Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

Not to open a can of worms but I got the impression that thread was for posting final shots / reviews rather than random progress pictures though. For example you search “Lavender Jack” you don’t get week 3 flower posts. This SSDD has a few weeks to go still. Also there are still more people here than that thread anyways …


This thread is like Bodhi General Chat. The other one is specific to grow-pics and smoke reports. More like a Bodhi reference guide, rather than general discussion about Bodhi’s seeds and workings. It doesn’t matter what stage of growth they’re in, they can be posted in the other thread


Nahhhh, dude, no way. It’s a plant guide! I don’t think anybody’s gonna admonish you for posting pics of plants that aren’t fully-done haha.



More pictures of plants on here the better! Post them up. Especially your fancy shots!


That’s what the Plant thread is for. This one’s just for people talking about what seeds they’re gonna buy, without ever growing any of said seeds haha.


I have grown many Bodhi strains as im sure many others here have? What else is there to talk about besides the latest drop?


I have only tried #4 - Kashmir 22, but I found a couple almost keepers in that pack. I have two I will run again hopefully soon.

My eyes are peeled for #5 to show up somewhere


I don’t see anything that suggests a person can’t post photos of their grows in this thread, only that the other thread is for grow reports (i.e. the other thread is not for general chitchat). If it were me and I was just posting some photos from plants I’m growing currently, I might post in both threads, or just this one, or just the other.


Posting here pretty much defeats the purpose of the other thread, though


If it’s an actual grow report, maybe. I’m way more likely to post a photo here and there. Never gotten it together to do a decent report.

ETA: Also, “Bwahahaha!”

the-simpsons-mr-burns - Copy


It’s not specifically for “grow reports” though. It is just for documentation purposes, to make it easier to find pics and smoke reports.


I wish we hadn’t split them to begin with. A lot of times people are asking to see pics here of a plant and it helps them pick beans… shrug


y’all still don’t get @minitiger 's humor after all this time?
Everyone knows he’s only half serious.
And if you grow your packs, then he ain’t talking to you!
I got love for ya homie :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Did I, at some point early on, think that you/he were a stone cold asshole? Most definitely.
Do I currently dig your/his vibes? Still definitely.

This fucking killed me :rofl:


I see it as more of a comedy trope at this point…

But it isn’t all that funny after awhile. Who cares what other people do with their packs?


in general this thread was voted/meant to talk about drops, where to find certain seeds, trades relating to bodhi, crosses with bodhis work - wether from other formal breeders (doc, stray, etc) or by members (holy, syz etc) - and in general chat related to bodhi.

That way, leaving the other thread free of clutter and easier to find pictures of updates, grow reports, smoke reports and in general the meatiest stuff. obv, pics are welcomed here and cherished lol, but itd be nice to have them there too, or instead.

lol wtf ? it was only a suggestion (to somebody he chats and knows well here) no need to escalate shit.

nah dude, just to keep the thread clean - hording isnt on anyones black list.
although there are certain annoying users who pop up like “wow i just bought 5 packs of (latest strain) but wont be able to grow them - i wonder what to do with them?” (true post btw)


I wonder if its ok for example if i re-post someone elses post in here on the other thread, if thats ok (for example, syz last pics)? just to keep the Plant Guide well fed.


Hey I am looking for anybody that has ran the uwblack/goldstar? Any help would be appreciated! Really can’t find a lot of info on it.


people can use this thread pretty much however they want.
post photos of your grow, bodhi related discussions, sharing bodhi news, seed releases and sales, other people working with bodhi strains, q&a about lines you are interested in buying or growing etc.

The plant guide thread is for grow documentation, and any related questions for the grower about the strains and grows documented there. It’s just a way to have all the practical factual documentation easy to find in a thread with fewer sidebar discussions.

When you look at the plant thread, it’s documentation of completed grows, grow updates, and smoke reports. it’s easy to follow a grow from start to finish in a few posts there.

So consider the plant guide as the user generated encyclopedia of bodhi knowledge, like a wikipedia for bodhi strains.

And consider this thread as general discussion, documentation, and conversation on all things bodhi.


Well to me and (others) it looks like he’s off ranting and raving about petty shit about this threads formalities again. Who gives a flying fuck as much as this guy? Seriously? It’s a damn circus as he does this every menstrual cycle (same as my wifes, i swear). He turns ppl away from the thread. One guy just came back to this thread and posted and here we are AGAIN watching whatever sequal we are now on.

How about we let ppl talk about whatever the fuck they want bodhi related here whether you grow bodhi, might grow bodhi, or just plain interested in bodhi.

What a concept. He’s more than welcome to stay and chit chat too. No forum nazi shit here.

Of course I’m getting flagged because he’s a goof.


Community rules and standards apply in all threads on this site. No name calling, innapropriate content, threats, or personal insults. That’s why your posts are getting flagged.


Thanks for clarifying!

I just document or log in my own thread and dump pictures in here at what feels like more reasonable intervals so that I’m not spamming this thread. I like to use the guide thread on completion & for final thoughts since if I’m using the thread as a guide I’m most interested in the finished product or thoughts about it.

Would just throw it out there as always that communicating & interpreting intent through text can be tricky… I feel like if most people posting here would probably get along great and appreciate others with a common hobby / interest.