Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

I really hope so…
however, I think Space Monkey will be even more interesting… there should be no less resin, but the terpene profile should be brighter!

in addition, the structure of SM is more similar to the father and their successors will be more homogeneous…


A couple of the Love triangle full of F2 seeds… definitely some TK leaders in there, did have 1 that kind of have the orange Creamsicle smell to it for a bit… but look forward to running some seeds and culling males for a change. This year has all been making seeds.


That’s a nice offer @Gonzo, and I will take you up on it :slight_smile:


would making a S1 of a SSDD cut make most of the seeds have the same traits as the mom? like the nerve pain pheno??


that fat cherry x ssdd sounds awesome !!!


Really just depends on the plant but considering the line is a poly hybrid it could be pretty varied. S1’ing an F2 or F3+ might give a tighter selection range but just have to see. I’ll be considering trying to reverse mine this fall but nothing set in stone. Still want that male.


Is this some sort of trick photography making the buds and trichs look pink or is it my computer monitor?


If that’s my cut, I hope you try @Kami. I haven’t been successful, but I’m going to keep trying! I was thinking I’d have to backcross several generations of S1’s to the original cut to come out with any consistency on the nerve pain effect, but I haven’t been able to get any viable S1 pollen with STS. I’ll give it another go later this summer.

Keep me posted on your efforts, please :slight_smile:


yes , its some times a pain to keep cuts alive mothers etc… esp since my living situation has changed. it would be great to make viable s1’s that are consistent so that every year i can pop 10 , 20 and run them outside. i was told by someone that made fem seeds that you may have to spray it more often than recomended ?? who knows. i ordered some silver nitrate and sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate on ebay today so its in the plans because i wish i could have endless amounts of that smoke. most everything else i lost focus on the SSDD and some Copa genetics which are mostly gsd based (gg x ssdd) are my main focus now. Also transitioning at the same time from mostly an indoor grower to now mostly an outdoor grower.


also I was thinking that your cut of SSDD crossed to a Bog Sour Bubble male could possible prove to retain its medicinal properties. I’ve heard that the bog sour bubble is good meds. The sour bubbles iI have are from here from the co-op . Ive heard good things about the tony green sour bubble from bog genetics. i havent seen to much about the sour bubble grown out though.


No, this is not a problem with a monitor or a photo, it’s their natural color …
Here’s the mom of this clone in the previous cycles!


Very pretty nuggets. I love the pinkish color.


I’ve got some Sour Bubble F2’s, I think I’ll give that a shot soon. :slight_smile:


One pack of time bender in stock at JBC. I’m going on vacation in a few days or else I would grab it.


Here’s some Waking Dream (wifi 43 x ssdd) getting closer. Never seen a picture of wifi I don’t think and don’t trust what I’d find googling. A bit leafy and smaller buds but I still am liking the look :

Triple Sunshine C - frosty small buds

SSDD #3 - smells good. ridiculously leafy. Thinking about pulling this one soon. Currently we’re around 60-65 days I think.


A friend gave me a WiFi cut in 2014, and I grew it for 4 or 5 years. It had big OGish nugs, a bit viney, fair sized internodes… very good smoke. Hard to tell from your glamor bud shots what your plant looks like, but I remember larger buds, and less leaf than what you’re showing. Had a nice sharp incensy nose… wish I hadn’t let it go. Had a clone babysitter disaster, and a failed reveg :frowning:


WiFi is some great stuff og raskel did some great work wish I could find a pack of his white fire or the white s1s :joy: was eying time bandit when it was in stock wish I got the waking dream too after seeing it :joy:


Ahh, OK thanks for the info. I’d say these probably aren’t resembling the mom all that much then haha.

Ya, that’s one of the downsides of only having a 105mm lens. Don’t have the room to back up far enough to get a full plant shot really. This picture demonstrates the internode spacing pretty well.

To me this frame is more compact. Can possibly get away without staking in a 1Gal but as they pack on weight it seems like It may be required. Definitely not viney.

Ya these I’d call smaller-medium sized buds.

Definitely a bit leafy.

SSDD F2 glamour shot


Ohhhhhh. Nudie. Nice.


I made some Sun Ra F2’s that I’m looking to have tested before I distribute to a larger audience. I put together a little thread documenting what I’ve found in Sun Ra as a strain, along with my request for testers. Figured I would drop that here or any interested bodhi growers!