Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 2)

May i ask how you can tell from that pic so early? I have never made seeds intentionally - but im planning to do so soon.


I’ve never made seeds intentionally, either, but when you do and the pollen takes, the pistils will wither and turn dark, like how they look when the plants are done at day 70 or whatever, even though you pollinated much earlier than that.

The pistils will also wither in a way that’s different from just normal, uh… degradation or whatever, too. I’ve (unfortunately) seen it happen with some of my plants, but I didn’t know what I was looking at until it was too late haha.

Look at the first pic that syzygy posted and then look at the third pic of the un-pollinated Lavender Jack. See the difference?


Yes, like @minitiger said it’s similar to buds finishing up but the pistils tend to get more brown/beige and they seem to retract somewhat as well, there’s many subtle differences that are noticeable but it takes a few times to truly see it easily imho


There are many things that can go wrong in the process so it’s too early to be celebrating viable seed, but the pollen appears to be viable and received by the stigma at least. Dry pollen hydrates using pistillate moisture and sends a tube down into the bract. After pollination there’s really no use of that individual pistil and it withers / dies back.

Pollinated Bubba Kush

Pollinated Triangle Kush

Unpollinated Triangle Kush

This SSDD mother appears like it may not have taken when I used a QTIP to pollinate it. Will try it later on today with the bee probably.

Haha ya, it’s not my original idea though. I read it somewhere else before and there are other resources online for it


Thank you all for the responses. Comes to show im bad at observing plants haha.

The yo mama f2 is showing promise, the smells are grape with cool aid.


:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: Sorry, man, but that’s one of the funniest things I’ve ever read. “Use the bee… The dead bee is your friend… Trust in the bee…” haha. I dunno how I missed that sentence yesterday, but yeah, that’s fucking hysterical to me.

Because it’s true… haha.


Yeah the dead bee pollination wand is definitely some hardcore psychedlia, so you know, respect to @syzygy for that one.

It’s kind of ingenious.
but it may be a little “Cronenberg” for my tastes hahaha


Who knows what else is on that bee!



Oh damn! Second guessing my choice to copy now :man_shrugging:t2:
(Out of likes)


This had occured to me as well
before you added the photo I was just typing in response
“mites, in all likelihood”

Not that it would have any impact on your indoor plants, parasitic mites just adds to the cronenberg factor haha.

You might not want to use the dead bee method on outdoor plants in case it could spread something to live pollinators.


I dunno if it’s gross enough to call it “Cronenberg-esque,” but yeah, it’s definitely, uh… something haha.

Since I saw syzygy post those pics, all I can think (and maybe this is because I’m totally obsessed with finding a job right now) is,”Doesn’t he have a job? Where does he find the time?” haha. Like, I feel pressed for time right now and all I do is bullshit “side-gig” things; there’s no fucking WAY I’d be gluing a bee to a stick, employed or unemployed.

But it’s cool! Haha. Filed away in the mental cabinet for sure…


This has all been addressed in syzygy’s thread.


Wow man, just wow. Your commitment to trying the most logical approach is extremely admirable, I don’t think I would have gotten there, I’m here with little sifter top bottles and ultra-thin artists paintbrushes and you’re playing God I love it


It’s more like Jeunet and Caro to me, it’s hilarious and also extremely morbid, but like droll


I was thinking more of the ‘life cycle’ aspect of cronenberg stories, and how Jeff Goldblum was kind of fuzzy when he turned into the fly haha.

That method really is some cool thinking though.


You think it’s droll? I disagree. It’s definitely morbid, but at the same time, maybe not? It’s kind of… I dunno… Like,”Here’s this dead thing that I’m using to create new life.”

I do think it’s fucking crazy, though haha!, dead bee glued to a stick, but also awesome.


I KNEW you were thinking of that movie haha. I’ve actually never seen that one (maybe the only David Cronenberg flick I’ve never watched, actually), but yeah, I figured you were thinking of that haha.


Is Caroline single? Hahaha

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Um, she was, but she killed herself a couple weeks ago, so… Yeah, I guess she’s technically still single, but now she’s also dead.


I`m sorry about that.