Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

Sounds divine for sure. Great description. I wish I was as good at putting names to some of the profiles I get. I’m just really bad at it and usually come up with some wild stuff. Thanks for that.


That Buddha’s hand is special. Wish I would’ve F2 ‘d it. Ran 1 pack, several females. No herms under a T5


In my understanding, the PT seeds released first were the Sativa version. So any PT bags NOT labelled as “Indica”, were the first Sativa version.
Then Bodhi released the 2nd version, labelled as PT “Indica”.
Apparently the Lemon Thai is a hybrid not a pure Thai strain.
And yes you def. should pop those sativa PT, they will be happy growing in the warm Summer.


Yeah, apparently Hawaiian x Thai… wonder if it was Kona Gold or Kauai Electric :thinking:



I’ve had Kona Gold it was a bit too stony for me and it tasted like pickles. Maybe how it was shipped?
Never saw KE before. But Maui Wowie was very enjoyable and orange juice citrusy w a hint of dirty laundry or “sweat”.


Yeah, it’s not a pure Thai. I research the fuck out of everything and read every little tidbit of information I can find online before I even buy the seeds of whatever cross I’m interested in haha. Plus, I’ve blazed a shitload of Lemon Thai, definitely aware that it isn’t pure. Good weed, though.

I don’t know about that haha. When it’s 105+ degrees here for days on end and I can’t get grow room temps below 88 despite running the AC constantly, I’m thinking they won’t be so happy haha.

Still… I’m ready for that weather, had enough of this cold shit. Those plants can just deal with it while I’m in the pool haha…


Will have final pics in about 4 weeks it’s looking like.

Super Silver Hashplant


Same here!
I know it would be a pain, and you may have already thought about this.
Since you grow indoors, would you consider running your lights at night and then the dark period during the day?


that is a beautiful piece of canopy, please do a whole picture!


great feedback. thanks guys. It’s nice to know that this set of hybrids is pretty consistently stable.

I find old school landrace hybrids do great under simple fluorescents. Way less likely to herm than if they are grown under leds, particularly growth spectrum or blurple lighting.

I’m hoping I’ll find something reminiscent of this old humboldt medical community Surf’s Up thai. Which was thai x canadian 50 day indica.

Thai hybrids can still come out very sativa:

I ran out of seeds for this stuff long ago, and it seems like the strain disappeared completely after rec legalization. It would be awesome to find something with a similar high and medicinal qualities. And hopefully, in a less finnicky plant.


Yeah this is correct. the unlabeled prayer tower and prayer tower sativa seem to have been made with bodhi’s original sativa cut.

The prayer tower indica was made with inkognytos high yielding indica pheno found in the lemon thai line.

The buddhas hand was made with all of bodhi’s lemon thai phenos for maximum variety.
Up to 5 selected cuts- 3 sativas selected by bodhi, the inkognyto indica, and another indica selected by bodhi.

this information is available via a quick internet search… if you can remember the correct way to misspell the word incognito. haha


Haha. Yes, I’ve considered that.

Lights run at night during the winter because it’s cold enough that all I have to do is open a window and temps stay acceptable. In the summer, we’re gonna be running the AC during the day anyway because it’s hot as shit, so that’s when I run the lights. I don’t wanna be cranking the AC at night just to accommodate the grow. Power bills, ya know? Shit isn’t cheap.

Yeahhhhh, kinda weird how that happened, isn’t it? Haha… Everything just kinda “disappeared”…


Doc D has a Lemon Thai f4 pr f5 “repro” now. It sold out recently at GLG but may get restocked.
When i tried Lemon Thai years ago it was awake but mellow mind, and relaxing on the body. It felt like an OG Kush to me.
Might be worth looking into.

Edit. Headies likely has it but he’s out sick. Maybe the Discord server has it.


Hopefully it will be, I had hoped to pick that one up.

It seems like that kind of reasonable thai hybrid that keeps the high but makes it a little easier to grow isn’t much available right now. If you look hard you can find landraces from places like real seed co that are unstable and difficult to grow, or maybe something in the realm of a superpolyhybrid that has thai somewhere in its genetic history.


Blackbird Preservations has a Lemon Thai F5 too


Ain’t that the damn truth!


Nice i forgot to check them. Good call thanks!
Not to spam but they also do 6+ strains Xed to a Lemon Thai male.

This LT ix is descended from Bodhi’s work:


Jimmy does good work , but at twice the price of Doc’s . Not sure if same genetics . Bodhi’s sativa LT was taken off market because of intersex issues . Not unheard of from Thai genetics as some just don’t tolerate indoors . Regardless of who’s you get they have a rep for tough seed shells .


Alrighty another Bodhi I got with another month tops left to go.

Pinball Wizard. Anyone know if this is a Wookie leaner? Terps are fucking fruit for days. Bushed as fuck and all these golf ball bud sites I’m hoping bulk out. Might just be a poo dice roll on this. Going to pop more eventually.

Hash D. Think there’s both phenos here. Speary guy smells like chem and didn’t explode in size in the first pic. Wreaks of chem. This bush in the second one had high amounts of variegation, dense golf balls, smells earthyish. Thinking it’s the hashplant therebut carried the chem lines variegation.


awesome, I have 4 pinball wizzard in veg