Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 1)

An IT job? Yeah, right. I don’t think you realize how computer-illiterate I am. The only thing I know how to do is post shit on overgrow and watch porn. Seriously, I have a spread sheet for my seeds (my girl had to do that for me) and every time I get new seeds in the mail, I update the list. But whenever I add seeds to it, it’s not in alphabetical order anymore. So then I have to be like,”Babyyyyyy… Can you put my seed list in alphabetical order for me, please?” haha!

Any job that requires a computer is out for me. Unless it’s punching orders in at a restaurant or something.


Ah no worries there. It isn’t for everyone by any means. This isn’t even what I really wanted to do, but I knew I could do it every day and always be able to find a job as long as civilization doesn’t collapse :sweat_smile:

If I could be home right now instead of being an essential worker that’s here open to close 5 days a week (yay salary) I’d be way way happier.


Yeah, I’m thinking like Costco or something these days. Something where I just, like, stock shelves and don’t have to talk to anybody. Plus, Costco offers health insurance! Haha.

Anyway, back to Bodhi…


Haven’t heard much about the orange but I just recently started wookie hashplant for the outdoor grow this year.


If you start a grow log, tag me so I can follow along!


Yes, sir. Ended up ordering those and got the Wookie Orgasm for free. Best of both worlds!


I couldn’t do it. I tried and I tried. Sitting on the couch all day thinking,”Don’t do it… You don’t need to do it… You’ve got plenty of seeds…” But I finally broke down and ordered two packs of the Mountain Temple from GLG.

And THAT is the last order I’m placing for a long-ass time. When you’re back to ordering seeds that you already bought six years ago, you’ve got a problem. Or I do, anyway…


I get this on a deep chemical level. I have too many bodhi packs. But I keep thinking, what if they are never sold again? So I bought more…


Hahaha!!! Yeah, exactly! I was like,”Welllll, those Mountain Temples prrrrrrrrobably won’t ever be available again…” even though they’re available and have been for years. Still, all that talk about the Appalachia dad being gone and all… I dunno. I just felt like I should grab those Mountain Temples. And with the 4/20 deal and everything, today seemed like the time to do it.

Seriously, though, I am NOT buying any more seeds. I just wanna put that out there, for the whole world to see. If anybody here sees me mention that I bought more seeds, I urge you to virtually bitch-slap me.


Ok off you go :point_right:t2:
And by the way. I had the same conversation with myself and bought 2 packs as well as a pack of The Fuzz so I will be to the meeting shortly.


I’ve seen that thread. I’m aware of it. But I didn’t think I qualified… What’s that thing? “The first step is admitting you have a problem,”? I guess I’m on step one haha!


You might be surprised after you take the first step. You may just find the seeds your looking for.


Dude, are you trying to help me? Or are you trying to make the problem worse? Haha. I’m fairly certain that I’ve got what I’m looking for somewhere in the, like, 400 packs I have in the fridge. And more coming soon. When you’ve got seeds coming from GLG, speakeasy and an OG member, that’s too much, I think. Seriously, I’ve been waking up every morning wondering,”Isn’t something coming in the mail today…? I think I ordered seeds a couple days ago…” haha!!

Either way, I’ve had to buy two increasingly larger refrigerators this year. That right there is, to me, the sign of, you know,”Alright, time to call it quits…” I feel like I’m on the verge of becoming olreynard…


You won’t be disappointed with the Chem Fuego. I’ve grown a lot of it. Great gassy funk strain, and it will throw down some weight. :+1:


Sweet! Good to know. I’m definitely really stoked about the May 1 grow. I mean, I’m always stoked about growing, but the seeds I’m planning on planting for the upcoming round, I’m really excited about.

Did yours finish quickly, @PlantShepherd? I’ve read that the Fuego is a seven-week finisher. Is that true?


now thats a filled in screen. sure to get some weight.


If you’re looking for people to talk you out of buying more seeds, don’t go there. :laughing: Strainaholics is a bizarro 12-step program. Now, if you really want that pack of seeds, but are having a hard time justifying it, then that’s the thread to visit. :grinning:


Haha… Yeah, I checked it out for a minute last night and was like,”This is not helpful at all…” haha!


oh yeah, I’ve always had the understanding that Strainaholics Anonymous only exists to make us feel better about all our seed purchases… and there’s a few that use it to find the good deals :rofl:


In case anyone is interested in seeing spirit train before harvest. Got about a week or so left. Same shit I posted in my grow log.