Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

You got any pics before the cull at all by chance?
I got super greedy on that strain.


Nov '22 the two Chaco Gash . Beautiful leaves and they grew well until dem buggers hit me. All part of the game of weeds though.

@420PyRoS I donā€™t blame you for picking up a few packs as a hunt like that imo would be kick ass. Sour D & Gash ftw. :metal:


Damn, sorry you never got to grow those beauties out. Appreciate the pics man, first Iā€™ve seen anything on them. Iā€™m SOL on doing a pheno hunt anytime soon unless the wife lifts my indoor growing ban.

Iā€™m stuck running cannaventure gear and possibly Turquoise Jeep f2ā€™s I made for outdoor grow this year at a buddies place. The jeep is Dj short Blueberry x Bodhiā€™s Goji OG, so looking forward to that one again as she was super tasty and pretty to look at.


10 posts were split to a new topic: Moxie 710 seeds


Was coming in to post the same thing. All the Whos in Whoville can rest easy tonight, with Bodhi moving on from his collab with Cookies.


I personally want him to start moving back towards heirloom and landrace preservations and new mashups.


Sadly I feel that he wonā€™t be doing that anytime soon as a focus because Iā€™m guessing the ā€œeliteā€clones x select males model sells more seeds for him šŸ„² still great to hear heā€™s stepping away from cookies though thatā€™s some great news


best news Iā€™ve heard him come out with since he went that routeā€¦grow forth and show me old fire bodhi broā€¦bless you


See, Bodhi reads this thread. When i urged him to ā€œRun, Bodhi Run!ā€

Like @Moka said, iā€™m pleased heā€™ll hopefully have more time for sativa work and heirloom preservation.

But i think @DesertHeartGardens is right, few people have the time or space to grow a long-flower exotic strain. Money is still in big-yielding hybrid plants for dispensary sales.
And frosty trendy stuff like Cookie Runt Cake.


Wonder what was the breaking point that caused Bodhi to leave.


before they were branded as ā€œsupernatural selectionsā€

ā€œBack to the future linesā€ is what he used to call all his landrace and heirloom hybrid creations.

Hopefully this is an idicator that weā€™ll be seeing more landraces and heirlooms coming together in fresh and interesting combinationsā€¦


Pretty sure the lawsuit helped him make that decision. But I donā€™t think Berner/Cookies got what they wanted out of hyping up the CD/Seed launch. Guys were just wondering if anyone has been posting those seeds.

Gilbert highly overestimated how popular Bodhi was in mainstream/commercial cannabis. He isnā€™t. Anyone who listens to Gilbert was like who the fuck is this Bohdi guy? Likewise, all the real real underground seed addicts like us were heartbroken.

In the end, we win. I just hope Bodhi didnā€™t lose :green_heart:


Great catch! Bodhi loves being cryptic. I look forward to trying more of his SS lines. :green_heart:


ooooo i sure hope that was a lil hint tucked away into his message, love the landraces and sativas


I wonder if he was already looking for an out. The lawsuit would have made it easy for him.

Yea I thought there was supposed to be a Discord server for all the people to grow the beans and do a group pheno hunt, and then someone would get a special clone from Bodhi or Berner for the best one? Did that ever happen?


Iā€™d feel like a fool if I popped some of those seeds, surely $eed 2 $ale just got that much more valuable.

Triangle Kush x SSDD


he wonā€™t lose because that Is a strict instruction he wants to come back to the ppl who love himā€¦and quoting "mish mosh"in a statement is furthering example heā€™s going back to the drawing board of what he knows and you will now see the bodhi without shacklesā€¦and Mr bodhi I hope you procure the finest landrace heirlooms you can find on earth and show everyone collectively you are one of the best turned out guys on the circuitā€¦if youre about the ppl again and you have time to concentrate I hope on my heart it goes wellā€¦when I see you yrs ago you was everything about the common man on the streetā€¦gifting everyone you saw and you have been one of the most generous guys around to dateā€¦but you know where your heart isā€¦its with us and not corporate toyboys chatting shitā€¦I loved hearing this newsā€¦whatever reasoning your departure from them cookie muppets and ol bernie barndance youā€™ll produce a better man for itā€¦I wish you every successā€¦bless your little cotton socks.x


Dunno. It was supposed to have been a private server for only the people who bought the seeds at the drop. IIRC one of the requirements was to provide your discord handle at purchase to get into that server. Not sure how that worked when people bought with the intent to flip.

With so many of those seeds still up for resale and the fact people had to refrigerate the seeds if they even intended to pop them right away, I canā€™t imagine they got nearly enough people to pop them to have any sort of legitimate grow off. Pretty sure berner was banking on that to find his next female.


Berner has a really bad rep even where he is from. Let his cookies crumble and people with integrity hopefully can rise up to replace.