannavore has you covered, here’s someone quoting them:


Also skunk va used bodhis gogi og pinesoul for his Gogi dog sounds like that one got passed around a. Bit


I might grow my rest of Goji og F2s. 5 phenos matched the pinesoul description and the other 2 were purple. Sounds like I’ll have more success if I run them again than soul mate lol.


No way, dude, you’ll have success with both. Plant them all! haha.


I thought @barefrog found the pinesoul pheno in the Goji OG F1s :thinking:

But everything else @BudWhisperer said is spot on for sure :slight_smile:


Hola Gang

I did found female and male pinesol
did some seeds of it too.
The smell is very dominant



that early bodhi cut of goji og was moondust…over 10 yrs ago when he was flaunting private garden stock to folk over at bb in 20 30 pack lots that was the bodhi that made his name…I had back then his private samples gifted as testers before the goji fame and they still parade through gardens here yrs later…that bodhi back then was absolute cast iron fire and it showed in his work…I vaulted pics back than and especially things that remained special…the first gen seed set he sent me had all the makings of something right from birth…the pic is maybe 5 or 6 weeks vegg growth but the terps and that marauding menacing beauty made me take a pic…to date the most potent flower I’ve seen him produce but this was fridge bodhi and I can imagine a distance away from sometimes generic seedbank stock…back then though he pulled everything out to attach potency with value to what he was doing…!!!just sad i havent flower pics to show!!


I think you mean “flogging”. It sounds like you feel his breeding was better back then? It’s kind of hard to understand what your point is about “fridge Bodhi”


edited in respect to staff…


This same guy was on Breedbay earlier (using a new account) saying this about Bodhi… that he’s “about money and conning the masses with generic doubles”… Idk about anyone else… but I personally am kind of annoyed with his long dribble and negative connotations like saying things like “fridge bodhi.” I mean, when you read everything hes typed in the last 24hrs on here and on Breedbay,.he’s basically implying that Bodhi is no longer genuine and is ripping us all off nowadays with low quality seed. Also he said… “Bodhi missing off the scene to work more inbred bs.”

His opinions are of no real value to me (or anyone here probably) as he just appears out of no where, being a new user on both platforms/forums and shows up and starts insulting people… well except Gooeybreeder… he did call him loverboy earlier on another post. :rofl:

I get that everybody is entitled to their opinion… but if you don’t have anything nice or anything of real substance to say/add… why you even here?

He also said that Bodhi didn’t “care about people anymore.” The same Bodhi that’s fronted Breedbay thousands of dollars in financial help to keep afloat… donated dozens of packs to multuple fundraisers… the same guy who lowered his packs to $45 MSRP for no other reason than to make his gear more accessible to more people at a lower price point. I’m sorry but I don’t agree on many different levels and think that this guy and what he’s saying is pretty whack. I mean read it all… he said something about reading between the lines above… well I have… in every post he’s made in the past day or two… and this is my conclusion… dribble.


Just ignore it, dude haha. No need to respond to or even acknowledge posts that bother you.

I mean, that post bothered me, too, and I considered responding to it, but then I remembered,”Fuck it… Who cares?” haha. “Wow, what a surprise: somebody on the internet is showing up and talking nonsense. That never happens…” haha.


Let’s not muck up this thread with continuous bickering, please. Cleaning the recent discord.

This is the Bodhi Seed and Strain Discussion Guide.

Please be respectful of each others thoughts and opinions. Resorting to insults and ad hominems is not conducive towards a positive discussion. Nor is it on topic and will be removed as appropriate.

This thread will remain closed for a short cooling off and period of reflection.