Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

Hmmm heavily noted on the common lemon cleaner. Might have to expand elsewheres for my silver haze fix. So far his Chem crosses to hash have been fire. I’ve got 4 Play with the wookie male that should be some dank, too.


Rotate the plant 180 and you are good. Yellowing tops means plant has higher metabolism from extra light, underfed top but well fed lowers.

More light on lower, less on tops, or increase feed to prioritize tops with detriment to lowers. Always a trade off.


Increasing watering and feeding wont be ebough if you have enough light. You will also have to increase CO2 or the plant will continue to lighten the leaves. I found this out on my current grow. The Purple Flamingo just couldnt take the light like the Night Terror OG. My problems didnt show up until flowering.


An option that might help if your light has a wicked hot spot in the middle are some bennies. Photosynthesis plus and what not. I think silica sprayed on leaves might help too? The center of my lights i aim to make the lowest so when stretch hits you get a nice boat look


thank you, I actually did do exactly this :smile:
they both look much better now.


Looks to me like a Ca feed issue. Ca is immobile, so new tissue will show deficiency first via pale yellow growth. Ca uptake relies heavily on transpiration, and tops will be chooching the most.

Ca is generally underfed with cannabis, especially under LED lighting.


Maybe now since the Ghash male is no more, those strains will be “preservable” and qualify for future OG seedruns.

I want to gauge interest in a possible future seedrun i’d like to donate a Bodhi pack to.
Grower is TBD when it’s time. But it will be someone w experience at seed-making, i have none.

In the WIKI, Please put an “X” under the Hashplant-fathered strain you would most like to have F2-ed.

ACDC cbd x 88G13Hashplant -AC/DC female

Golden Hashplant -Golden Triangle female

Healing Hashplant -Respect OG

Herer Hashplant -Jack Herer

Hollyweed (v1) -Hollywood Pure Kush

J1 Hashplant -Jack x Skunk #1 aka “Zoot”

Jager Hashplant -Jager aka Purple Kush

Mother’s Hashplant remix -Mother’s Milk 5 “Candy Hearts” pheno

Raspberry Hashplant -Goji OG “Razz” pheno


nice selection! voted for the Golden Triangle but the Hollyweed also sounds really nice.


Is it a original pack of hollyweed @BudWhisperer the Gogi razz hp always been curious to see how that does compared to soulfood


Yes its the original (v1). Bought from GLG in Spring of 2018.


how many seeds are required to do a proper f2? I’ve been considering doing that with my snugglefunk pack but only have 10 seeds


May I ask what the golden hashplant is. Golden triangle is tk x appy.
Edit. I may actually have those. Yes I do so if you run those and need extra.


I would hope 10 would be sufficient. I would love to see that SnuggleFunk f2’ed!

Yes @Slammedsonoma420 , it’s Golden Triangle x 88G13HP. Awesome of you to offer!




Holyweed for sure.


are you guys talking about co-op runs? Mind if I write up a quick overview of the rules and qualifications for co-op projects?

Maybe now since the Ghash male is no more, those strains will be “preservable” and qualify for future OG seedruns.

yes, if the 88g13hp male is officially retired, they will be elligible for co-op seed runs if the strain is out of stock everywhere that sells bodhi seeds. So as the 88g13hp stocks run out, those lines will become elligible for co-op preservation.

That would probably qualify.
There needs to be at least one full pack of 10 seeds for a co-op qualifying open pollination.

Of course, bodhi packs sometimes contain upwards of 13 seeds. Ideally we want as much diversity as possible, but 10 is the minimum, and would be fine for a co-op run and the same as a full pack from most breeders.

Sometimes the actual plant count ends up being lower than 10. If the project qualified at the beginning, the grower can complete the project with the surviving plants. if it’s an old pack with poor germ rates or losses due to weather or other conditions, some natural selection is to be expected.

some other rules to note,

The co-op only deals with seeds and strains in the original verifiable breeder packs, unless other verifying documenation can be provided.

The goal is to give people access to a faithful representation of the line as it came from the original breeder. not community sourced f-gens, or community made hybrids.

All co-op projects must be documented.

official co-op seed runs have to be done as an open pollination using all stable females and males. The grower is responsible for eliminating any hermaphrodites from the grow, otherwise there should be no selections or culling for the f2.

The goal is to preserve the line as is from the breeder- people who receive the seeds can make their own selections for further breeding.

The grower is also responsible to make sure there are no male plants or pollen from other strains during the duration of the co-op projects. no pollen from other lines should be flying during a co-op preservation. That includes male plants in other tents in the same building. And no selective pollinations with other strains of pollen can be done on females used for co-op breeding.
(we are in the process of updating our documents for rules on pollen precautions and cross-contamination prevention)

and lastly, here’s a link to the agreement with bodhi that our rules are based on. This basically serves as our guide for what strains we approve or reject.

They have to be discontinued lines no longer for sale, and anything currently available cannot be used for a co-op project unless the original breeder of the line gets in touch to give their specific approval for the strain to be bred and shared for free.


BTW pretty sure Healing Hashplant involves a cross to Respect OG


I was going to ask about that one, I haven’t heard of it before. If someone can find a picture of a pack or something, I’m curious to see the complete genetics.

side note- ac/dc is a really weird temperamental plant, and not easy to grow in my experience. It has weak overcooked spaghetti stems and completely collapses as the buds start to come in. Leaves like limp spinach. Smelled like tangerine which was pleasant.

The effect didn’t work at all for me medicinally, the muscle relaxant effect was too strong and it gave me unpleasant side effects.

I grew the original clone-only ac/dc in 2014-15 for a medical collective friend who needed pure cbd. most of the documentation I found at the time also said it was a pain in the ass to grow, I think I read that copious application of calmag helped with the rubbery stems.

definitely a very unique and potent plant, it really worked for my friend. but it was potentially quite unpleasant for the people it didn’t work for.

Plants like that are fascinating to me. ac/dc is my kyptonite haha.

I have a seed line of a particular durban hybrid from the prop 215 era that also makes me feel extremely uncomfortable, but it grows beautifully and a few people love it. A friend grows it almost every year. I keep it around in seed form, and occasionally I think I might want to smoke it or try a new pheno or something, but it’s always a terrible experience hahaha. that’s another kryptonite strain for me.


I have one, but it’s in a jar in the fridge. All. The. Way. Upstairs.

Off hand I can tell you it’s one of the green baggies with a gold foil label, and I’m fairly sure it says Respect OG x G13HP whatever…


Perhaps I’m remembering wrong but I feel like someone found some instability in the Hollyweed v1? I was thinking about reproing a pack but I thought I might just do it outdoors, which would mean next year at the earliest.

ETA: The most likely suspect said they didn’t they didn’t have problems, so may be a-okay. Still gonna have to wait.