Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

I believe you’re right that the current Ghash male is the same one he’s used now for over 12 years after “shelving” the Deadly G seeds.

I wish he would release some of the Apollo 11 male lines, if Bros Grimm isn’t going to.

Oh yeah, Headiegardens is back open!
Run to get Monarch, Spirit HP, Raspberry Unicorn, Saints Crossing, Beautiful Day, Strawberry Temple etc. from the (not most recent) Bodhi drops.

And restocked Clusterfunk, Dread Bread and Divine Intervention (congo/kashmir x wookie).


I grabbed a pack of B’s Imperial Majesty… the Pure Kush x Ghash… added it to my LED Seedz order. No one else had Imperial Majesty in stock and there was no way I wasn’t grabbing 2 packs of Starfighter… thats one of my all time favorites. It’ll be nice to have 2 packs of Strayfox Starfighter F2s and 2 packs of the LED Seedz Starfighter IBL. Lots of Starfighter in my future.


Yeah that’s exactly right.

@HorseBadorites I guess using the phrase “male lines” in my post was a little confusing, I meant the males used in the hybrid crosses. The lines that he selects his males from to find the traits he is looking for to create his hybrid lines.

Another good example is the dragonsblood hashplant. First he found a single female hawaiian pipeline plant with the red sap trait. then he crossed it to his 88g13hp male because he was familiar with how it expressed its traits in hybrid outcrosses.

He popped hundreds of seeds to find more individuals that carried the ‘blood’ trait, and refined the line breeding multiple generations selecting for the blood trait until it was stabilized as a dominant trait.


It’s not doing the research that’s hard for me, it’s understanding it :slight_smile: Thanks for that link, every little bit helps :slight_smile:

I hope so, lol!

I get that, but is that working a male line? I have some neuro-cognitive bs going on, I can be extra thick sometimes.


I’m like a cat, easily confused, lol, so yeah, I do get that. Should have just listened to @minitiger !

Since DJSF passed, I’m trying to get a plan together for isolating the effects of my SSDD keeper. Looks like I’ve got a bunch of F2’s and 3’s to check out!


Yeah, sure it is. It really just depends on where you’re starting. Kinda like what I was saying about those f2’s that somebody was talking about a couple days ago. The thing about that 88G13HP male that I used as an example is that the HP and the G13 (from what I understand about them) are supposedly stable lines. So they should breed relatively true.

But if you’re talking about the SSDD that you’re working with right now, forget it. There’s so much shit involved in that cross, so many different genetics, that I think it’d be almost impossible to nail one definable trait from the resultant seeds, no matter how many generations you take it. Better to just find your preferred cut and keep growing that one.

Forever and ever and ever… haha.


Eh, I think of the ssdd line like bog working bubblegum. He found the sour bubble girl pretty quick, but it took another two years and a bunch of bean popping to find the matching male to make a Sour Bubble line. I’m currently at least a year into bean popping so far :telescope:


Right. I’m not saying it CAN’T be done, I’m just saying that if your starting point is two polyhybrids, it’s gonna be much more difficult to isolate traits and create a “stable” seed line than if you started with two, like, landrace strains.

Or whatever haha.

@HorseBadorites That dude The Rev, from Skunk magazine, really makes breeding very easy to understand, if you can find his articles. I don’t give a shit that Coot and all of those other assholes try to shit on him all the time; his heart’s in the right place and he does make breeding very easy to comprehend. You can read R. C. Clarke, too, and a lot of the other stuff, but I’ve always found The Rev’s writings to be the most basic and an easy way to grasp breeding for us dumbasses haha.


Around day 63 I think on this Triple Sunshine (TK x SSDD). Seeded calyxes turning golden brown so going to pull it tomorrow. Final bud shot.

SSDD #3 - leafy as hell, decent semi-sticky frost coverage, smells chemical / adhesive / slightly rubbery. Not a fan of the traits I’ve observed so far.


stunning photos as always. This triple sunshine pheno is probably the most OG-like structure that I have ever seen from a triangle hybrid.

Looks like you found a pheno with those good OG recessive traits that most breeders seem to prefer breed out of the line haha
rock hard berry-like buds, lanky stems, etc

SSDD is a perfect line to cross with the OG because it doesn’t completely dominate its outcrosses.

This might be an unpopular opinion because most people don’t like those growth traits. But when I see an OG hybrid with massive colas, that just seems like throwing the baby out with the bathwater to me.


Thanks! I’m cautiously optimistic about it. In my mind it’s possible that the buds don’t really look like this when grown fully sensi, and the fact that it’s partially seeded is giving it that swollen look. Love the overall growth and calyx to leaf ratio so far though.

Picture when it was flipped to 12/12 from clone :

Unpruned plant structure @ late flower

Seems like it would be incredible for SOG to me. Will have to familiarize myself with it more before I speak definitively but I’m excited about it for sure.


It just looks like TK to me, with about half of the ssdd flower structure coming through :wink: should be fantastic :drooling_face:


That’s probably the right tack, but I do not like keeping clones… for me, nothing last forever, lol! I have a Don Quixote complex… I want seeds :slight_smile:

I am soooo far behind!

I followed some of his TLO practices when I was fucking up in mud! But, thanks, I did just find some of his Skunk writings, good tip. I need to hire a breeder, lol!


Finding this the hard way gotta start making seeds lost all my mothers recently lost my old soul 1 and supershitfucks old soul 6 clone and my ssdd bx 5 and 4 pheno but had life get in the way got sloppy with ipm with them found spider mites and between life’s dealings lately wasn’t prepared to spend hours a day fighting a good fight so before they spread to my other tent and grow area I chopped them and cleaned everything really good :sob:


Yeah, his soil mix includes a LOT of redundant ingredients; I wouldn’t grow in it, although I did waste about a grand mixing up a batch when I first started fucking around with weed and before I settled on my current soil mix. But his articles about breeding are pretty informative, anyway. Like I said, his heart seems to be in the right place, seems like he’s doing his thing because he genuinely loves growing weed, as opposed to money and “IG fame” and whatever other nonsense.

Haha, yeah, I get that.


To be fair, it was me that fucked up the soil. And, I think you’re right, he does seem to care more about helping folks grow good weed, rather than forcing his relevancy on us. I’d burn one with him :slight_smile:


Haha, yeah, I would, too. Seems like a good dude.

And I don’t mean to totally derail this thread, but I did wanna clarify one thing: his soil mix is expensive as fuck to mix up, which is the only reason I wouldn’t use it. I’ve vegged in it and it seemed great, but mixing up 150+ gallons of it is spendy and not sustainable for a poor-ass motherfucker like me haha.

Anyway… Bodhi. Haha.


Well after reading 1,255 posts two things are certain.

  1. I am doing myself an injustice having no Bodhi genetics in my bean collection.
  2. @syzygy takes absolutely stunning photos.

And grows beautiful plants!


My favorite type of plants to grow would fall into the hybrid classification I would say. Sometime an Indica leaning hybrid, sometimes a Sative leaning hybrid. Do you guys think you could come up with a top 3 strains for both the Indica and Sativa leaning hybrids? The traits I like most and in order of preference would be Aroma/Flavor , High bud to leaf ratio as I hate trimming, yield, and THC level.

I expect very mixed recommendations just by the nature of the question. I appreciate you taking the time to offer some suggestions and advice.